
Shifting for the first time was the best feeling in the world. Ember was a brilliant white wolf who was strong and quick, even quicker than Quinn. She stood slightly shorter than the Alpha wolf, but complemented his black fur and dark eyes just as a Luna should.

I let Ember take control for the first time in her entire life, slipping to the back reaches of our mind. Leo did the same for Quinn and we let them enjoy each other’s company for the first time. They ran for two hours before taking a break at the waterfall. It turned out that Ember, like Quinn, loved the water. They spent nearly an hour swimming and then basking in the sun.

Eventually, it was time for Leo and I to take back control and shift so we could attend to some pack business. Leo had to deal with the Dark Moon members in the cells, his psycho ex-mistress, and a visiting member of the Council with whom I was apparently at war with.

“I want to go to the cells, Leo.” I said as we walked hand in hand back towards the packhouse. Leo looked down at me shock,

“Absolutely not.” He growled.

“Do you really want to start this up again?” I sighed at him, giving him a disapproving glare.

“No, baby, but….the cells aren’t safe and it’s not somewhere that you need to be.” He grumbled.

“I want to see Alpha Victor, Luna Michelle, and Kayden. I want to look them in the eyes.” I nearly growled their names.

“They aren’t the Alpha and Luna anymore. They don’t deserve those titles and they don’t deserve to be around you.” Leo had stopped walking so he could face me head on. He was holding both of my hands now.

“It’s not for them, Leo, it’s for me.” I admitted,

“And it’s time for me to have a conversation with Madeline as well.” I added with a snarl. Leo couldn’t help but smirk at my jealous expression.

“Awh, baby, you don’t need to be jealous. I told you, she doesn’t mean anything to me. But,” He sighed, his eyes scrunching up in frustration,

“If it’s what you want, then I won’t deny you. I will ask that you allow to accompany you.” I smiled brilliantly at Leo,

“Of course.” I nodded.

“Okay, well, if we’re going to do this we should do it now. I’m not sure when the elder will be here.” He said in a less than enthusiastic tone.

“I’m ready.” I said in a voice that did not sound at all ready. Leo shook his head at me and squeezed my hand, re-directing us towards the cells.

Nick and Amber were already in the cells. Apparently, Amber had requested permission to say goodbye to her family and Leo agreed. Amber looked pissed as she left the cells, passing us at the gated entrance.

“Luna, you’re not going down there, are you?” She asked me with wide eyes.

“I need to confront them.” I nodded.

“They aren’t worth your time.” She grumbled, clearly not getting the warm family reunion she longed for.

“I’m doing this for me, not for them.” I repeated. I could tell that Amber, like Leo, didn’t agree with me but they didn’t argue either. She squeezed my shoulder and left with Nick. Jacks appeared at the gate a few seconds later.

“You asked for me, Alpha?” Jacks looked at me curiously.

“You really made Jacks come down here?” I sighed at Leo.

“Of course. I want to make sure you have all the protection you need to stay safe.” He answered like it was obvious. Jacks seemed to realize what was going on then.

“They are locked up in cages, I’m fine.” I rolled my eyes at him, but I knew it was no use.

“I’m honored to help, Luna.” Jacks grinned, leading the way into the cells.

We walked down a dimly lit corridor that had cages lining either side. Most of them were empty. In the center of the hallway was a much larger cell with chains hanging from the ceiling and assorted tools sitting on a bench. I shivered to think what happened in that room. As we reached the end, I started to recognize the repulsive smells of the Nice family. However, the very first cell that caught my eye did not hold Victor, Michelle, or Kayden.

I stepped up to the bars and wrapped my hands around them, glaring in at the woman who was slumped inside. She was laying in a ball on the cement floor, her blonde hair dirty and greasy just like her clothes. She lifted her head when I cleared my throat, getting her attention. Her eyes narrowed at me in question until she saw Leo standing close behind me.

“Leo?” Her voice was hoarse and tired.

“That’s Alpha to you.” I snapped. Leo remained silent.

“And who are you?” She dared to glare at me.

