[lvan's POV]

"Arissa, please help Isaac!" Tania begged, bringing attention to the unmoving man on the ground at Gillian's feet. "He will die otherwise!"

"Why would you assume Arissa is capable of saving him?" I asked, shooting a glare towards her. "Isn't she simply a useless omega according to the both of you?"

"She..." Tania began but stopped as a look of embarrassment crossed her face.

"Keeping secrets?” I challenged.

"Both of you shut up." Arissa growled, catching me by surprise.

Tearing my gaze from Tania, I looked at Arissa, who was beginning to shake uncontrollably. Her aura of bloodlust was also starting to trickle out more and more. There was clearly something wrong with her, and she was going to snap if she wasn't stopped.

Moving forward, I attempted to grab at her, but she let a snarl escape her lips.

"Stay back.” She hissed. "Don’t come any closer.”

Confused, I looked from Arissa to Gillian, who was smiling proudly. Had he said something to Arissa through mindlink?

"Don’t worry about it." Gillian smirked, catching onto my train of thought. "We were just catching up as siblings."

"Siblings, my ass.” Arissa growled, taking a step forward.

From how strong her aura was becoming, I knew that she was going to attack any second. However, I wasn't sure if I should stop her or let her loose.

Images of the last time she had a run-in with hunters flashed across my mind, and I honestly found myself wondering if she could take them all in one go.

Before I could make a decision, she moved forward, teeth bared and claws extended. It seemed that whatever Gillian was taunting her with had done the trick and she had snapped.

"HANS, IGOR! MOVE!" I roared, lifting my arm and waving for them to attack.

Nodding, they began to rush forward, shifting in the process as the hunters that had accompanied Gillian drew their weapons.

In a flash, the area around us had become a battle zone between us and the hunters, while Arissa focused all her attention on Gillian.

"Don't let them near her!” I commanded Hans and Igor as they dove into the mass of hunters who weren't quick enough to stop them.

Satisfied that they had the hunters under control, I surged forward to help Arissa. However, I was shocked to find that there was a powerful forcefield around them, keeping everyone out and keeping them in.

Letting a growl escape my lips, I began to beat my fists against it as I watched Arissa and Gillian circle each other.

With lightning quick movements, Arissa dove again and again, trying to break through Gillian's defenses, but he was just as quick, if not quicker. Before long, he began to take the lead, getting hits on Arissa. It was only when she was sent flying into the invisible wall holding her in place that I felt my rage begin to boil.

"DON'T LET HIM GET YOU!" I roared as Arissa struggled to stand.

It seemed that she had broken something on impact, and now she was having trouble getting up. By the time she managed to be on her feet, Gillian was grabbing her by the neck and lifting her into the air while she struggled.


As I watched the scene in front of me unfold, it felt like the world around me had disappeared entirely. Gillian's free hand was reaching out, while Arissa clawed at the hand that grasped her throat. Then, it started pushing into her stomach before disappearing and reappearing covered in blood.

At that moment, I felt something in me snap and everything turned red. I could hear what sounded like Hans and Igor calling me, but my only focus was getting to Arissa, who was now freely bleeding onto the ground beneath her while Gillian laughed with glee.

Drawing all my strength and power, I began to beat against the invisible barrier until my hands were bleeding and it seemed to be giving way.

With one final hit, I managed to move forward just as Gillian shot me a smile and gave a wave. Confused, I turned to see more hunters and even members of my brother's pack moving forward. It looked like this was all a setup and Gillian had managed to already stake his claim from the inside.

I knew there was no way that we would win against this many with as little as we had, so I was left with no other choice but to call a retreat.

Bending down, I scooped Arissa into my arms while Gillian proudly watched.

"This isn't over.” I growled. "Be prepared to die the next time you see me."

"I'll be waiting." Gillian responded easily.

Holding back the urge to attack him right here and now, I turned to Igor and Hans, who were finishing off the last of the hunters.

"RETREAT!" I commanded, beginning to move. "WE CAN'T TAKE THEM ALL ON!"

I watched as they nodded before beginning to move. They only stopped long enough for Arissa’s mother to climb onto Hans’ back before following me towards the carriage that was waiting. Jumping in, I held Arissa close to me as the driver urged the horses pulling us to go faster and faster.

Looking down at the pale woman in my arms, I found myself wondering exactly why Gillian and his men had let us go so easily. Maybe it was because he found this to be a fun game, or maybe it was something else. I would simply worry about it later. For now, my only concern was getting Arissa back to the estate and treating her before it was too late.

"You have to hang in there." I murmured, brushing a hand against her cold cheek. "You aren't allowed to die."

"Who said I was dying?" She rasped, opening her eyes and looking at me.

Despite her attempt at light-heartedness, I could tell that she was in pain and that she was struggling to remain conscious. It seemed that even insane women with no fear of death could be mortally wounded.

"That's the spirit." I smirked, trying to hold back the fear that was clawing at my heart. "If you're are able to argue, then you're going to be fine.”

"Yeah," Arissa managed before breaking into a coughing fit.

I watched with wide eyes as blood began to drip out of her mouth as she continued to cough like she was choking. With each cough, her body grew colder and colder. We were running out of time and our escape was now also a race against the clock.

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