Chapter 9 

Elena had a sudden epiphany that it was all about a kind of strategic 


Carlos was just the son–in–law at the doorstep, and considering his current predicament, could there really be much marital affection left? If she hadn’t extended a helping hand, he might have never raised his head within the Jones family. 

With a compassionate tone, Elena advised, “It’s best to come to terms with it. Don’t be ashamed of being the matrilocal son–in–law. 

“Life is ever–changing, and courage often follows humility. 

“Despite your strained marital relationship, if you seize the opportunity I’m giving you, you might eventually change her perception of you.” 

After saying these words, Elena felt like a heavy burden had been lifted off her shoulders. 

In recent years, as her status had risen, her guilt about Carlos had increased. 

She had thought about turning back, but the chasm between them had become insurmountable. 

Now, helping him secure his place as the Jones family’s son–in–law was a way to make amends. 

She felt a sense of relief, but also a tinge of loss. 

After being beaten down by life, every man must learn to adapt in the end, even Carlos. 

Amidst her disappointment, the stubborn, untamed image in her heart finally dissipated entirely. 

It had come and gone, leaving no trace. 

Elena, now lacking enthusiasm, found even less interest in the upcoming banquet. 

Did a man who was ground down smooth by life still have any 


Just as Elena was about to end the call, Carlos’s voice came through. “My apologies for the misunderstanding. 

“My wife is attending, so I’ll be accompanying her.” 

Elena’s emotions surged, but she held back her anger and said, “Fine, go if you must. But why did you call me?” 

Carlos’s tone remained calm as he replied, “I just wanted to warn you not to cause any trouble for my wife at the banquet. 

“Also, she’s seen you before. How you explain your connection with her is your business, but I’d rather she not know about our history. 

“I’m not afraid of you. I love my wife, and I don’t want her to misunderstand!” 

Before Elena could say more, Carlos, without a hint of nostalgia, hung up promptly. 

In an instant, Elena felt as though something had choked her, rendering her speechless. 

With her current status, everyone rushed to curry favor with her, yet Carlos treated her like a plague, even distancing himself due to a woman of modest means. 

It felt like something precious had been snatched away by another woman, causing her a deep, lingering ache. 

Jasper entered and respectfully suggested, “Ms. Hiller, after a day of meetings, you must be exhausted. 

“Earlier, you mentioned being in a bad mood, so I arranged a river cruise for you. How about enjoying the evening river view in Nantes? 

“There’s a district with charming houses on stilts; it’s unique and stunning at night, and it might lift your spirits.” 

Jasper was extremely uneasy. Elena had only mentioned being in a bad mood on the phone, but it was clear that something more significant was going on. 

She had to be on the verge of rage. 

Elena sneered, “What’s the point of enjoying the river view if my mood is sour?” 

Unable to comprehend the young lady’s temperament, Jasper asked nervously, “Then… what should we do?” 

Elena stood up and narrowed her eyes, a trace of coldness flashing through them. “Let’s just attend the banquet to distract my mind.” 

Jasper was bewildered to hear her say that. 

She had canceled the banquet due to a bad mood earlier, and now she wanted to attend for the same reason? 

What kind of logic was this? Was the young lady planning to cause a scene at the event? 

As he waited downstairs, Jason’s emotions shifted from icy despair to sheer ecstasy. 

Jasper’s call had informed him that Ms. Hiller had changed her mind and would attend the banquet. 

Nevertheless, the last part of Jasper’s sentence left Jason puzzled. 

He asked him to guarantee that the banquet would be perfect. Jason thought that Miss Hiller’s mood seemed to be somewhat unpredictable. 

He didn’t dare to be careless and kept those words in mind. 

The banquet was still some time away, but the entire Nantes Hotel was ablaze with lights. 

Security personnel swarmed both inside and out, effectively barricading the entrances. 

Journalists and uninvited guests found themselves stranded at the doors. Even the luxury cars that tried to get in had their credentials meticulously checked by the appointed staff. No outsiders got through. Downstairs at the Nantes Hotel, a BMW 5 Series was navigating through the crowd. 

Joan, despite his advantages and parents working at the Governor’s Office, couldn’t help but feel like a fish out of water in this situation. 

Although he had more advantages than ordinary people, he was defeated 


The extravagant cars all around him, each worth millions, made him feel- more than a little out of place. 

With a tense mix of emotions, he finally reached his destination. 

Joan’s vehicle might not have been top–of–the–line, but the woman who stepped out of it would surely boost his image. 

That woman was Ashley. As the car door swung open, the first thing that hit the ground was her delicate foot encased in high heels. 

Fair skin, subtly arched insteps–every detail exuded sensuality. 

Looking up, she was dressed in a flowing emerald green evening gown. 

She was obviously stunning! 

Describing her as elegant and powerful would be an understatement. Even though this wasn’t her usual scene, she was still exceptionally dazzling. 

Everyone on the scene suddenly fell silent. No one could resist a woman like her. 

Joan, filled with jealousy, couldn’t bear the thought of such a perfect woman being claimed by another man. 

Just then, Caroline got out of the car, wearing a sardonic smile as she said, “Take it easy, we’re waiting for Carlos.” 

Ashley was clearly in the dark and asked, “Carlos? Is he coming too?” Joan watched from the sidelines, like an eager spectator. 

Caroline played coy and replied, “I’m not sure. Let’s wait and see.” Ashley’s face darkened as she demanded, “Caroline, what’s going on? What did you do behind my back?” 

Caroline no longer tried to hide anything and explained, “I secretly called Carlos just now and mentioned the banquet. If he’s a real man, he will show up.” 

Understanding the situation, Ashley asked with suspicion, “So, you’re saying you called Carlos behind my back? And you told him that Joan 

would take us to the banquet?” 

Seeing Caroline nod, Ashley’s temper flared up. “Caroline, how could you do that?” 

Caroline felt a bit wronged but replied matter–of–factly, “Why are you getting mad? 

“I know I shouldn’t have secretly contacted him, but he won’t agree to a divorce. Isn’t this a heaven–sent opportunity? 

“You want to connect with the Maredar Group, and Joan easily got us invitations to this exclusive event, while Carlos can’t even get past the main gate. 

“This will make Carlos see the difference between them!” 

Ashley took a deep breath before saying, “Caroline, listen carefully. Carlos is my husband. 

“Regardless of our feelings and my efforts to make him get a divorce, when it comes to the outside world, we’re still husband and wife. 

“There are so many people at the banquet tonight; your actions could ruin him!” 

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