Sold To The Untouchable Alpha
Return Of The Son

[Arissa's POV]

"Arissal” My mother gasped, her eyes growing wide. "A lady must never talk like that!"

Biting back my reply, I narrowed my gaze as I fixed it on her.

Who the hell was she to tell me what a woman should and shouldn't do? Wasn't she the one that helped kill my father in cold blood and then fuck her lover before his body was even cold.

"You're one to talk." I sighed. "Although I did learn from the best.”

For years I had held back my resentment towards my mother since she was my last living parent. However, after her ultimate betrayal, I could no longer think of her as such.

"A-Arissa,” my mother stammered, beginning to look nervous.

"How dare you talk to your mother like that!" Isaac growled, lifting a hand that was ready to strike me.

"Don’t even think about it." Ivan warned, stepping in front of me protectively. "If you lay a single finger on her I will break it."


I had to admit, Isaac's flustered expression was truly amusing, but I worried we wouldn't be able to question him if Ivan pissed him off too much.

"If you've only come to cause trouble you can leave." Isaac snapped, his eyes darkening.

"Right, right," Ivan laughed. "How about we go inside and discuss what I've come to tell you."

"You men go do that and Arissa and I..." my mother started, but stopped as Ivan grabbed me again. "She goes where I do." I snapped protectively.

I watched as my mother's expression shifted from shocked to joyful. Leave it to the power hungry bitch to be excited that her daughter landed an outstanding partner.

"Are you two?" She began, unable to control her emotions.

"No," I snapped before Ivan could conform. "And even if we were it doesn't involve you."

"Bitch, I'm warning you." Isaac growled. "You show respect to your parents!”

I could no longer hold back my laughter at his words. My parents... that was hilarious. Neither fucking one of them acted as a parent. In my eyes, I only ever had one parent and he died long ago. Opening my mouth, I prepared to speak my mind, but stopped as a much too familiar scent reached my nose.

Tensing, I whirled around, extending my senses towards where it was coming from.

"What's wrong?" Ivan asked, noticing my alarm.

"He's here." I hissed, finally locating him just beyond the treeline.

"Who?" Isaac demanded, grabbing my shoulders.

I didn't have to respond as Gillian came into view.

All around me I could hear gasps of shock and an excited exclamation from Isaac.

"He's alive?" Isaac asked, squeezing harder on my shoulders. "And you didn't tell me?"

"Let go." I growled, lifting a hand and placing it on Isaac's. "If you want to go greet him, have at it. However, I don't think you should.”

Even though Gillian was Isaac's son, he didn't give a damn about his father. I knew that he wasn't here for a reunion, the hunters that trailed behind him said as much.

Gillian was here for revenge and he was ready to kill whoever stood in his way.

"Why shouldn't I greet my son?" Isaac demanded, releasing me and beginning to move forward. "Listen to her.” Ivan snapped, grabbing Isaac's wrist. "He isn't up to any good. Are you too much of a damn fool to realize that?"

As Isaac floundered for a response, Gillian and his friends quickly closed the distance between us. Once he was inches away his glowing golden eyes fixed on his father.

"S-son," Isaac gasped, surging forward.

"NO!" I roared, but it was already too late.

Maybe no one else saw it since it was much too quick, but Gillian had pulled a sword from his hip as his father moved to him. Now, the blade if the sword stuck out of Isaac's back covered in blood, while bubbly gasps of shock escaped his lips.

"ISAAC!" My mother shrieked, realizing what happened. "NO!"

"Don’t move,” Gillian warned, shoving the sword deeper into Isaac.

Letting a growl escape me, I prepared to be defiant, but stopped as Ivan's hold tightened. Turning, I met his cold gaze as he shook his hhead.

"Don't do anything rash.” He murmured, turning his eyes back to Gillian.

"Better listen to him." Gillian laughed, pulling his blade out of Isaac and letting him collapse on the ground at his feet. "Although, I wouldn't kill you dearest sister.”

Grimacing, I tried to ignore the disgusting look of hunger in Gillian's eyes as he looked me over. Remaining quiet, I tried to control the rage that ran through me at seeing Gillian's disgusting face. "What exactly are you doing?" Ivan asked, jumping right to the question at hand. "Is this some act of rebellion because you're father didn't show you enough love as a child?"

A shiver raced down my spine as Gillian tilted his head back and let a manic laugh escape him. He definitely wasn't the same person he was before the attack on the night of the blood moon Something in him had clearly snapped and he was now hell bent on taking revenge and gaining as much power as possible.

[lvan's POV]

I could feel Arissa's palpable tension as I held her in place. I wasn't sure if she herself noticed, but her aura of bloodlust was leaking out and those around us were watching her.

"This is simply justice for being left to die by the man that was supposed to always have my back.” Gillian responded, wiping a tear from his eye. "This is also me taking my rightful place as Alpha of this pack.”

Letting my own laugh escape, I looked to Arissa and then back to him.

"Who is the rightful heir?" I asked slowly. "If memory serves me, it is Arissa as the child of the original alpha.”

I could feel the anger radiating from Gillian as my words sank in. Good, I needed him to get mad and attack so I had the advantage. When the opponent was too lost in their emotions, they didn't fight rationally and were easier to kill.

"Nice try, uncle.” Gillian laughed, immediately falling back into his relaxed demeanor. "You're little trick won't work."

“Alpha’ Hans hissed in my head. “Should we attack?’

“Not yet." I ordered

Even though there weren't many hunters with Gillian, that didn't mean there weren't more hiding somewhere. I couldn't allow us to be overwhelmed, especially with Arissa's useless mother with us. “What's the plan?’ Hans continued. “Should I call for backup?"

“No, I want to be the one that kills this bastard.

Maybe Arissa wanted the same thing I did, but I wasn't going to let him off. I owed it to Arissa to make anyone who hurt her pay, and he would be the first that I took out.

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