The Wrong Woman
The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie Chapter 400

Chapter 400

Mila mustered a faint smile, masking her inner turmoil with an air of composure. “I'm fine. ’'m gonna go,” she said casually.

With that, she swiftly pulled away from Nathan's embrace, dashed out of the walk-in closet, and left the room.

Nathan turned to watch her departing silhouette. His heart churned with conflicting emotions as he struggled to comprehend Mila’s motives. Why did she continue to seduce him if she didn’t love him?

Her words echoed in his mind: “If you return, we can still be husband and wife.”

Nathan rested his hands against the mirror, closing his eyes and bowing his head. As he drew in a deep breath, a pang pierced his chest.

He was well-versed in the political strategies employed by various countries. Mila still had five years left on her contract, and Sunterland certainly wouldn't permit her to stay in Norvania. Regardless of whether it was five years or fifteen, Nathan was prepared to wait.

Nonetheless, he couldn't help but wonder. Would the Mila of the future feel the same as she did now? Did she truly wish to be his wife? “Alright.” Mila acknowledged with a nod.

As Nathan turned and took a few steps, Mila’s voice called out from behind, “Nate, stay safe.”

Glancing back, Nathan felt his heart soften as he met her anxious gaze.

Retracing his steps, Nathan gently cupped Mila’s face, gazing down at her affectionately. ” Mila, wait for me at home.”

“Of course,” Mila replied with a sweet smile, her eyes shimmering with adoration as she looked at him.

Nathan was tempted to kiss her, but he restrained himself, reluctantly letting her go and turning away.

Watching him leave, Mila hurriedly slipped on her slippers and chased after him.

As Mila neared the doorway, she noticed Cole standing outside a car, accompanied by Fenna.

To Milas surprise, Fenna hadn't left and had been waiting outside for Nathan..

Mila felt an unprecedented sense of unease, which stemmed from Fenna’s sincerity and determination.

Unlike Sally, who displayed arrogance and only knew how to make demands, Fenna was prepared to make sacrifices for Nathan.

Her genuine concern for him was evident in her consistent support, standing by him without. fail, even as a friend.

Not once did she seek anything from Nathan.

If Nathan had not fallen in love with Mila first, he might have already married Fenna, considering their similar professions, shared values, and mutual interests in conversation.

As Mila dwelled on these thoughts, her unease and distress intensified. Leaning against the towering pillar near the door, she observed silently as they departed Sudvilla together in the



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