“Show some respect, this is your Luna.” Leo snarled at Madeline. Her eyes widened as she looked me up and down, disgust clear on her face.

She’s the reason you rejected me.” Her tone was accusing. Leo stepped forward to discipline her but I stopped him with a raise of my hand. She was mine.

“Yes, Madeline, I am the reason the Alpha dismissed you. I am his mate and his Luna. He no longer has any use for someone like you. You should have respected his command and stayed away. Now, you will face the consequences.” I felt the Luna voice slipping from between my lips. Leo’s gaze was hot on my back.

“And what consequences would those be?” She put her hands on her hips and tried to look tough.

“You are stripped of your rank and are banned from the packhouse. You are now an omega, Madeline, and will need to adjust to life accordingly. If you should enter the packhouse again or act inappropriately with my mate again you will be exiled from the pack.” My voice was cold and assertive.

Madeline’s mouth popped open, her eyes bulging from her head, as she glanced back at Leo. Her lip was quivering.

“Leo….” She started to whine but my snarl interrupted her. Ember was positively fuming in my head, and now that she was a complete part of me, her anger was seeping through every core in my body.

“Alpha!” I demanded, Ember’s voice mixing with mine as we spoke with authority. Madeline flinched back, her eyes flashing as her wolf tried to come forward. She wanted to submit to her Luna.

“You heard your Luna, Madeline. She is my equal, my partner. Her word is to be as respected as mine and her commands followed as strictly as my own. You will do best not to anger your Luna any further.” I could hear the smugness in Leo’s voice. When I turned to meet his gaze I saw that they were full of pride, love, and something else….lust?

“Yes, Alpha. Yes, Luna.” Madeline finally bowed her head, her voice coming out in a low mumbled.

Suddenly, she perked up and started searching the room frantically. I had no idea what had her so worked up now. I heard Jacks coming up behind us,

“Alpha, Luna, the cells are secured.” He said, reporting back from his patrol of the cells. His words caught in his throat as his expression changed.

“Jacks? Are you okay?” I asked strangely. He was sniffing the air, looking all around.

“Mate!” He growled so low that I wasn’t sure I heard him correctly.

“What?” I gasped.

“Mate!” Madeline’s voice squeaked from behind me and I froze in shock. Jacks stepped around Leo and I to see where the voice came from.

“Wait? You two are mates?” I stared in disbelief. I looked sideways at Leo who seemed just as shocked as me.

“Who are you?” Jacks was clawing at the bars, his face so full of pain.

“Madeline Grace.” She replied and Jacks’ face fell even further.

“I don’t understand, how have you two not met before?” I asked. Leo and Jacks shared a guilty expression.

“We stayed away from her, we knew she belonged to the Alpha.” Jacks explained, earning a stern glare from his Alpha,

“I knew her name but I always managed to avoid her in the packhouse and she certainly ran in different circles than me socially.” Jacks’ eyes never left the cage.

“Well this is a plot twist.” I said, mostly to myself. Jacks blinked rapidly, like he was trying to clear his mind. His eyes flashed towards me and hardened before returning to Madeline.

“I, Jacks Parker, Beta of New Moon, hereby reject….”

“Woah, woah!” I shouted, jumping in front of Jacks.

“What the hell are you doing?” I yelled in his face.

“Rejecting the woman who seduced my Alpha and harmed my Luna.” Jacks replied matter-of-factly. I glared at him and Leo simultaneously,

“First off, she didn’t seduce anyone. Leo is a big boy, he made his own decisions,” I snapped and Leo ducked his head,

“And secondly, she’s been punished for her indiscretion. That’s taken care of, Jacks. She’s your mate.”

“I have to put my duty to you above that.” Jacks said, looking confused.

“Well, that’s not what you’re doing. I’m your Luna and I’m saying that I will not stand in the way of your mate bond. I’m giving her a second chance. If you want to reject her, fine. But, if you do, you’re doing it for you, not me.” I said sternly. Jacks looked rapidly between Madeline, Leo, and myself, his movements making me motion sick.

