Sold To The Untouchable Alpha
Exchange Woman For Woman

[lvan's POV]

I eyed Arissa as she easily stared down my father. From the relaxed look on her face and how she held herself, I knew that she wasn't afraid. Even though I appreciated that lack of fear, I didn't know if it would be a good thing for her.

"Who are you to decide what happens here?" My father demanded, his face beginning to turn red once again. "My son is the alpha of this pack, and you're just a vessel to carry an heir!"

"Am I?" Arissa asked, making her way towards me. "Ivy, are you going to let him call me that?" Reaching out, she wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my chest. I could see a look of mischief in her eyes as they met mine and found myself wondering what exactly this woman was up to this time.

"He is insulting your woman." She continued, widening her eyes and fixing her mouth into a pout. "Are you going to let him speak to me like that?"

Even though I knew that she was expecting me to play along, I found myself dumbfounded. I don't know if it was due to her taking the initiative to approach me, or something more when she touched me, but I was at a loss for words. My mind was going blank and an odd sensation was beginning to form in my chest.

"Bitch, get away from my son!" My father growled, snapping me out of my daze.

Anger flared at him calling Arissa a bitch, and I finally found my voice.

"You aren't to call her that again.” I snapped, snaking my arms around her waist and pulling her closer. A small gasp of shock escaped her lips before her face fell back into a perfect mask. Smirking, I lowered my hand and squeezed her ass. "She is the lady of this estate and, therefore, she can do what she wants." I continued, flicking my gaze to my father's. "If she wants to continue to play with Gisele, who am I to stop her?"

"LIONAL!" Trey roared, surging forward. "Are you going to let your son do this to my daughter? I allowed her to come here because you promised she would be made luna! *

I watched in amusement as my father floundered. It was clear he was trying to formulate some perfect words or act.

"Don’t worry," he finally said, giving Trey a reassuring smile. "I will be sure to settle this and have Glsele returned to the pack.”

"Returned?" Trey hissed. "I won't leave here until she is released! I'm not leaving her here with your bastard son and his crazy mistress. "

"Crazy?" Arissa repeated with a giggle. "Sir, you haven't seen crazy yet."

As the words left her lips, I could feel her trying to break loose. I didn't know what she had planned, but I tightened my hold. My father and Trey were in enough of an uproar, and I couldn't allow her to push further.

"Baby," she whined, realizing I wasn't going to let her go. "Do you hear what these mean men are calling your future luna?"

Once again, I found myself dumbfounded by the words that were coming out of Arissa“s mouth. If I was being honest with myself, I didn't mind her calling me that. Nor did I mind hearing her refer to herself as the future luna of my pack. What the hell was actually getting into me?

"That's enough of this ridiculous act!" My father bellowed, moving his gaze to Arissa, who was watching him in defiance. "If you wish to keep Gisele here, then you must give me Arissa as collateral.”

"What?" Arissa spat, her mask disappearing and anger fixing on her features. "Who the fuck are you to say that I have to go with you?"

I could feel her body beginning to shake as she worked to contain her anger. In a way, I couldn“t blame her for being so mad. However, I needed to figure out how to solve this issue before it went too far.

"I won't do that." I said slowly, releasing Arissa and pulling her behind me. "Arissa is not an item for trade. 1 also will not release Gisele until I get to the bottom of her involvement with the hunters. " Turning, I fixed my gaze on Arissa’s and gave her a reassuring smile. I didn't want her to panic and I didn’t want her to snap and do something she would regret to a higher-ranking wolf. If she were to hurt him or even kill him, she would have to face the consequences of her actions per the law. Not even I could help her then.

"Are you really just going to let that bastard go?" She whispered so low that only I could hear her. "You know, he was involved too."

"We will discuss this later." I responded, turning around and meeting my father's questioning gaze once more. "For now, Gisele will stay here. Once I have finished with her, I will be sure to send her back.


"Then would you like to join her in the dungeon?” I challenged. It seemed that this beta needed to be put in his place, and I would happily oblige. "Father," I continued. "Are you going to let your beta talk to a higher-ranking wolf like that? Though I am younger, that does not mean that I am beneath him. By law, I can throw him in the dungeon simply for his defiance. *

I felt a surge of satisfaction rush through me as Trey paled and slumped back. Giving me one more angry glare, he turned and stormed away. Now all that was left was my father, me, and Arissa. "Since you are now aware of the situation, you may leave." I said, lifting a hand and shooing my father. "Though you were out of line for storming into my territory uninvited, I will let you off for now."

"Pardon my disrespect.” My father hissed through gritted teeth. "Next time, I will be sure to announce my arrival ahead of time."


Smirking, I crossed my arms and waited as my father continued to watch me. By the glint in his eyes, I knew that he wanted to push further. However, he was a smart man and knew that if he continued to try to get Gisele free, he would make himself look suspicious.

"Please leave." Turning, I wrapped an arm around Arissa once more. “I am tired, and so is my woman. We've nothing else to say to you. "

Not bothering to wait for my father to respond, I began to lead a confused and shocked Arissa away. Since she wanted to pretend to be lovers in order to piss off my old man, I would oblige. Now that things were settled here, I was going to make her pay for pushing my buttons and causing me confusion.

The night was young and I had no intention of letting her get away from me easily.

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