[lvan's POV]

Igor and Hans were already settled in my office when I arrived, saving me time alone to dwell on what had just happened with Arissa.

"Sir," Hans called, snapping to attention. "Why didn't you call us sooner?"

Why? Because I didn't want them to see that side of Arissa. Even if I didn't find her to be a monster, that didn't mean that others wouldn't.

For an omega to be that powerful... it was unheard of and made her a target.

"I could handle it alone." I lied, stepping forward and taking my seat. "However, the reason I called the both of you here doesn't involve the attack.”

No, I didn't want to discuss the attack. I wanted to discuss that bastard father of mine planting spies amongst my men. Although I had found one, I still needed to weed out the others.

Plopping down at my desk, I fixed my gaze on Igor and Hans as they waited patiently for me to speak.

"I need both of you to question our latest prisoners.” I began.

I knew that once word got to my father that I had his beta's daughter in a dungeon cell, he would come here raising hell. That meant time was limited for getting them to rat out all the other moles. "You mean that woman and the guard from the inner lines?" Igor confirmed.

"That's correct.” I sighed. "They're both working for my father.”

I wasn't surprised by the fact Igor and Hans" expressions remained neutral by my words. It seemed that everyone was aware of the treachery that was happening within the pack.

Good, that meant I could go ahead and end this. I was sure my father and his damn beta would be here anytime and I wanted to intercept them before they caused too much of a ruckus.

As if they were summoned, I heard yelling in the hall outside my office. Looked like it was show time.

Letting out a growl, I stood and gave a stretch. Igor and Hans eyed me, waiting for command. "Let's go." I huffed, trying to keep my temper in check. If I showed just how angry I was over what they did, they would feel proud. After all, a true alpha thought with his head, not his emotions.

I found my father being held back by two guards just at the end of the corridor. His face was beat red with rage and his claws were out.

"LET ME THROUGH!" He roared once he spotted me. "LET GO!"

I watched as my guards stumbled ever so slightly from him using the alpha command. However, since they were sworn to me, only my command truly phased them.

"Who said you could come in here making all that noise?" I asked, beginning to stroll forward

Igor and Hans followed closely behind ready to attack if anything were to happen.

"How dare you lock Gisele up!" My father boomed. "I brought her here as a prospect for your future luna!"

I had to bite back the laugh that wanted to escape me. It seemed that he wasn't aware of the fact Gisele had already sold him out.

"What is all this noise?"

Turning, I was shocked to see Arissa strolling forward. She had changed into clean, dry clothes and all sense of panic or fear from earlier was gone. All that showed on her face now, was amusement at the situation unfolding in front of her.

"I think if you want to fuss at anyone, it should be me old man." She continued. "After all, I was the one that sliced her beautiful skin up.”

I held back the urge to tell Arissa to go back and leave this to me. I already knew she wouldn't listen. However, by looking at her, I could tell she was still weakened. If something went wrong and my father got to her, she wouldn't be able to handle him.

"You?" My father repeated, fixing his almost black gaze on Arissa. "What did you just say you did?" Fuck, he was pissed and I still hadn't seen his beta. Where was that man roaming? There was no way he didn't come since it was his daughter that was in trouble.

"You heard me." Arissa shot back with a giggle. "She looked so lovely sitting there bleeding all over the nice clean floor."

A burst of electricity seemed to race around us as my father's alpha aura intensified.

"You will pay for that little girl." He growled, ripping his gaze away from Arissa and fixing it on me. "I want you to free Gisele immediately!”

"I don't take commands from you." I pointed out coldly. "She came here with ulterior motives and must be punished.”

It was time to test my father's loyalties. As of now he didn't know I was aware of his conspiring with the hunters. If I were to place all the blame on Gisele, would he defend her and if he didn't, would that cause a rupture in his relationship with the rest of his pack?

"What are you talking about?" Trey, my father's beta, asked as he finally made his appearance.

Two guards rushed closely behind him, indicating he had managed to break free from where ever he was being held.

"Glad you could join us.” I smirked, readying myself for the uproar. "I'm not sure if you are aware or not, but your daughter has been helping hunters attack my pack.”

For a moment, my father froze. However, it didn't take long for him to snap back to himself.

"What do you mean?" He asked slowly, quickly peeking over his shoulder at Trey, who was looking both confused and doubtful.

"How could Gisele possibly be on the same side as the hunters?" My father continued.

It seemed he was going to continue to play innocent. Good, that meant that I could collect up enough evidence to condemn him.

"She admitted the whole thing.” I continued with a smirk. "Would you like to come hear it yourself? The truth serum should still be flowing through her system.”

"N-no," my father replied. "I can't believe that she would do such a thing."

I almost wanted to clap at how great of a job the man was doing at acting shocked over the news. "Alpha," Trey hissed. From the look on his face, it was clear he truly was unaware of his daughter's dirty deeds. "We should go and get this straightened out. There is no way my daughter would ever do that! Have you forgotten that hunters killed her mother?"

Poor, ignorant fool. It looked like his daughter was doing dirty dealings behind his back. In a way I felt sorry for him.

"No," my father huffed, finally stopping his struggle against my guards. "For now we should bring her back to the packgrounds and question further there. If she truly is helping the hunters she must be rightfully punished.”

"I didn't hear Ivan say he would give her to you." Arissa purred, taking a few steps forward. "I'm not done with her. Therefore, she isn't going anywhere."

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