Chapter Twenty: Boldly, Freely

THEY’VE decided to live every day as if it’s their last. Surely, Hyacinth’s sudden request should not be a surprise anymore.

But, still, Max was dumbfounded.

He reached for a loose strand on her reddened cheek and tucked it behind her ear. “I’ve read from an internet article that pregnant women experience increased sexual appetite-”

“No, that’s not what this is all about. I just decided to make an effort toward this...engagement. Knowing you intimately won’t hurt, will it?”

His eyes sparkled in mischief. “What triggered this initiative, hmm?” Max can’t stop the raspiness in his voice. Damn his libido for that.

“Forget it.” She shook her head and turned her back on him.

A sly smile formed on his lips. He took a step towards her and bent down to whisper behind her ear. “Okay. Let’s meet in your room. Wear your sexiest outfit...and your signature lacy panty.”

He could sense the tension building up inside her. She took a deep breath as if controlling the chaos that he roused inside her being. His cock twitched inside his khaki shorts when Hyacinth turned to look at him once more and plastered a playful grin on her lips.

“I’m wearing one right now.”

He gulped. Damn it.

Hyacinth’s skin glowed and radiated. The constant fear and stress from running away from her father now disappeared from her face. Her expressions became unrestrained. She gained a few pounds these past few weeks under the care of a professional nutritionist. Max is astounded to see the drastic changes in Hyacinth’s body in a short time span.

Her hips and thighs are now plump. Her breast filled the cup of her brassiere perfectly. Max was aware of the metamorphosis that occurred in Hyacinth’s body very well when she wore an emerald-green string bikini on the beach earlier.

He also noticed how the locals and the tourists watched Hyacinth as she played beach volleyball with Maine and Erin earlier this morning nearby the shore. Men drooled and marveled at her sensual attractiveness that Max was forced to bring the three back to the hotel with him.

He had been overly possessive of his fiancé. Max practically hovered over Hyacinth like a hawk and that gained a mocking glance at Maine.

“You’re smitten, Max.” Maine giggled after whispering that to his ears.

And he’s not an idiot to not notice his behavior.

Maine had been right. He’s smitten.

Returning his thoughts to the present, he grabbed Hyacinth’s hand where her engagement ring is and lifted it to his lips, licking her knuckles with enough subtlety for passersby. He even grinned when his warm lips reached the pearl of the ring. Hyacinth would never forget that grin of triumph when she finally said yes to his proposal, especially when she was so annoyed when she realized that the South Sea pearl on her ring is studded with diamonds around the band.

She accepted the ring because she thought it was just a simple gold band with a single pearl as a gem. She should’ve known better. Maximillian Bismarck will never give something small. It had to be extravagant, just like their first date at Chef Goodman’s restaurant. Heaven knows how much he had spent in the restaurant, considering that it was Chef Goodman himself who cooked their food. VIP access alone costs more than she could earn in a year of working her ass off.

Hyacinth jerked at the sudden glide of his tongue on her skin. The sudden gleam of wickedness from Max’s pools had her core burning and clenching for some reason. She should expect a lot of teasing from him starting today. They’re engaged now and they’ll get married shortly after their vacation on this island. She should get used to being intimate with him.

She pulled her hand back when she saw in her peripherals that Maine and Erin are running towards them, giggling.

The four of them returned to their respective hotel suites. Maine borrowed Max’s jacket because the night air is quite chilly. Erin talked with her dad regarding some properties that will increase in market value in the future. Max listened to his daughter’s suggestions, carefully taking down notes on his phone.

“Sweetie, this feels like cheating.”

“You know how it is in the business world. You can’t risk something without seeing its potential. My being here means that I’ve already seen the outcomes. The information I relayed is a hundred percent accurate.” Erin shrugged. “Think of me as one of your reliable sources. Write it down, Dad, in case you feel guilty about gathering information from me.”

Max pinched Erin’s cheek. “Thank you for that, but you’re not here in our timeline to serve that purpose, sweetie. All you have to do is to enjoy being with us.”

