
“Hello, my child.” A sweet voice sang in my head. I grumbled and blinked, groaning against my killer headache.

I opened my eyes and gasped at what I saw. I was on a cloud, like an actual cloud. There was a waterfall seeming to be coming from nowhere and a glistening lake at the bottom. A woman with sparkling blonde hair and brilliant blue eyes was sitting on a bench, motioning for me to join her.

“Where am I?” I asked, looking down at the strange, beautiful woman.

“You’re at the temple of the Moon Goddess. Please sit.” She smiles, patting the space beside her.

“Why am I here? Am I dead?” I asked, sitting down. I wouldn’t even be surprised if I was dead. The woman giggled,

“No, child, just sleeping. You are very weak from all that you have endured. I brought you here to heal and to explain to you who you are.” She said,

“Who I am?” I asked curiously.

“First, allow me to introduce myself. I am Selene.” She bowed her head in greeting. I gasped,

The Selene? The Moon Goddess?”

“Yes, dear.” She replied humbly. I couldn’t help but gawk.

“Did I do something wrong?” I asked nervously. Selene took my hand,

“Of course not, dear. You are special.” I laughed at her without humor,

“I don’t feel special.”

“I know and I’m sorry for all that you have been through. I didn’t expect any of my children to turn out as cruel as those you have faced. I am only grateful that I made the correct choice in giving you Leo as your second chance. He will stand by your side and guide you through this next adventure.” Selene said, holding my hand securely in hers.

“Why me?” I asked quietly.

“You remember your father telling you the stories about the Alpha King and Luna Queen?” She asked.

“Yes.” I answered sheepishly.

“Well, they weren’t stories. They were the legend of his family, your family.”

“Excuse me?” I realized that my tone was snarky, but I couldn’t help it. Every part of my life has just been a disaster, I’m not even sure why I was surprised by anything anymore.

“You are a descendant of the lost princess. The daughter of the last Alpha King and Luna Queen.” She stated.

“No, I’m not.” I argued. Selene laughed at me,

“I understand your hesitation. Your parents were supposed to teach you about all of this just as your father’s parents taught him. Your parents knew you would be special, so they tried to keep you hidden.”

“Why was I special? Because I had my wolf so soon? A lot of good that did me.” I grumbled.

“The part of the legend that your father didn’t tell you was how to recognize the awakened princess. The legend that your ancestors passed down came from a prophecy that I delivered when the King and Queen were killed. I told them that one day a princess would be born, destined to reveal the story of the lost Kingdom and bring peace back to our people. That princess would be born with the ability to speak with her wolf.” Selene’s words silenced me and my snarky attitude.

“I am not a princess.” I said stubbornly.

“You are. You are the destined princess. More than that, you are a queen. I sensed your strength, compassion, and kindness from the moment you were born. I knew you would be our savior.”

“Savior of what? In case you haven’t noticed, I can’t even save myself.” I snapped harshly.

“The Council of the Wolves wrongly took control. That was never the destiny I desired for the wolves. A kingdom of each species is needed to keep the balance. A united supernatural realm is what the Gods want. Each kingdom has ruled as we had hoped, until the Council took over. Their desire for power and elitist views have crumbled all of the other species, putting darkness and destruction in their hearts. You must lead the packs of the four corners in a battle to restore the werewolf kingdom.” Selene was speaking urgently now, the seriousness of the conversation weighing heavily in the air.

“The packs of the what?” I asked dumbly.

“The packs of the four corners. The Crescent Moon pack from Rhode Island, the Blood Moon pack in Louisiana, the Silver Moon pack in Washington, and the Blue Moon pack from California. The four corners of the country. They were each created by the ancestors of the royal guard, their bloodline carried on by their children after the Council had them all murdered. They have all been mated with strong women who have incredible abilities; women from other species. These packs will help you in your fight.” This lady was crazy if she thought that anyone would follow my lead.

“What am I supposed to do? I’m wolf-less. Was that part of your plan, too?” I sighed.

“No, that was part of the Council’s plan. They learned about your existence and sent their rogues after you. They killed your parents and removed your wolf. They thought that without a wolf you would no longer be a threat.”

“I’m sorry, the Council’s rogues?” I gasped.

“Yes, the Council is in charge of all of the rogues in the country. They are responsible for the rogue attacks against every pack. They use them as their own private army against disgruntled werewolves. Of course, the rogues are unpredictable, and sometimes things go wrong. They’re feral and causing so much death and pain.” Selene’s expression changed in a flash, turning to sadness and maybe even a little bit of anger.

“I don’t believe it.” I shook my head, but I knew she was telling the truth, at least about the dirty Council.

“I need you to accept your destiny, Austyn. I need you to save my children.” She begged, looking desperate.

“I’m not a leader, I’m not a princess.” I argued.

“You are. Austyn, you don’t need your wolf to be special. You have survived so much without her. But, I gave you Ember for a reason. She’s wise, kind, and strong. It pains me to see you two separated, so, I will give her back to you. I will remove the effects of the serum.” Before I could respond, Selene whirled her hand and a howl sounded in my head.

I cried out as my head throbbed painfully. Then, the pain was replaced by an overwhelmingly pleasant feeling. I felt complete, I felt whole, I felt safe.

“Hi there, Austyn.” Ember’s voice was stronger than it ever had been before. I felt a wave of energy overtake my body and suddenly I was on high alert. I could see farther, smell more, hear the tiniest sounds. My body, which was once sore and stiff, now felt renewed. My skin felt thicker, my bones felt stronger, my mind felt sharper.

“Ember is now healed and you both are now complete.” Selene smiled,

“You will be able to shift.”

“Really?” I breathed, not wanting to get my hopes up.

“I wouldn’t lie to you, my child. With Ember, your mate, and your pack, you have everything you need to follow your destiny.”

“Besides any sort of leadership skills.” I chuckled darkly.

“You are a loved Luna and you have a fierce Alpha beside you, that’s all you need. The other packs will join you. They are ready, they have prepared.” Selene replied confidently.

“But, before you call upon them, you must complete the mating bond with Leo. You will be at your strongest once this happens.” She added. I only nodded, gulping my nervousness away.

“I will send my followers to you. They are loyal to me and to the royal family. They have waited in the shadows for a longtime, waiting to be called on to educate and protect the new Queen.” The word Queen echoed in my brain. Selene really thought I was a Queen?

“You are stronger than you know, braver than you think. Lean on your Alpha. He sees you for all that you are. I am always with you, Austyn, you will never be alone.” Selene kissed my cheek before laying her hand on my forehead. Everything went black.

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