
Champagne popped next to me as the party officially started. Ivar and I had danced for the first time as a couple while my mom cried and my dad tried to comfort her. It felt like a movie that I was getting to live in real life.

Ivar had not left my side since the ceremony and his close contact was a comfort. I could tell we were both feeling the effects of the bond, and entertaining our guests was not what we necessarily had in mind. The mated women who helped me get ready this morning warned me about the rush of need we would feel after the bond had solidified, but I had underestimated their descriptions.

My entire body was on fire as I craved him. Every touch of his skin sent electricity coursing through my body and settling between my thighs. Next to me, he shifted uncomfortably and his hand trailed a little lower than what might be deemed appropriate for an audience. I realized he was suffering the same way.

He leaned down to whisper in my ear, “Do you think they would notice if we snuck out back for a minute?”

“A minute we might get away with,” I said, scanning the crowd. “What I have in mind is going to take at least an hour.”

“Fuck, Sam,” he growled, his hand squeezing my ass. I felt moisture pool and start to trail under my dress.

“There’s a bathroom by the library,” I said, taking his hand and he nodded eagerly.

Just as we started to sneak away, a beautiful middle-aged woman with large, multi-colored wings approached us.

“King Ivar and Queen Samantha,” she greeted us, bowing. “What a lovely ceremony.”

“Thank you,” I said tightly, returning her bow.

“Sam, this is Ammalee. The chieftess of the fae,” Ivar introduced her.

“Oh,” I said and pieced together that the winged woman in front of me was probably associated with the strippers at my husband’s bachelor party.

Ammalee smiled, warmly. “I’m not sure if your mate told you he invited me.”

“He did not,” I said, honestly. “But we are happy to have you.”

“The fae are struggling,” she explained. “Ivar suggested we come to observe how werewolves and humans coexist.”

I remembered reading that the fae made it a point not to reproduce with other species. Little was known about their way of life now. Other than, of course, the fact that they offered certain services at a premium. While I had thought “fae strippers” meant strictly stripping, I was informed they often offered a more selective menu.

“Lovely.” I tried to sound friendly as visions of this woman and her compatriots fornicating with my new mate flashed through my mind. “I hope you find a warm welcome.”

She bowed again before taking her leave.

I turned to Ivar and smacked his arm. “You invited the fucking strippers from your bachelor party to our wedding?”

“Ammalee’s a friend, and she wasn't stripping,” he argued. “I told you I didn’t take part.”

“Uh huh,” I told him. “Have you had sex with that friend?”

For the first time, I watched as a blush filled my mate’s face.

“Not recently,” he argued, weakly.

“You know what,” I told him. “I don’t think I’m going to need that bathroom break after all.”

I took a step away before he caught my arm. I couldn’t help but giggle as he wrapped me in his arms.

“Little wolf,” he whispered against my ear, sending shivers down my spine. “You know I don’t have eyes for any woman but you. And if you want to run, know that I’d love to catch you.”

I kissed his chin playfully, still giggling at his antics. Suddenly, a panicked shout sounded across the room, and my king threw me behind him before crouching.

For a moment, I thought everyone was just standing still, looking at whatever had caused the commotion. Then I realized the only thing I could move were my eyes. A glance around revealed every being in the room was the same. I started to panic as I searched the crowd for Luke and the rest of my family.

A familiar voice carried over the now silent ballroom. “I was highly disappointed to not have been invited.”

It was Emilia Redding.

“Being that we are sort of family, I assumed my invitation was just delayed,” she spoke deliberately and I heard her footsteps as they tapped their way ominously closer. “Now it seems like you didn’t want me here.”

Suddenly a surge of power slammed into the people in front of us, throwing them to the side. It formed an aisle between us and the voice, but I couldn’t see her around Ivar.

“Of course, I’m not really your former Luna, am I?” her voice dripped venom. “The little spell you cast over her prison was the perfect thing to hide my power, though. My traitorous daughter may have sensed my magic otherwise, but behind that wall, she didn’t feel a thing.”

In front of me, I saw Ivar’s fingers start to twitch and I prayed like hell he was breaking through. I was unsure exactly who was approaching, but I knew she was coming to hurt the people I loved. Based on what I could hear, she was mere steps away.

“Now, great King,” she exaggerated his title, “I watched as you killed the great love of my life, now I’ll kill yours and you’ll never love again.”

Emilia’s face appeared around Ivar’s shoulder. The same evil grin I had seen the night before stared down at me. She lifted her hand and I braced myself.

In an instant, Ivar erupted from where he had been frozen and pinned the woman to the ground by her neck.

“TRINITY!” he bellowed as the woman raised her hands to his chest and blasted him away.

He landed across the room on Rankor’s four paws at the same moment our resident dark witch appeared in the center of the room. Immediately, Trinity shifted from being the innocent appearing girl to the fearsome warrior of whom I’d heard tales. Dark veins trailed from her eyes and swirled in patterns along her skin. Her eyes took on an otherworldly amber glow.

“Mother,” Trinity growled as Rankor snarled behind her.