Erin chuckled and hugged her father’s arm. “Aww, Dad. Mom’s doing wonders in your mood tonight. I wonder if Aunt Maine and I can have some bonding time with her.”

Hyacinth raised a brow when Max’s jaw tightened. “Sweetie, I think your Mom needs to do something-”

“Please, Dad! She’s not busy. Can we stay up late and play with Mom, please?”

Hyacinth almost laughed when Max showed a hint of disappointment after he agreed to Erin’s wishes. He can’t say no to his daughter. Oh, the look on his face when he mustered up all of his strength to nod at Erin was hilarious!

Hyacinth will forever treasure that memory.

“Okay, Erin. Wait for me in your room with Aunt Maine. I’m just gonna change into my pajamas.”

Erin and Maine giggled in delight as the two held hands while running toward their suites with their keycards. When the two finally entered their suite, Max and Hyacinth looked at each other with a smile.

“I guess we’re gonna have to reschedule our date night.” Hyacinth pretended to celebrate the news but the truth was...she is just as disappointed as Max right now. She knew how he looked forward to their plans for tonight.

“I need a shower, too. Good night.” Max met her gaze as he reached for her cheek, his thumbs caressing her lips as soon as he touched her. “Have fun with Erin. She needs to be with you more than me, knowing that she grew up without you by her side.”

Hyacinth tried to smile, at least, but her throat itched as she tried to stop her eyes from watering. She gulped the sorrow that was slowly creeping up in her veins. “I know.” She opened her suite next to Maximillian’s and stormed inside, hoping to hide the sudden melancholy stirring up inside her.

The thought of Erin being miserable is almost unbearable for her. The thought of seeing the same thing on Max’s face amplified the guilt that she’s been feeling in her chest.

Why did she disappear for a decade? Why did Erin grow up without her? Is she so incompetent to not understand Erin’s ability that she got stuck in that dark space and didn’t return after disappearing?

Shaking the thoughts out of her head, she dropped her tote bag on the living room couch. Hyacinth already promised herself to not feel that negativity lingering around her heart. She promised to live boldly and freely with her family now. She needed to savor each minute as if it were her last.

And that’s exactly what she’s gonna do.

She stormed out of her suite and proceeded to knock on Max’s door. Her heart pounded at the impulsiveness of her actions and thoughts. She’ll forever be doomed to the second-hand embarrassment of what she’s about to do now.

The hell with embarrassment! I can’t afford that. Fuck it!

When the door opened, Hyacinth pushed Max inside his suite and pinned him against the wall, kicking the door close behind her.

“I thought you were going to Erin’s room?” Max’s piercing blue eyes regarded her with a puzzled glare.

“Are you busy tonight?”

“No, but—”

She immediately grabbed his nape as her lips reached for his. His body froze for a millisecond but, eventually, his hands roamed free around her back and pulled her closer to his length.

“Haya, we don’t have time—”

He was silenced by another torrid kiss from her. He groaned against her kisses, nipping, biting her lower lip.

The feel of his mouth against hers. The warmth of his body and the rush of adrenaline in her veins; they’re too much for her to take. Hyacinth underestimated her control over her desire and it resulted in her knees wobbling at the intensity of his kisses. The sensations invaded and penetrated every fiber, every cell in her being and setting her ablaze. Thankfully, Max lifted her before she could lose her balance.

His lips forced her mouth to open, and when she did, his tongue swept around the inside of her lips as if he was gathering all the sweetness inside. The erotic feel of his tongue against hers shot bolts of pleasure to that aching place between her thighs.

His mouth then glided to her throat and she felt his palm pushing her nape to arch her neck to his advantage. He nuzzled and sucked the sensitive neck on her neck and Hyacinth gripped his arm for support, afraid that she’ll drown in sensation overload.

And it seems like Max felt the same, too, for she could feel the throbbing length of his cock against her navel. It is as if her femininity recognized the feel of him; she felt her core pulse numerous times.

How did she handle him the first time they had sex? When did he become so... overwhelming?

She realized that the first time they had sex was conducted merely to achieve a common goal. To create something they both wanted. This, on the other hand, is purely out of desire...of need.

