The Wrong Woman
The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie Chapter 401

At that moment, Mila's phone buzzed. With a heavy heart, she retrieved her phone and glanced at the screen.

It was a money transfer notification from Sienna.

Watching Sienna diligently repay her debts month after month, Mila couldn't shake off her unease.

Despite leading a challenging and hard life, Sienna remained steadfast and diligent. Mila held a deep admiration for her resilience.

Were it not for her identity as Suzanne, Mila would never have crossed paths with a friend like Sienna, who resided at the fringes of society. Sienna possessed an average education, held an ordinary job, lacked familial support, and had no influential connections to rely on. She depended solely on her own perseverance and hard work.

Despite grappling with financial difficulties, her family remained determined to save her father from cancer.

They were willing to liquidate all their assets and incur significant debt, owing hundreds of thousands of dollars, in pursuit of his treatment and recovery.

To Mila, this amount was inconsequential and hardly worth mentioning. She had no need for Sienna to repay it. Nevertheless, Sienna insisted on settling the debt, viewing it as a matter of honor and integrity.

The thought of Sienna working tirelessly to make ends meet weighed heavily on Mila's conscience. She decided to call her.

After a few rings, Sienna answered, her voice hushed as she asked, "Hey Wanda, what's up?"

Mila's lips curled into a smile. "Sienna, I've received the money you sent. Actually, you don't need to repay me immediately. Whenever you're in a better financial situation, you can pay me back then."

"Do you think it's not enough?"

"You know that's not what I mean."

Sienna pressed on, "I understand you don't want me to repay you. But Wanda, my friendship with you isn't based on your status as the charity artist Inkwell or the granddaughter of Norvania's wealthiest man. Do you get what I mean?"

"l understand."

“I'm doing my part-time job right now, so I can't chat at the moment.” "Where are you working part-time?"

“I'm off today. I'm selling handicrafts by the riverbank,” Sienna clarified. Mila pondered for a moment before saying, "Give me your location. I'd like to experience what it's like to sell handicrafts at a stall too."


With that, Sienna ended the call and shared her location with Mila. Mila returned home to grab her backpack and phone before heading out.

She settled into a cab and cracked the window open, her hands resting on the ledge. With her chin perched on her arm, she quietly watched the passing scenery.

As buildings and streets whizzed by, the car suddenly slowed down. The driver grumbled, "This road's cursed, accidents happen too often here.”

Milas heart lurched as she leaned forward, peering out.

Not far away, she spotted several familiar figures. Upon recognizing Nathan, her heart momentarily froze, her grip tightening nervously on the window sill.

As the vehicle moved past them, Mila felt a sudden urge to call out to him. She watched as Nathan stood amidst the two-car collision, appearing unharmed from a distance.

Mila anxiously exclaimed, "Sir, please stop the car. I need to get off." Irritated, the driver retorted, "There's a traffic jam up ahead, and we're in the middle lane. I can't stop here."

Growing increasingly anxious, Mila swiftly retrieved her phone to dial Nathan's number, her gaze fixed on him as the call connected.

In that instant, Mila watched as Fenna approached Nathan, gently taking his hand and leading him toward another vehicle.

Their gesture appeared so natural, resembling that of a couple.

Mila stood in place, listening to the dial tone. A heavy, inexplicable unease settled in her chest, weighing down her heart.

Why hadn't Nathan pulled his hand away from Fenna's grip?

Just then, Nathan answered the phone, "Hello, Chubs."

Listening to his soothing voice, Mila pushed aside her discomfort and asked with concern, "Nate, were you in an accident? Are you alright? Were you injured?"

Before Nathan could respond, Fenna's voice faintly pierced through, "Did she plant a tracker on you? How else could she have known about your accident?"

Mila was stunned, her heart sinking at Fenna's words.

How close was Fenna to Nathan that she could overhear their conversation?

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