
I couldn’t bring myself to leave my precious mate despite all of the pack duties that needed to be attended to. My pack had managed to in-prison Victor, Michelle, and Kayden. Jacks called the Elders to determine what should happen to Dark Moon’s pack. Apparently, they’re going to pay me a visit to discuss the options in person. I was never much a fan of the Council elder’s intervention, but it was necessary when a pack was threatening to be dissolved.

Austyn stirred in my arms, mumbling to herself in her sleep. I pulled her closer to my chest and nuzzled the top of her head with my nose. I couldn’t get enough of her scent or the feeling of her skin against mine. I spent three days thinking that I would never see her again and that was enough to break my heart into a million pieces.

I stroked her hair, trying to calm her down as her mumbles got more violent. She started to shake in my arms, thrashing her head to the side. Her beautiful face started to scrunch up with fear. She was having a nightmare. I shifted my weight so I was hovering over top of her and started gently shaking her.

“Austyn-Rose, wake up.” I cooed,

“Wake up, baby.” I peppered her face with kisses, trying to delicately wake her up. She moaned and buried her face in my chest. She started talking incoherently, her warmth breath sending goose bumps over my bare skin.

“Austyn.” I kept whispering her name into her ear, begging for her to wake up. Gradually, her shaking stopped as did her mumbles. She relaxed against me, all of the tension leaving her body. Soft snores replaced her fear. I couldn’t help but chuckle at my mate, holding her tightly in my arms again.

“Leo?” Her sleepy voice is the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard.

“Yes, baby?” I hummed.

“I had a dream.” She started shifting in my arms.

“I know, baby. It seemed more like a nightmare.” I said. She rolled over onto her back so she could see my face. I stretched one arm behind her head and another across her stomach, keeping her as close to me as possible.

“No, it wasn’t. I met Selene.” She responded casually.

“Selene? Like the Moon Goddess, Selene?” I asked with wide eyes. She nodded,

“Yes. She gave Ember back to me. I can shift now, Leo.” Her eyes were filled with excitement.

“Are you serious?” I was struggling to believe her. She had gone through a lot of trauma, maybe this was a form of PTSD?

“Ask Quinn.” She shrugged, sensing my doubt. I did as I was told and reached out to my wolf.

“Quinn?” He was pacing in my head, filled with energy.

“I can sense Ember so much clearer now. I can talk to her. She’s in there. She’s mine.” Quinn sounded like a giddy school girl.

“Oh like you sounded any different when you first met Austyn.” Quinn growled at me, hearing my thoughts.

“You’re right, Quinn says he can sense that she’s stronger and he can talk to her.” I said.

“I want to shift, Leo.” I had never seen her so excited.

“You just got back, Austyn, you’re still recovering.” She grinned at me again and jumped out of bed. I whined at her absence. She pulled off her sling and showed me her perfectly healed wrist. She spun slowly in front of me, demonstrating her healed bruises and cuts.

“I’m all better.” She answered in a child-like voice.

“You seem to be in a better mood, too.” I observed hesitantly. I stood from the bed and walked towards my mate, wrapping my arms around her waist.

“Selene made me whole again. She told me why I was special. I have the answers I wanted about my parents and why Dark Moon hated me. I have my mate with me and I love him,” She pressed her lips to mine in a quick kiss,

“I’m happy, Leo.” She shrugged.

“I’m so happy that you’re happy, baby, but this is a little confusing for me.” I chuckled.

“I know, I’m sorry I had to figure this all out the complicated way.” She rested her palms against my chest.

“I have a feeling the complicated way is your expertise.” I smirked. She shrugged with an innocent pout on her lips,

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“Say it again baby. Tell me that you’re happy here.” I begged. She leaned closer to me, pulling herself up on her tippy toes to speak into my ear,

“I’m so happy here, Leo, and I love you so much. I want to stay here with you forever.” Her sweet voice ran chills up and down my spine.

“Are you saying that you want to move in with me?” I whispered. She pulled away from my ear and nodded, kissing me again,

“If you’ll still have me, that is.” She said.

“I’ll have you morning, noon, and night.” I growled playfully, picking her up in my arms and spinning her around the room. Her giggles enchanted Quinn and I.

“Will you tell me what the Moon Goddess said about you?” I asked after setting her down. She led me over towards the sitting area and pushed me down on the couch. I chuckled as she curled up on my lap.

“You were right, Leo. The stories my father told me weren’t stories at all.” She started diving into the truth about the Council and this mysterious werewolf kingdom.

“So, now I guess we just wait for her advisor to show up and tell us what to do next.” She shrugged, ending her tale.

“I always knew you would be my Queen.” I said, nuzzling against her neck.

“She did say that there was something we have to do before anything else could happen.” She said, biting her lip nervously.

“What’s that, baby?” I asked with my face still hidden in her neck.

“We have to complete the mating bond.” Her voice came out timid and soft.

“We will when you’re ready, my love. Not even the Moon Goddess can rush that.” I kissed her neck and pulled away, looking deep into her eyes.

“You don’t want me?” Her voice cracked with emotion.

“Of course I want you! I think I’ve made that pretty obvious since day one. But, you’ve been through a lot and I’m not letting anyone, including the Moon Goddess, force us into completing the bond. This is something sacred and it’s between just you and me.” I spoke to her passionately, holding her face in my hands.

“I’m so lucky to have you.” A small smile spread over her face.

“No, love, I’m the lucky one.” I argued. She rolled her eyes at me.

“Leo, I want to shift.” She whined adorably.

“Okay, okay. You know I can’t say no to you. Let’s go.” I cradled her in my arms, standing from the couch and walking towards the door.

“I can walk!” She shrieked, kicking her legs.

“My Queen doesn’t need to worry about such trivial things like walking.” I spoke in a mock formal voice.

“You are ridiculous.” She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at me.

“And you are adorable.” I kissed her nose only causing a deeper pout to form on my mates lips. She swatted my face away and I chuckled at her.

I carried her to the elevator and held onto her the entire ride down. We stepped out and she gasped, her face dropping as she observed my mess.

“Shit.” I had forgotten about the destruction I had caused.

“Leo!” She yelled at me, demanding to be put down. I agreed this time, feeling guilty.

“I’m sorry, love, I was just so angry and lost without you. It’ll be cleaned up in no time, I swear.” I mumbled.

“You will clean this up, Leo Storm! You won’t make others deal with your temper tantrum!” She jabbed her finger in my chest, scolding me like a child.

“You want me to clean up all of this?” I said in anguish.

“You made this mess, didn’t you? I suspect you didn’t need help with that.” She glared.

“Well, no, but….”

“No, get to work. And you will apologize for causing such a fuss.” I started to realize why she made such a good daycare teacher.

“Alpha’s don’t apologize.” I argued.

“You apologize to me.” She stated.

“That’s different, you’re my Luna.” I said.

“Leo, I swear….” She started but I cut her off with a kiss,

“I promise this will be taken care of. I will compensate the staff extremely well for the last few days and for cleaning this up. And, I’ll help.” I couldn’t believe I was standing here haggling with a tiny she-wolf over how to clean up my packhouse.

“Fine.” She said with a hmph.

“I thought you wanted to shift?” I tempted her. Her face immediately lit up and she started running for the door.

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