His palms crawled their way to the straps of her summer dress. He chuckled and pulled the spaghetti straps down to the underside of her breasts, revealing two perfect globes before his eyes. Hyacinth swore that she saw the blue of his eyes turn vivid by looking at her.

“I missed sucking these...”

A whimper escaped from her lips when his tongue lapped and toyed with a pebbled nipple. She begged for him to take her to his bed but he had been too busy kissing her breasts like a savage beast that he didn’t hear her silent pleas.

He whispered how he loved toying with her breasts, how he could feel her raging heartbeat as he nuzzled the mounds on her chest. With her weak fingers, she combed his ruffled hair back to his nape and pulled his head to her breasts, loving how his kisses felt on her pinkish buds.

He lifted his head to meet her gaze, his eyes were evidently drunk with the fiery lust pumping in their veins. “Wrap your legs around my hips so I can fuck you deep and hard.”

She should be ashamed of the explicit words he used. She should be. Hyacinth could feel the heat creeping up to her skin but her pussy moistened and screamed for him. Her body ached for him.

Maximillian pulled her summer dress down until it fell into a heap on the floor, exposing her only undergarment before his eyes.

A grin worked its way on his lips as he admired the lacy underwear covering her cunt. “I guess we have to rip this one, too. Don’t you agree?”

Hyacinth shook her head. She should not allow Max to destroy her underwear. It’s not a good habit for him to rip every underwear she wore every time they get intimate.

Before she could complain, Max lifted her in his arms and she was forced to wrap her legs around his waist. The accidental friction caused by the sudden movement caused her clit to throb.

“Max...please,” she whispered against his lips. The bastard only chuckled and teased her already swollen lips.

“Rub your pussy against mine. Dance for me, Haya.”

She was unsure of what to do. Her arms clung around his neck as she felt her back against the smooth, cold wall of the suite. “H-How?”

His hips moved, rubbing the bulge of his pants against her swollen nub.

Hyacinth cried out his name as she felt the dizzying pleasure of rubbing her throbbing flesh against him. It felt so primitive and lewd and raw that she can’t help but look straight into his eyes to make sure that what she was doing is fine. Judging by how tense his face is and how he grunted every time her hips moved, he seemed to love the friction.

“Yes, Hyacinth. Use me. Take your pleasure...that’s right.”

Hyacinth sobbed and moaned as the pleasure deep inside her heightened and she can’t seem to stop her body from doing everything he dictated. She moved and moved until her thighs spasmed and her core burst into flames, engulfing her with pleasure that seemed to rob her sanity.

Max caught her sobs with his kisses as his hands rushed to unzip his pants, freeing his raging hard-on.

Oh, the feel of him. Hyacinth gulped at the intensity of Max’s gaze on hers. “Don’t look away, Haya.”

Before she could protest out of shame, she felt the blunt tip of his cock teasing her entrance. Max groaned as he ripped her underwear.

“Max, why-” her mouth stopped complaining when he buried himself to the hilt. Her lips formed an O shape and he took the chance to capture her opened swollen lips with his.

He pushed and pulled and Hyacinth’s cries and delirious moans were muffled by his sinful mouth. He nibbled and nipped at her kissers as he pumped in and out of her like there was no tomorrow. Hyacinth’s toes curled when Max whispered how sweet she tasted and how delicious her pussy is as she strangled his cock.

“Arch your back, lovely. I can fuck you deeper than this…yes, like that.”

Her body tensed at his strange endearment. It seemed to have heightened her senses tenfold that her body moved on its own and met every thrust he gave. She hungrily enclosed her lips against his when pleasure erupted inside her once more. The feeling is too much that a stray tear fell on her cheek.

“You like that, hmm?”

She nodded as her body quivered. He pumped three more times until he groaned, burying himself deep inside her to the root. His muscle tensed as he released his seeds in her core. Her channel spasmed around his cock and sucked everything he spent within.

“Good god...” He muttered as he pinned her against the wall, savoring the aftershocks of his orgasm.

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