Her former teammates and those less talented than her had all became famous thanks to S Corporation, yet here she was, silently fading into the background. How could she possibly accept this? Facing Shirley's fury, Mr. Devin merely sipped his hot coffee and then said, "Shirley, don't worry. This isn't something we can decide on our own. The trainee program is currently short on people, and this project hasn't attracted any investors yet. I'm just as frustrated."

On the verge of a breakdown, Shirley exclaimed, "You promised me! And now you're saying this! What do you mean by that?"

"Yes, we did promise you, but did we specify a timeline in the contract? Don't worry. Once the project funding is secured, I assure you, you will definitely get famous."

"When will the funds be secured?"

"Well... that, I don't know yet. We have to wait for the company's decision."

Shirley, growing more anxious, asked, "What about me? What am I supposed to do in the meantime?"

Mr. Devin wiped his mouth and said, "For now... just go home and wait for news. Once the funding comes through, I'll let you know."

Hearing Mr. Devin say this, it dawned on Shirley that Aldridge Global had no intention of working with her!

Staying here was a waste of time. Not only would she not get her debut, but she was also trapped in a contract with Aldridge Global, unable to take private jobs or have any source of income. After a few years, she would be older. How could she possibly debut in a group?

"Nice one, Sophie. You played me like this!" Biting her lip, Shirley stormed out of Mr. Devin's office.

Mr. Devin watched the impulsive Shirley leave and couldn't help but shake his head helplessly.

Soon, Shirley made a scene at the S Corporation building.

Tricia stopped Shirley in front of Sophie's office door, but Shirley still shouted, "Let me in! I want to see Sophie! Let me in!"

Inside the office, Sophie put down the financial news in her hand and said indifferently, "Let her in."

Hearing this, Tricia no longer blocked Shirley.

Shirley pushed open the door to Sophie's office, her eyes brimming with anger. "Sophie! You lied to me!"

"Shirley, I don't understand what you mean. Haven't I given you everything you wanted?"

Seething with anger, Shirley said, "You promised me I could be on stage! But now, even Julian and the others have made it, and I'm still stuck at Aldridge Global! And you say you didn't lie to me?" "Shirley, I agreed to all your initial requests. As for the timing of the debut, it's up to Aldridge Global to decide. I don't have the power to influence Aldridge Global's decisions." Sophie smiled dismissively and said, "If you're here to demand an explanation, then my answer is that I have nothing to say."

Shirley found herself speechless against such reasoning and managed to only say, "Fine, if Aldridge Global doesn't make me famous, then I'll come to S Corporation. You might not control Aldridge Global, but you can influence S Corporation! If you could poach Julian, you can surely take me too!"

Faced with Shirley's unreasonable demand, Sophie pretended to ponder and said, "Shirley, are you misunderstanding something?"

Shirley frowned, "What do you mean by that?"

"I've already fulfilled my promises to you. Why should I agree to your new demands?"

"But I haven't been on stage!"

"That's Aldridge Global's issue. We've already signed the contract, haven't we?"

Hearing Sophie's words, Shirley knew that no matter what she proposed now, it would be useless. Sophie was deliberately making things difficult for her!

"If you really want to leave Aldridge Global, you should follow the proper procedures, not come here causing a scene. Tricia, please escort her out. And inform Mr. Devin of Shirley's request today. I'm sure he will have a solution."

Seeing Sophie's relentless stance, Shirley clenched her fists in silence.

After Shirley left, Tricia approached Sophie and said, "Ms. Sophie, are you just letting her go like that?"

"What else must I do? Should we keep her here to make trouble?"

"I'm just worried she might do something drastic and potentially harm you..."

"At this point, she can't hurt me anymore. She'll find a way to leave Aldridge Global if she's smart. But that's not our concern."

Sophie wasn't planning on wasting any more time on Shirley. She inquired, "How are Julian's debut data?"

"Much better than expected. He's a born star. Ms. Sophie, your judgment is indeed sharp."

Sophie smiled slightly and said, "Since the results are good, let's strike while the iron is hot and aim to make him a star within half a month." "Half a month? Ms. Sophie, why the rush?"

Sophie smiled slightly. "I'm eager to present Ricardo with a grand gift."

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