Chapter 262

In the morning, Aurelia arrived at the office, only to overhear Emma talking about her new house. "A house worth over six million, and your boyfriend paid it in full. He must be rich,” Cindy claimed. “We're already married. Look, this is the ring he bought me.” Emma stretched out her hand, a diamond ring on her ring finger, sparkling under the light.

“Isn't that the top model from the Eternal Love collection? That's a pretty penny,” Cindy said, green with envy. Emma couldn't help but giggle in delight.

Hearing this, Aurelia was amazed. Ritchie bought a house and paid in full. Impossible, where did he get the money?

She immediately sent a WhatsApp message to Jelena, “Jelena, Ritchie bought a house, paid in full, did you know?”

Jelena quickly replied, “Really? Where'd he get the money?”

Aurelia had an ominous feeling. Rahul's family was not well-educated, they might have borrowed money from some shady source. Just then, Aurelia’s phone rang a strange number. She thought it was an advert call and hung up. Unexpectedly, the other party called back.

She answered the call, a man's voice came from the phone, “Is this Aurelia?”

“Who is this?”

“I'm Baily, Ritchie's friend. I even tried to court you once, remember?”

Aurelia was alert. There was indeed such a person, just the sight of him was nauseating

"How did you get my number?”

“Ritchie gave it to me. I'm at Elysium too. He borrowed money from me, and you're his guarantor. I think it's necessary to inform you. Ritchie told me you're marrying into the Stirling family, no wonder you didn’t fancy me. You had plans to marry the rich.”

Aurelia felt a sharp pang in her heart, and she ignored his sarcasm.

“How much did he borrow?”

“Four million.”

Aurelia gasped, “I'm not his guarantor, and it has nothing to do with me. I can't possibly be his guarantor.”

“I have a guarantee letter with your signature and fingerprint.”

“That must be forged by Ritchie. I've never seen any guarantee letter.”

“Had 1 not known you're marrying into the well-known Stirling family, I wouldn't have lent him so much money. Anyway, I'll come to collect the debt in a month.” Then he hung up.

Aurelia was flustered, and she immediately sent messages to Jelena on WhatsApp, telling her about the situation. Jelena was speechless.

“This absolute infant has crossed the line legally, and just report him to the police. Let him be in jail for a few days to reflect.”

Aurelia sighed, “Four million. That's not a few days’ issue. Plus, a criminal record will ruin his life, and it's not just about him anymore.”

Jelena replied, “When he dragged you into this, he didn't consider you at all. He definitely borrowed from a loan shark, in a month it'll be more than four million. Even if you sell the ancestral house, it won't be enough.”

This was Aurelia's biggest worry, and after pondering for a while, she decided to have a serious talk with Emma. She called Emma into the conference room.

“Now that you and Ritchie are officially married, congratulations. You are my sister-in-law now.” Emma smirked, “Don’t suck up to me. Even though we're related now, I'm not on your side.” “You're overthinking,” Aurelia leaned back in her chair, giving Emma a serious look, “You told Ritchie you're a rich heiress, and your parents own a company. But in reality, your parents are factory workers who moved to the city for work. All their savings were spent on your education.” Emma shuddered, “Who told you that nonsense? You're slandering me.”

Aurelia gave a sarcastic laugh, “We're living in the digital age, digging up someone's past isn't hard. You don't plan on introducing Ritchie to your parents for the rest of your life?”

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