"Of course, Ms. Sophie."

Colt gave a maid standing by his side a look, and without hesitation, the maid stepped forward and splashed a glass of ice water on Wendy's face.

Wendy's delicate makeup was instantly ruined. Her face darkened. "Are you mad? I was invited here by Burker International! How dare you treat me like this?"

"The Burke family does not welcome ill-mannered guests, and besides, we did not invite you, Miss Wendy."

Colt gave Wendy a cold glance.

Wendy felt embarrassed at the moment. Her father had pulled some strings to get her the invitation to the Burke family's event. Under normal circumstances, Mr. Devin himself might not be qualified to enter.

Wendy noticed many eyes staring at her. She bit her lip and said, "Regardless, I'm a attendant for the gala tonight. Even if I did something wrong, it should be Mr. Burke to teach me a lesson! You're just a secretary! Since when has it been your place to point fingers?"

"Yes, Mr. Burke hasn't said anything. How can you treat a guest like this!" Jean also indignantly stood up for Wendy.

The crowd merely saw it as a spectacle. Colt had always been James' right-hand man, and no one had ever dared to speak out against Colt so boldly. They truly did not know their place.

Colt smiled and asked, "So, Miss Wendy, what would you like?"

"Of course, I want you to apologize to me in public!"

Wendy knew Colt was James' right-hand man, so she didn't make too excessive a demand.

Others might not have known Wendy well, but Sophie did. Given Wendy's character, asking Colt for an apology was very restrained for her.

What Wendy didn't understand was that Colt was James' right-hand man, and asking Colt to apologize was tantamount to embarrassing James. Sophie calmly said, "Colt, no need to waste words on her. Let's go."

"Yes, Ms. Sophie."

As they were leaving, Colt gave a look to two security guards at the door, who immediately stepped forward, intending to take Wendy away. Wendy struggled, fuming, "Let go! Do you even know who I am? How dare you treat me like this!"

The crowd saw Wendy as a joke, but she was oblivious.

Jean instinctively distanced herself from Wendy. She had finally managed to get into such a high-class party by following Wendy, and couldn't afford to be dragged away now.

At this moment, Nichole from the second floor saw Wendy being dragged around on the first floor and said discontentedly, "Who allowed this woman to appear at tonight's dinner?"

Today was her and James' engagement day. She had waited so long for this day and would not allow a single flaw at the banquet.

"Miss, this woman wasn't on the invitation list. She might have gotten in through someone else. But luckily, Colt has already handled it. You don't have to worry." Nichole frowned upon seeing Wendy's expensive couture dress. "Strip her of that dress! It's an eyesore."

"Yes, Miss."

Nichole had risen high, not just as the Freeman family's daughter but also as James' fiancée. Her status was evident, and everyone was respectful towards Nichole.

Soon, Wendy was dragged out of the Burke family mansion, while Jean, who had distanced herself from Wendy, escaped trouble.

"Let go of me! You can't do this to me!"

Wendy hadn't even seen Blake yet, but the security guards dragged her out. Then, a person dressed as a butler approached Wendy. She was fuming, shook off the security guards' hands, and said angrily, "Who allowed you to touch me with your dirty hands!"

She disdainfully dusted off the nonexistent dirt from her body and said to the butler, "You must be the butler. I want to see Mr. Burke! I'd like Mr. Burke to see how his people are being rude and unreasonable!" After all, Wendy was a high-society lady and had never been treated like this.

The butler observed Wendy with disdain and said, "Mr. Burke is not someone just anyone can meet."

After saying that, he signaled two security guards. "Ms. Rowena said she dislikes that dress. Strip it off her!"

"Yes, sir!"

The guards began to tear at Wendy's dress. Wendy was terrified as she watched her couture dress being ripped apart. She quickly covered her chest, her face turning ugly. "How... how could you do this to me!"

"You're just a backdoor climber trying to seduce Mr. Burke in that dress. How pathetic." The butler threw a bank card at Wendy's feet, saying, "The money here is enough to buy your dress. Don't appear in front of the Burke family again. You're a sore sight for Ms. Rowena."

Everyone around was watching Wendy, who was now barely covered. She hastily picked up the bank card and ran to her car.

"Drive! Just leave this place!"

Wendy had never been so humiliated. Now that she was publicly expelled from the Burke family mansion, how could she ever hold her head high in high society again?

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