The Wrong Woman
The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie Chapter 396

“I'm just uncomfortable,” Nathan clarified.

Mila assumed he was talking about his injury. “I'll be gentle and try my best not to touch your wound,” she assured him.

Nathan furrowed his brow. “Don’t you understand?”

Ignoring his question, Mila’s hand dipped into the water, rubbing his abdomen.

As Nathan opened his eyes, his intense gaze remained fixed on her face. Suddenly, he grabbed her wrist firinly and placed her hand below his stomach.

Mila reacted as though she had touched a terrifying python. Her eyes widened in shock as she swiftly withdrew her hand. Her breath grew erratic, and her cheeks flushed crimson in an


Nathan's actions made it clear to Mila that he was feeling uncomfortable and wanted her to leave.

As her words trailed off, her hand instinctively moved to his crotch. Nathan's body reacted intensely, as if jolted by electricity. Desire surged through him like never before.

Mila’s unexpected movement caught him off guard, causing his entire body to tense up. Quickly, he withdrew her hand, his breathing becoming slightly labored, his gaze intense as it met hers.

His voice was hoarse as he accused, “You did that on purpose.”

With an innocent expression, Mila's large eyes reflected purity as she gazed at him. “What's wrong?”

Nathan took a shallow breath, feeling a flush of heat spread throughout his body. He found it difficult to express his emotions and thoughts at that moment.

Glancing at him, Mila couldn't help but notice his complexion turning red.

“Nate, is the water too hot?” She gestured toward his blushing ears. “It looks like your face is turning red because of the heat.”

Nathan frowned, his voice gentle yet tinged with helplessness. “Do you really believe it's because of the temperature?”

“Then what is it?”

“It's because of your touch,” Nathan decided to be direct, feeling it necessary to convey his true feelings. Otherwise, it might be too challenging for her to understand.

“When you were bathing me just now, my body reacted strongly, and it made me uncomfortable,” he confessed earnestly.

Mila was taken aback, her cheeks flushing as she stared at him in astonishment.

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