[Arissa's POV]

A shiver rushed through me at how cold Ivan's tone was. His dark eyes held the promise of violence, and I couldn't quite process why he cared so much.

"It doesn't concern you." I sighed, putting my mask of indifference in place. "And I would appreciate it if you stayed out of my head.”

It was already bad enough that I had to deal with my demons. I didn't want someone else involved, especially Ivan. He was the only person that didn't treat me like trash, and I truly worried that would change if he continued to learn more about my past.

Feeling another shiver run through me, I tried to ignore the image of him looking at me with hatred and disgust just like everyone else. Why did it bother me so much and make my heart ache? I didn't know and I didn't dare to even try to understand.

"This isn't up for negotiation.” Ivan growled. "Give me a name.”

I knew he was serious about wanting to punish Tristan when his alpha aura slammed into me and I suddenly felt compelled to answer him honestly.

Feeling my anger beginning to boil, I jumped up and bit back my reply.

I would be damned if I let him use the alpha command against me. Apparently, he forgot that even though I was an omega, I had alpha blood too.

"I don't take orders from you." I hissed, covering my still exposed chest. "Stop trying to pry into my life. I don't want nor need your pity. *

I turned to leave, but stopped as Ivan's large, warm hand wrapped around my wrist.

Tensing, I turned and met his dark, unreadable gaze.

"Let go."

" won't."

At that moment, it seemed as if the world around us had ceased to exist as we stared into each other's eyes. One thing was certain: both of us were stubborn, and it seemed like that fact alone bound us together.

I have not and will never pity you." Ivan said, slowly pulling me towards him. "I want to know that bastard's name because he touched what is mine."

"Yours?" I repeated, my eyes growing wide. "When in the hell did I become your possession?”

I watched as a smirk began to creep across Ivan’s lips

"You became mine the minute you stopped resisting me."

Stopped resisting him? Was he kidding right now? Sure, I had given in to his advances a few times, but that didn't mean that I had accepted him and his ridiculous proposition to carry his pup. "Weren't you the one that told the elders you were considering giving me an heir?"

Shit, had he heard that?

"I was just trying to piss them off."


Continuing to smirk, Ivan reached out and patted my head before finally letting me go.

"You don't have to tell me who that man was." He suddenly said, sending a wave of shock through me.


"Clearly, he is a member of my brother's pack.” He continued. "I simply have to go there and find him."

Fuck, he had me there. But was he really willing to cause a conflict between brothers over me?

"You make no sense.” I sighed, immediately deflating.

"What do you mean?”

Instead of responding, I just stared at him. Did he not notice the lengths he was going to accommodate and take care of me? And now here he was, wanting to kill someone simply because they did something awful to me.

"I get you want me to help you make a child," I began, deciding to be frank with him. "But you're trying a little too hard to fake kindness, and it is beginning to creep me out.”

What looked almost like hurt flashed across Ivan's face, but it disappeared so quickly, I couldn't be sure.

"You think I'm doing all of this because I want to fuck you?" He asked, narrowing his gaze.

Did I think that? Yes. Why else would he bother? It was most certainly because he was beginning to take a fancy to me. After all, we weren't matched. I was a useless omega and he was an all-powerful alpha. There couldn't be a more unmatched pair than us.

"Just do me a favor and stop.”

Now that I had opened the floodgates, I couldn't stop. I needed to draw a clear line between us. If not for him, then I needed it for me.

Despite knowing that I shouldn't, I was beginning to warm up to him. The way my body reacted to him said as much. I needed to make sure that I didn't let him in any further. The outcome of that would be pain. That was all that you got from caring for someone.

Ivan didn't speak as his eyes took me in. It was clear he was trying to figure out why I was acting the way I was. That was the problem with him. He wasn't an idiot, and his intuition was too damn good. Shaking his head, he just ruffled my hair and stepped back.

"We will discuss this further later.”

"What? There is nothing to discuss! "

"Come on, we've wasted enough time."

He didn't wait for me to reply; instead he headed out of the bathroom, leaving me alone. My mind was reeling at how he had brushed off my words. Did this mean that he would continue to try to get into my heart? And if he did, would I be able to resist?

[lvan's POV]

I began to rummage through my closet as Arissa remained dumbstruck in the bathroom.

It was easy to tell that she was desperately trying to push me away. The way she spoke said that much.

However, that wasn't what was bothering me. Usually, I wouldn't care if a woman liked me or not. But when it came to her, I felt a slight disappointment each time she set that boundary.

"You feel it.’ Bastian purred, causing a rush of irritation to flare. “You can't deny the bond."

'Fuck that bond.’ I growled, grabbing a shirt and slamming the door of my closet shut. I don't want a damn mate.’

It seemed that I needed to quickly fulfill my purpose with Arissa and send her away. I was already becoming unnerved and didn't want to get any deeper.

"Why the hostility?" Arissa asked, appearing in the room like a damn spirit. "What did that door do to you?"

"Shut up.” I hissed, unable to control the irritation I felt towards what Bastian continued to say. "Here, put this on."

Turning, I threw the shirt I was holding over my shoulder and grabbed a jacket that was hung by the door.

"Why should I wear your clothes?” Arissa demanded. "I can go back to my room and get changed.” "No time." I sighed. "Remember, we need to meet with Igor and Hans in regards to the attack on the estate.”

"That could have already been done if you didn't insist on being perverted.”

I don't know what got into me, but something snapped. Turning, I rushed forward, startling both Arissa and myself.

"If you continue to call me a pervert, I will show you a pervert.” I growled, beginning to push Arissa towards the wall. "I'm getting pretty damn tired of all your insults, little girl."

I could see a hint of fear in Arissa’s eyes as I trapped her. Good, she needed to be reminded of her place. I was clearly being too lenient.

"Get away from me." She tried, lifting her hands and shoving them at my chest.

I was shocked to find that the strength she usually possessed in such situations was gone and she was left as weak as an omega.

"What's wrong with you?" I demanded, unable to control my tongue. "Why are you suddenly so pathetic?"

"I'm not."

Although Arissa tried to keep her voice steady as she spoke, I could hear a slight hint of fear. It seemed that my actions had truly unnerved her. Fuck.

Stepping back, I let a low growl escape me as I brushed a hand through my hair. I needed to calm down. She wasn't the one that had pissed me off, and I shouldn't be taking my frustration out on her.

"Get dressed and meet me in my office.” I snapped.

I did not wait for Arissa to reply. I turned and stormed out of the room before I snapped once again. One thing was certain, it was becoming surprisingly hard to control my emotions around that woman. I definitely needed to fuck her and impregnate her soon. If not, I was sure that I would end up doing something that I regretted.

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