“Don’t look at me, you heard her.” Leo chuckled.

“I suppose that if you can give her a second chance, I can too. That is, if you want?” Jacks spoke softly, looking at Madeline. Madeline nodded and hurried to the bars,

“I do, please,” She turned towards me,

“I submit to you, my Luna and apologize deeply for my actions. I promise that they will never happen again. I accept my punishment.” She dropped to her knees and bowed her head.

“I’m ending your sentence in the cells, Madeline, and releasing you to Jacks’ care. Jacks, take her to your quarters and see to it that she stays there. Choose a couple of men to guard the floor to ensure that she doesn’t leave. When you trust her then so will I.” I declared.

“But, I live in the packhouse.” Jacks stated.

“I know. I’m amending my sentence.” I shrugged. Jacks looked behind me again, towards Leo.

“Dude, I already told you, don’t look at me. She’s the boss.” I snuck a look back at my mate and grinned happily. He was wearing a goofy smile and I could tell how much he was enjoying this.

“Thank you, Luna.” Jacks bowed his head towards me and unlocked Madeline’s cell. He escorted her out of the basement.

“You’re amazing, my Luna.” Leo purred, wrapping his arm around my waist and kissing my temple.

“My, my, how our little Luna has grown.” A sickening voice called from another cell. Leo’s grip on me tightened as my face drained of color. Leo and I made eye contact before I started walking towards the voice.

“You’re all grown up and running the pack. I knew you would make a good Luna. I’ll admit, you turned out to be an even better leader than my idiot son.” Victor was sulking in the shadows of his cell, creeping in the far corner.

“I don’t care what you think, Victor, and I’m not your anything.” I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest to stare him down.

“Such spirit. I should’ve crushed that when I had the chance.” Victor smirked, provoking a loud growl from Leo. I pushed on his chest, moving him back from the cell door. I glared at Victor again,

“Everyone kept telling me that you weren’t worth my time. They were right. But, I had to come down here and see you all for myself. I had to take comfort in knowing that you are all exactly where you belong. I wanted to be the one to tell you that you are finished as the Alpha of Dark Moon and you are finished at making my life miserable. You can no longer hurt me.” I felt the strength rising in me as I spoke.

“What are you going to do? Sentence us to death? The family who raised you!” I heard Michelle’s voice from the next cell. I turned my fierce expression on her,

“Oh, no, Michelle. I’m going to sentence you to my mate. I’m going to let him decide on your punishment and allow him to do whatever he wants to you and your family,” I smirked dangerously and enjoyed it as her smug smile fell from her face,

“You were never my family, Michelle. Victor and Kayden were never my family. My family is right here in New Moon with my mate, our friends, and Amber. She’s exactly what you never wanted her to be, my friend, my family. You can live out the rest of your life knowing that you lost. You lost everything.” I turned my back on Michelle, no longer needing her validation.

With my back towards Victor and Michelle, I came face to face with my biggest nightmare: Kayden. My first mate looked frail and distraught as he huddled in the corner of the cell. I stepped over towards him, feeling drawn to him for some reason.

“Kayden?” I called out. He raised his eyes to meet mine,

“I only have one thing to say.” Kayden spoke, clearly overhearing my conversations with his parents. I braced myself for whatever vial thing he had to tell me,

“I’m sorry.” I stumbled forward. I was not expecting that. Leo steadied me, his arms snaking around my waist from behind.

“I know I have not and will never earn your forgiveness for what I have done. I will go to the next life knowing that I made every wrong choice imaginable. I betrayed the Moon Goddess, I betrayed my mate, and I betrayed my wolf. I deserve death. I just wanted you to hear me say that I’m sorry for everything I did to you.” Kayden’s expression displayed his sincerity. I couldn’t believe my ears and yet it was exactly what I needed to hear.

“I hope the Moon Goddess shows you some mercy in the next life, Kayden.” I sighed, having nothing else to say to him or any other member of the Nice family. I turned on my heels and strolled out of the cells, feeling at peace with the trauma in my life.

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