Chapter 8 

Carlos raised an eyebrow when seeing the invitation. 

It contained all the event details and bore the signature of Jason, the president of the Maredar Group. 

Just as he started to wonder about its purpose, his phone rang. 

Elena’s voice was frosty, her tone dripping with condescension as she said, “You’ve got the invitation, haven’t you? Be there tonight. 

“With your current status, making a mark won’t come easy. That Jones family, they’re just a C–list outfit in Nantes. What can that woman do for you? 

“In light of my earlier forgiveness for the broken engagement, I’m handing you a chance to rise up. 

“Everyone attending tonight is a big shot in Nantes. If you seize this opportunity, it’ll be your ticket to establishing yourself here.” 

Carlos knew that she was referring to the Maredar Group’s gala. Going could swiftly resolve his issues with the Jones family. 

But stomping on one woman’s offer to sort out another woman’s problems left a sour taste in his mouth. 

If he could handle Ashley’s matters, he would do it on his own terms. Climbing the ladder by taking handouts from Elena just to boost himself up in front of Ashley? 

What kind of man would that make him? 

Moreover, when the engagement was called off, Elena hadn’t even asked for his opinion. She had crushed his dignity, turning him into the town’s laughingstock. 

Carlos remembered it áll too well. 

Seven years ago, the engagement had been canceled, his right hand was crippled, and he had been expelled from the Balton family, carrying his mother’s urn on a rainy night. 

Could everything be fixed with a simple invitation? 

That was pure fantasy! 

Carlos was determined to reclaim his place in the Balton family. 

He also aimed to settle the score with those who had kicked him when he was down, including the Hiller family. 

He swore to obliterate the ungrateful Hiller family and trample the man they’d chosen. 

Only then would his life have purpose. 

Only then could he get revenge for the years of suffering. 

If he handed Elena the opportunity for redemption so easily, how could he exact his vengeance later? 

With that in mind, he replied, “Not interested,” his voice colder than before. 

It was uncommon for Elena to receive such a response. She furrowed her brows and inquired, “The banquet is after work hours. Are you too busy?” 

Carlos answered sharply, “I’m spending time with my wife.” 

He ended the call, tore the coveted golden invitation into pieces without hesitation, and tossed it in the trash. 

Elena’s mood soured instantly, her face darkening. 

Carlos’s wife had met Elena the day before. She had a modest background, her capabilities unknown, but her looks were appealing. Elena had believed she could overlook this matter, but it had kept her awake all night. 

The invitation had been extended as an act of both pity and charity. 

It was also a message to Carlos: “If you want to make a comeback, you can’t rely on me. Are you planning to depend on that woman from the Jones family? That’s hilarious.” 

She hadn’t expected Carlos to be so arrogant. 

“Spending time with his wife?” she thought. 

“What did he mean by that? Is he deliberately opposing me, or are they 

genuinely in love?” 

Elena had thought it was a trivial matter, but it had soured her mood. 

So, when Jasper called, she declined, saying, “Someone has irritated me, and I’m in a bad mood. I won’t attend the banquet tonight.” 

Jason, waiting downstairs, received a similar response. His enthusiastic heart turned to ice. 

They had been preparing the banquet hall for days, with him personally arranging security and meticulously verifying the guest list. 

Chefs had been flown in from China, and even ingredients had been air–shipped from overseas overnight. 

He had waited for months, preparing and anticipating this moment. 

He had hoped to use Elena to promote the Maredar Group. 

But the star attraction had canceled due to being in a bad mood? 

Jason wanted to cry but didn’t know where to start. 

Who had provoked Miss Hiller at this crucial time? It was a disaster! 

Just as Jason was venting his frustrations, the catalyst behind the entire ordeal, Carlos, found himself facing some karma of his own. 

His phone began to ring, and before he could get a word in, he was bombarded with a barrage of harsh words. “You’re Carlos, right? I’m Caroline, Ashley’s best friend. You might not know me, but I’ve heard her mention you countless times. 

“She doesn’t even like you, so why are you still hanging around her? 

“Do I even need to explain to you how crucial this collaboration with the Maredar Group is to her? 

“But what can you possibly bring to the table? 

“Let me tell you, it was Joan who stepped up to assist Ashley with this 


“Your wife is in a bind, and as her husband, you’re utterly useless. She has to turn to other men for help. Doesn’t that make you feel ashamed? 

“If I were in your shoes, I’d be looking for a rock to crawl under.” 

Carlos furrowed his brows and inquired, “Did you just say that Joan helped Ashley with the Maredar Group collaboration?” 

Caroline boasted, “Yeah, that’s right! There’s a high–profile gala at the Nantes Hotel tonight, and Joan is a VIP guest. He’s taking Ashley and me along, sealing the deal for this partnership. 

“And as for you? Forget about getting in; you probably don’t even qualify to be in the know, right?” 

Carlos remained silent, his gaze shifting to the trash can behind him, a hint of disdain in his eyes. 

Caroline carried on, “Carlos, Ashley has a kind heart, and she doesn’t want to be too harsh. 

“She doesn’t know about this call; she really didn’t want me to make it. 

“If you want to prove you’re still a man, don’t make me lose respect for you. Leave Ashley voluntarily, or don’t blame me if I make it 

embarrassing for you.” 

As Carlos listened to the busy signal on the other end, he furrowed his brows. 

He wasn’t particularly fond of these events for the rich and famous, but being berated out of nowhere? What the heck was that all about? 

Most importantly, one sentence from Caroline hit him hard: “Your wife is in a bind, and as her husband, you’re utterly useless. She has to turn to other men for help.” 

That was downright humiliating. 

Carlos took a deep breath and made up his mind. Enough was enough. He’d been patient for too long. 

If this was how it was going to be, he was going to show Ashley that her husband wasn’t a pushover. 

Fame and fortune? He scoffed at it! 

If that’s what Ashley wanted, then he’d give it to her. 

Consider it compensation for all those years of marriage. 

Elena, who had just been in a foul mood and vented her frustration, 

received a call from Carlos. “I’ll attend the banquet,” he said simply. 

Those four words managed to lift her mood from the depths of despair! 

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