Chapter 198

In the evening, Jolin invited Arnold over for dinner. She had been bustling in the kitchen since morning, preparing a feast.

Arnold was the perfect son-in-law material; handsome, wealthy, and incredibly considerate. Most importantly, her daughter wouldn't need to worry about any mother-in-law disputes if she’s with him.

Jolin had spent half her life taking flak from the Hawthorne family’s elder lady. She had endured a lifetime of squabbles with her sisters-in-law. She'd had enough!

She served Arnold a piece of chicken wing, “Whenever you're free, come over for dinner. Make yourself at


Arnold looked at the honey garlic chicken wing in his bowl and felt a pang of nostalgia, “When I was a kid, my mom used to make me honey garlic chicken wings too.”

"Why don't you try it and see if it's similar to the ones your mom made?” Jolin suggested.

Arnold took a bite and his eyes brightened, “It's delicious, just like my mom's.”

Avery chimed in, “Arno, if you want to, you can share mom with me. From now on, she can be your half-mom


Arnold's lips curved into a charming smile, “Then I'll start regarding Jolin as my mom.”

"Good," Jolin nodded enthusiastically, her eyes squinting with joy.

A son-in-law is equal to a son, after all, she thought.

Aurelia had some soup, her mind preoccupied with how to appease her irate boss.

To be fair, she had been a bit impulsive, but he was in the wrong to begin with. He had no right to punish her so arbitrarily and even bit her lip. It was outrageous!

What was even more infuriating was his double standards. He could flaunt his sweet love life with Evelyn while expecting her to be obedient and docile. It was maddening!

If not for the Hermes bag he gave her, she would never have bowed her head in submission. Arnold noticed her odd behavior and asked in a low voice, “Are you thinking about work?"

She came back to reality and replied quietly, “Yeah, the launch of Destiny's next month is giving me some


“Don’t worry, I have faith in you.” Arnold's eyes were filled with encouragement and adoration. Jolin served her daughter some beef brisket, “Let's not talk about work now.”

Spending time with her boyfriend was the priority.

Aurelia made a playful face, “Yes, Your Majesty.”

At the Stirling mansion.

Leopold only ate half a few bites for dinner. He was in a foul mood and had lost his appetite. EERE

His mother looked at him with concern, “What's wrong? Don't you like the food?”

“No, I had something before coming. I'm not very hungry,” Leopold replied casually before standing up, “I'll be in my room. I have some business matters to attend to.”

Truth be told, he didn't feel like doing anything. His mind was in chaos

Back in his room, he got himself a glass of whiskey and sat by the window.

His mind was haunted by a little shadow, floating around like a ghost. It was as if a fierce tide was surging deep in his soul, trying to engulf that shadow.

He took a deep breath and downed a gulp of the fiery liquor. The strong alcohol burned his throat but did nothing to quell his restlessness.

He'd gotten no messages today and he threw his phone aside irritably.

The thought of Aurelia stirred a fire within him.

The idea of her giving him the cold shoulder until their child was born made his stomach churn His housekeeper knocked on the door, informing him that Jessica wanted him downstairs for some fruit.

Leopold didn’t want to go, but fearing his mom might sense something was amiss, he went. Jessica was seated on the couch, engrossed in a television show.

Seeing her son approach, she pulled him to sit next to her.

“The first batch of cherries for the year has arrived. Try them, they're very fresh.”

“Alright.” Leopold nodded.

In the television show, the lead character's grandmother was insisting that he apologize to his love interest.

“But Grandma, it was her fault, not mine. Why should I apologize? She should be the one apologizing!”

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