Emilia smirked before clapping her hands. Her appearance melted away and revealed a young woman who looked as though she could be Trinity’s sister. Based on what I had put together, this was infamous Tatiana.

“You’re supposed to be dead,” Trinity sneered.

“It was boring,” Tatiana appeared unfazed despite the black veins now appearing on her skin as well. “What will you do daughter? I have a room full of powerful wolves to draw from. How will you defeat me when you won’t do the same?”

A invisible force emanated from Trinity and suddenly the room was in motion. I fell forward and shifted, immediately flanking Tatiana. I watched as Ivar’s men and my own circled her.

“You’ve learned some new tricks,” Tatiana remarked, taking a defensive stance.

“I was always better than you,” Trinity snapped. “That’s why we won.”

She moved her hands in front of her and power surged towards her mother. Tatiana pushed back and then clapped, the force dissipating. Ivar leaped over Trinity, his jaws snapping at her throat. The dark witch appeared afraid then. She caught his jaws before they could close on her neck, and threw him off. She stood and glanced around wildly, her eyes landing on her daughter.

“You may best me together,” she said, raising her hands in front of her and forming a ball of fire. “But torn apart, neither of you are anything.”

She threw the ball at Trinity whose eyes briefly betrayed terror as she raised her hands to shield herself. Suddenly, a gray streak leapt in front of her, absorbing the blow with a sickening yelp. A large wolf thudded to the ground next to Trinity.

“AIDAN!!!” Trinity’s blood curdling scream echoed through the ballroom.

Every piece of glass shattered and the artwork on the walls shook. Energy burst out of her, directed at her mother who disappeared just before impact. In Tatiana’s place, the wall of the ballroom exploded into dust and splinters.

“Let’s see just how powerful you are now!” Tatiana’s voice cackled as Trinity wailed.

She knelt over Aidan’s now human form. All the wolves in the room shifted and hurried to their side.

“Aidan,” Trinity sobbed. “Please.”

“It’s okay, baby,” Aidan whispered, reaching up to her cheek. “You’re okay.”

Trinity shook her head, tears streaming down her face. Her hands started to glow where they cradled Aidan’s head. The skin on the entire left side of hiss body appeared raw and scorched. Blood pooled from his back where the blast had made contact.

“Honey, you’re out,” he said, cupping her cheek, his hand shaking with the effort. “I gotta tell you, I don’t think we’re getting through this one.”

Trinity's face paled as the glow from her hands dimmed. Aidan's hand fell slowly and his eyelids fluttered.

“Trinity,” Ivar spoke and she whipped around to look at him. He held out his hand. “Take it.”

Her bottom lip quivered as she stared up at her brother.

“I can’t…”

“If you want to save him, you have to,” Ivar said, his tone commanding.

Trinity hesitated only a moment before a final ragged breath from Aidan had her grabbing onto Ivar. Their clasped hands glowed between them and power surged into Aidan. The color slowly drained from Ivar's face, and his shoulders stooped while Trinity pulled at his life force. My eyes widened as I realized even the power of the king might not be enough.

I watched as Ivar’s friends each stepped forward. One placed a hand on Ivar’s forearm and the rest grabbed on to the next, creating a circle around their fallen brother.

In the center, Trinity glowed, still sobbing.

“Please,” she wept. “Ivar it’s not working.”

Oh my Goddess. He's not going to make it, I thought, completely bewildered.

I reached forward and put my arm on Duncan’s shoulder, feeling the pull as Trinity siphoned our energy to save her love. The rest of the wolves present did the same. Luke stepped up beside me and I breathed a sigh of relief for his safety.

Suddenly, a breeze wafted over us before Ammalee landed in the circle on Aidan’s other side.

“May I?” She asked.

Ivar nodded and the faerie placed a hand over Aidan’s chest. A blinding glow surged as Trinity pulled even more energy and Ammalee recited an incantation in a language I didn’t recognize.

Ever so slowly, the blood that had slowly been seeping over the floor trailed back into Aidan’s body. His breathing became more even and the color returned to his features. After a moment, he gasped. Then his eyes fluttered open and he sat up.

“Aidan!” Trinity exclaimed and threw her arms around his neck.

“Oof!” Aidan grunted. “Easy, Trin.”

He wrapped his arms around her tightly, burying his face in her hair. Trinity continued to sob as he rubbed her back. Tears streamed down my own cheeks at the exchange.

I looked up as Ivar approached and wrapped his arm around me. I melted into his warmth, feeling altogether drained. I wasn’t sure if it was from Trinity siphoning my power, the emotional turmoil, or the overwhelming fear.

“She’s back,” I whispered.

Ivar nodded next to me, his jaw tense.

“She’s coming for you,” I told him.

He looked down at me, his eyes swimming with his fury.

“No,” he corrected me. “She’s coming for those we love.”

He nodded toward Aidan and Trinity, still embracing on the ballroom floor. That meant she was coming for me. She had said as much. She tried to take down the brother and sister by force before and failed. Now she would attempt to break them instead.

I leaned into Ivar’s muscled chest and marveled at the energy that still swirled around him. The power that surged through me now that we were mated was intoxicating. Surely, we could face this foe and be victorious.

We had to.

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