Wendy was still young, completely unaware of the understated luxury Sophie's evening gown represented.

Compared to Wendy's flamboyance, Sophie's attire seemed too modest.

Sophie smiled and said, "Miss Wendy, you look so stunning. How could I compete with you? You'll surely be the brightest pearl at the party tonight."

Sophie's compliments brought a pleased smile to Wendy's face.

Jean also took Wendy's hand, saying, "Wendy, let's go inside. Let's not waste time talking here."


Wendy walked past Sophie with her head held high.

Tricia frowned and said, "Ms. Sophie, why do you indulge her like that?"

"Tonight's gala is essentially to announce James and Nichole's engagement. Her dressing like this will be her own undoing. To those unaware, it might seem like she, not Nichole, is the night's leading lady. Everyone knows to play a supporting role when on someone else's turf, yet she remains clueless. Do you think she's worth my concern?"

Sophie then headed towards the Burke family's mansion.

As expected, Wendy's haute couture gown immediately made her the center of attention. Wendy's family must have spent a fortune on that dress, which could have made a stunning impression under different circumstances. However, at this event, Wendy would pay a heavy price for her million-dollar gown.

Meanwhile, Wendy, oblivious to the impending consequences, was enjoying a fine wine.

Jean, trying to flatter her, said, "Wendy, look how beautiful you look in that dress. Everyone's eyes are on you. I just wonder where Blake is. If he were here, he'd surely be captivated by you." Encouraged by Jean's praise, Wendy felt even more pleased. "You're so sweet. If I really could catch Blake's eye and become his wife someday, I'll give you a chance to shine."

A glint of ambition flashed in Jean's eyes. "Really? Wendy, you're the best!"

Wendy was used to Jean's flattery. She noticed Sophie enter the Burke family's mansion, and her face immediately showed displeasure. "You there, come here!"

Colt was on his way to find Sophie by James' orders, but was suddenly stopped by Wendy. Normally, only James and Bea could order Colt around. To maintain the Burke family's dignity, Colt patiently said, "Miss, how can I assist you?"

Wendy coldly demanded, "Sophie is just a minor manager at S Corporation. How is she even qualified to be here? Have someone remove her at once! She's an eyesore!"

Wendy obviously mistook Colt for the Burke family's butler, while Jean added, "Exactly, this is the Burke family's event. Sophie has embarrassed Mr. Burke multiple times. How could she be here? There must've been a mistake in the invitations."

"I'm sorry, but... Ms. Sophie is here representing S Corporation. If you have any complaints, please address them to Mr. Burke."

Wendy impatiently said, "Is this how you handle things? Do such trivial matters need Mr. Burke's attention? How is a mere manager representing S Corporation? Wasn't Blake supposed to come in person? What is she doing here?"

Colt, already displeased, frowned more deeply. Wendy's deliberate provocation had already drawn everyone's attention.

Wendy and Jean didn't know, but that didn't mean that others were unaware. No one had ever embarrassed Mr. Burke's secretary in public before.

Jean was more perceptive. She noticed the change in the crowd's gaze and nudged Wendy, saying, "Wendy, their looks seem... odd."

Wendy looked around and indeed saw the strange glances directed at her. "What are you waiting for, butler? Get rid of her now!"

Wendy was getting anxious. She was used to being domineering at home, where the butler handled all troubles. Naturally, she expected the Burke family's butler to solve Mr. Burke's problems. However, she had unwittingly addressed Colt, who was actually there for Sophie.

"Colt, come here." Sophie's sudden call broke the tension.

When Wendy and Jean realized the butler they were trying to boss around was Colt, their complexions turned ashen.

It was actually James' right-hand man, Colt!

Wendy realized who she had been ordering around, and her face turned pale.

Colt approached Sophie, politely saying, "Ms. Sophie, Mr. Burke would like to see you."


Sophie glanced at Wendy, who was stiff and shocked. She said, "Miss Wendy, you seem to be overheating. Perhaps someone should help her cool down."

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