Chapter 153 

“If you two were as solid as a rock, why did you part ways for nine years? You know what happened within those years. All I can say is that your bond was of youthful naivety, and your decisions were immature and irrational. And now, when Magnus stands on his feet, you finally show up. Why didn’t you come back to be with him all these years? If Magnus can’t forget you, he could simply break up with me and marry you It’s not about handing him back to you Magnus doesn’t belong to anyone, and he’s not a borrowed item that needs returning. As for your claim that Magnus doesn’t want to hurt me and sent you instead, it feels like a sympathy seeking drama you staged 

1 admit, I’m young and pretty. But does that mean I should sacrifice my marriage to make you happy? And about your offer of money? As of now, I’m Magnus wife, and half of the Andersen Corporation’s money is mine Where’s yours coming from? isabella, I’m not a charity, nor am I an angel Your words today mean nothing to me.” 

Natalia stood up, slinging her backpack over her shoulder. “Isabella, I have an exam tomorrow. I need to go home and study Excuse me” With that, she left the coffee shop briskly 

Isabella watched Natalia’s retreating figure, her eyes glinting with a fierce light. This girl was not easy to deal with She was much tougher than that foolish woman, Kendra Although these two were both the Clarksons, there was a world of difference 

She clenched her fists tightly, her nails digging into her flesh. With a sweep of her arm, she knocked her coffee off the table. When she noticed the cafe manager approach, she pulled out some cash from her purse, tossed it on the table, and left 

Natalia wandered aimlessly down the street, isabella’s words stinging her heart However, she no longer felt the pain. She had grown numb. She simply didn’t want to appear weak and vulnerable in front of this woman Even if she had no future with Magnus, she would not allow this woman to bully her 

Under the neon lights, she didn’t know where to go. Looking up, she spotted the public library, its lights on Perfect. She could study in the library and return home a bit later to avoid Magnus. She walked in, finding a quiet corner, and took out her study materials to begin revising

Ten minutes later, she felt a shadow over her Turning around, she found a tall man standing behind her, looking at her study materials 

“Excuse me?” She asked, looking up at the stranger. 

He was dressed in a casual blue outfit. With his brown eyes and slightly curly hair, he had a handsome face that could make heads turn. He stood next to Natalia, staring at her with wide eyes for a full three minutes, going from surprise to delight to confusion. 

“Sir, do we know each other?” Natalia asked as his gaze grew more intense 

She was worried that the man might be a playboy who flirted with pretty girls whenever he saw them. But with so many people here, surely he wouldn’t do anything inappropriate. 

The man finally responded, “Hello, miss. Your eyes remind me of someone I used to know 

“I’m sorry, I don’t know you With that, she stood up, ready to leave. 

The man quickly stopped her, “Please don’t misunderstand, miss. Continue with your studies. I won’t disturb you anymore. I apologize.” He immediately moved away and took a seat further away 

Natalia resumed her studies and ended up sitting there for three hours. By the time she was ready to leave, only the man from earlier and she were left The library was about to close 

Back at Maplewood Manor Magnus was surprised to see Natalia hadn’t returned. He wondered if she was still upset and had gone to Lex’s house He couldn’t wait any longer and asked Chase to locate her Chase found that Natalia was at the library. 

Magnus couldn’t wait another minute and drove straight to the library. As he arrived, Natalia and the man were coming out of the library. 

The man smiled at Natalia, revealing his pearly white teeth. “Miss, I’m Callum Frerotte. I came to Melfort looking for someone. May I know your nam 

Natalia was about to answer when a Rolls–Royce pulled up in front of them 

Magnus stepped out of the car, his cold eyes flashing lethal glares. He took a quick three–second glance at Callum before turning away. He reached out to Natalia Darling, its late Let’s go home Are you hungry? His voice was low and husky filled with affection. 

He opened the passenger side door helped Natalia in and fastened her seat lielt. After she settled, she gave Callum a friendly smile. 

Once Magnus was back in the driver’s seat, he noticed Natalia smiling at that man. He scowled and stepped on the gas, driving away from the library 

a rocket 

Callum watched the car leave, deep in thought 

Back at Maplewood Manor Magnus led Natalia into the mansion. Once they reached the living room, he let go of her hand. Natalia quietly with her backpack She had barely reached the second step when Magnus cold voice echoed, “Stop 

Natalia paused, closing her eyes before turning around “What is it?” 

Who was that man just now?” 

“I don’t know him” 

Really? But you were smiling so brightly at him. Why didn’t you come home after school? Can’t stand the sight of me? Magnus stood up, walking 

towards her 

Natalia knew he was getting agitated She stood there, sadness filling her eyes

Magnus caught sight of her despairing eyes, his heart tormented as if being consumed by flames. Why? Why had his wife suddenly become so cold towards him

Answer me Why didn’t you come home? Magnus turned his head away, not wanting to look into her eyes. He feared he wouldn’t be able to control himself 

“No reason. I wanted to do some studying Natalia gazed silently at the man, he profile looking so forlorn in the light

“You can’t study at home? You were laughing so happily with that man, but you’re so cold towards me. Do you remember who you are?” Magnus‘ voice suddenly rose in pitch

Natalia’s hands clenched into tight fists. When he was frolicking with Isabella, why hadn’t he thought of who he was

That man and I barely know each other. There’s nothing more. I’m going to sleep now. Mr. Magnus, if you want to vent your anger, go ahead.She coldly ascended the staircase, her silhouette indescribably desolate. 

Magnus was so angry that he felt like he could kill. This girl had turned his world upside down, daring to treat him like this. Fine, very well. He paced in the living room before swiftly ascending the stairs. 

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