The Wrong Woman
The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie Chapter 397

Chapter 397

Mila felt a mix of embarrassment and joy in her heart. It appeared that Nathan's body was highly sensitive and unable to tolerate such situations.

Softly, he asked, “Mila, would you mind stepping out for a moment? Wait for me by the door.”

“Sure,” Mila replied, her grin subtly contained as she lowered her gaze. She casually stood up and left the bathroom, all the while appearing to look calm.

Closing the door behind her, Mila found herself unable to contain her excitement any longer. She giggled, her flushed face hidden behind her hands.

The scene from moments ago flashed through her mind.

Lowering her hands, Mila looked down at them, feeling increasingly bashful. She didn't know how she had mustered the courage just moments ago to touch Nathan's crotch so boldly.

Mila had never experienced such intense embarrassment before. She hurriedly made her way to the bed and threw herself onto it, burying her head under the covers.

She wrestled with the impure thoughts clouding her mind. But the image persisted, replaying incessantly and refusing to diminish.

“What are you-“Nathan was about to question her hurried demeanor, when suddenly, she rushed over and threw herself at him.

Nathan swiftly set his phone aside, barely having time to react before Mila positioned herself on his lap.

With her legs spread, she embraced him, wrapping her arms around his neck in an intimate and suggestive posture.

Just then, Nathan's phone slipped from his grasp, landing on the sofa with a soft thud. It was only then that he snapped out of his daze, hastily picking up his phone.

His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he asked in a hoarse voice, “What's going on?" Wearing a short skirt, Mila confidently straddled his lap, adopting a visually alluring pose.

Nathan's entire body tensed, his heart racing, and his breath becoming erratic.

Mila tightened her grip around Nathan's neck, burying her face into his shoulder as she whispered, “Nate, Fenna has come to see you again.” Nathan couldn't suppress a smirk as he set his phone aside. He wrapped both hands around Mila’s slender waist, drawing her gently into his embrace.

His voice, smooth as velvet, whispered in her ear, “Can't you find a better approach, you little. troublemaker?”

“In terms of strategy, I'm stumped with her.”

Just then, a voice resonated from the doorway.

“Nate,” Fenna called out cheerfully.

In the next instant, Mila swiftly cupped Nathan's cheeks and planted a kiss on his lips.

Nathan was taken aback, surprised by Mila's sudden display of affection.

Fenna, who had just walked in, was shocked by the scene unfolding in the living room. She felt a blend of embarrassment and resentment, uncertain whether to step in or simply walk away.

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