"Is this the treasure you brought back?"

Adler and Jenna were examining the contents of the suitcase with magnifying glasses. Everyone had gathered at Sophie's house.

Sophie sat to the side, sipping on her tea, having already seen the items in the suitcase. Except for the sapphire ring, there wasn't much else of note.

Jenna stroked her chin, remarking, "Based on my knowledge of jewelry, Bea's suitcase collection is worth at least three hundred million."

Adler stood up, adding, "More than that. Including the ring Ms. Sophie is wearing, it's worth at least one point three billion."

"Bea was keeping one point three billion at home. She really knew how to live her life."

"Indeed!" Adler slammed the table, asking in confusion, "But does this have anything to do with the treasure you mentioned before?"

"According to what Gordon told me, the four major families back in the day were the Aldridge family, the Russell family, the Costello family, and the Tredgold family. The Burke family came into prominence later and wasn't counted among these four, but the day I followed James into his family's ancestral hall..."

Sophie paused when Colby suddenly interjected, "Why did he take you to the ancestral hall?"

Sophie fell silent. Traditionally, ancestral halls were places for family members only, not for outsiders.

Sophie chuckled awkwardly, "He just... took me to see the ancestral hall."


Colby's piercing gaze clearly showed he didn't believe Sophie's words.

Sophie coughed, continuing, "That's not the point. The point is, I saw two memorial plaques in the ancestral hall."

Adler commented, "It's normal to have memorial plaques in an ancestral hall, isn't it?"

"Yes, the Costello family's ancestral hall also has quite a few."

"Those two plaques belonged to James' great-grandparents. James also mentioned that the Burke family didn't originally make their fortune in Devonport but moved there later. He didn't elaborate much, but it seems the Burke family isn't just some nouveau riche as rumored but rather a deeply hidden major family."

Jenna mused, "The more you talk, the more mysterious it sounds. If the Burke family was so powerful a hundred years ago, how could they not have a place among the four major families?"

Adler sat back on the couch, saying, "I've heard my parents mention these four families too, but they've moved abroad now and don't pay much attention to the past. Now, I'm the only one managing the Tredgold family's current affairs. If my grandparents were still alive, maybe they could have shed some light."

Jenna added, "To me, these four families were just a close-knit group that formed a business alliance to monopolize the market. There wasn't anything mystical as Gordon made it sound."

Sophie fell silent for a moment, then said, "But if not for the secret of the four families taking root in Devonport, how do we explain the people who've been showing up lately?" Everyone fell silent, as this was a difficult question to answer.

Adler unconsciously lit a cigarette, offering one to Colby, who declined.

"What's up?"

"I quit."

Colby simply uttered those two words, surprising Adler. "You? Quit smoking?"

Jenna couldn't help but tease. "A smoker quitting for love, that's a first for me. Learn from him, Adler. At least he can find a girlfriend. You? Destined to be a bachelor!"

Adler, unbothered, lit his cigarette, declaring, "If I could really win over the woman I love, I'd quit smoking in a heartbeat, not even secondhand smoke!"

Just as Adler lit his cigarette, Colby stood up and snuffed it out. Staring at the fallen ash, Adler was stunned. "What are you doing?"

"Sophie doesn't do secondhand smoke."

Adler was shocked. He raised his thumb in approval, "Fine, fine. You've got a girl now and forgotten your friends! I'll go outside to smoke!" Then, Adler took his cigarettes and headed to the balcony. Jenna observed Colby's protectiveness. She couldn't help but be impressed. "You're protecting her already. Nice."

Sophie, watching Colby cleaning the floor, couldn't hide her sweet smile.

The next day, S Corporation' trainee team made their debut, while in contrast, Aldridge Global's trainee team had been halted for several days, with their previously announced show falling through. Shirley stormed into Mr. Devin's office, slamming her hand on the desk. "When will I get to be on stage?!"

For days now, Aldridge Global's trainees were down to Wendy, Jean, and a few others who barely stood out.

Lately, several female trainees had found ways to switch companies. Wendy hardly came to Aldridge Global for practice anymore. Under such circumstances, Shirley seriously doubted her chances of debuting Had she not seen the news today, revealing Julian's debut with S Corporation, she wouldn't have known that Aldridge Global's trainees had been poached.

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