Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies
Powerful Papa With Triplet Babies Chapter 588

Chapter 588

Anne backed away from his embrace with bloodshot eyes and shook her head. Her tears fell once again and she wiped them away, forcing herself to calm down. “It's fine. I can find

a way on my own..."

She knew that her father had agreed to surrender his happiness and remain married to Dorothy in order for Sarah to return to Luton. If Nigel went to negotiate with Anthony, not one knew what Nigel would have to compromise again.

“What can you do? Let me..."

“No!” She yelled. “I did this, so I will deal with it. None of you can help!”

She turned to leave.

“Anne!” Nigel wanted to go after her, but was startled into a halt when he spotted Sarah stepping outside the hotel with ruffled hair and blood all over her face. “Sarah! What happened?”

“Your... Your wife did this.” She collapsed into his arms. “Where's Anne?”

Nigel's heart was torn between his concern for Anne and Sarah, but Sarah clearly needed immediate attention.

“I'll send you to the hospital.” Nigel tried to help her into the car, but then heard Dorothy screaming.

“Nigel, stop right there!”

He turned around and found Dorothy hurrying over without any visible wound on her.

“Where are you going? Have you forgotten that I'm your wife? Are you going to cheat on me in front of my face?” Dorothy screamed hysterically.

"Go look into your reflection in a mirror and see how horrendous you look!” He said coldly, before turning to get into the car and ordering the driver to start the car.

Dorothy watched as the man she loved left with the woman she hated most in the world in jealousy and resentment.

“You b*tch, Sarah! How dare you take my man from me? I'll make you suffer for this!"

Inside the car, Nigel kept pressure on Sarah's wound with a towel and asked, “What happened between the two of you?”

“That madwoman of a wife you got there... She...” Suddenly, Sarah seemed to have remembered something and shoved Nigel's hand away angrily.

“What's wrong? Are you angry at me?”

"Of course, I'm angry at you! Dorothy hired someone to run me over with a car and it's bad enough that you didn't avenge me, but you even hid the truth from me. Just look at how smug she was!"

"Anne and I decided to keep the truth from you because we didn't want you to be upset.” Nigel sighed. “Anthony sides with Bianca and Bianca won't budge. I'm sorry...”

Sarah decided to forgive him and said, “Whatever. I know what Anthony's like better than most. None of you can handle him because he is a senseless psychopath! Just look at how much he made Anne suffer! Oh, where's Anne? You didn't answer my question just now! You didn't find her?”

“I'll take you to the hospital first and call her later. I assume that she went home.” Nigel knew that Anne was devastated and thought it would be best to leave her be for the time being.

Sarah leaned against him, feeling both guilty and safe at the same time. “Forget what I said back in Santa Nila. I act stupid like that from time to time.”

“You didn't say anything wrong. You were telling the truth,” Nigel said.

Sarah desperately wanted Nigel to get a divorce, knowing that Nigel was suffering when he was with Dorothy. On the other hand, she did not want Nigel to give everything up and hand it over to Dorothy.

“Who does she think she is?" Sarah thought, “Pretending like she’s the most loyal woman on earth. It's disgusting!”

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