My Professor Is My Alpha Mate
#Chapter 59 – House Party

Lila's POV

We could hear the music a mile before we even got to the house. It was so loud, and it wasn't anything I even recognized.

The house was packed when we got there; there were students from the academy inside and outside. Most of which I recognized.

I supposed if we got in trouble, at least we'd all be in it together. It's not like they could suspend all of us.

Rachel draped her arm through mine and pulled me through the crowd of students who were already drinking and dancing. Becca trailed closely behind us, seemingly nervous.

Like me, Becca wasn't much of a partier.

But after the week she had, I couldn’t blame her for wanting to let loose.

We made our way inside and I instantly smelled beer.

The music was making my brain rattle because of how loud it was. Ryan had the lights dimmed and everybody was drunk and dancing.

This was nothing like the school dance.

I felt like I was at a frat party.

“Ryan!!” Rachel screamed as she ran to meet up with her boyfriend.

Ryan looked genuinely pleased to see her and wrapped his arms around her as soon as he saw her and gave her a tight embrace.

Soon, they were kissing face.

I knew that would happen sooner than later.

I opened my mouth to say something, but another voice from behind me spoke first.

“Because she’s beautiful, funny, charming, and not to mention incredibly smart. The question is, why did she ever date you?”

I turned to see Brody standing there, staring at Scott with an annoyed look on his face.

"What the hell are you doing, man?” Scott asked, narrowing his eyes at Brody.

"Speaking up,” Brody answered. “You can stand there and say all that shit about Lila, but maybe you should look in the mirror at yourself and question your worth. Lila is going somewhere in this world, and you will be going to house parties and getting drunk any chance you get. Catching you cheating was the best thing that's ever happened to her.”

My face reddened and I fought the smile that desperately wanted to appear on my lips. Brody was standing up for me; I could stand up for myself, but it was nice knowing who had my back.

"You're supposed to be my friend,” Scott said, sounding a little hurt.

“I'm not friends with assholes,” he muttered. “Now, if you'll excuse us.”

Brody offered me his arm, which I gladly accepted, and we shoved our way past Scott and toward a more secluded area where the couches were.

“Thank you,” I said to him as we sat down. “You didn’t have to do that.”

“I couldn't just let him talk to you like that, Lila,” Brody said with a faint smile. “And plus, I meant what I said... all of it.”

I wanted to say something to him about the words he had said to Scott. It was clear how Brody felt about me, and I didn't want to lead him on.

“It was incredibly sweet of you,” I said to him kindly.

“I want you to know that even if nothing happens romantically with us, you'll always have a friend in me. I'll always be here for you, Lila. Because you deserve that.”

“I'll always be here for you as well,” I say in return as I take a few more sips.

I started to get lightheaded quickly and I could feel that I was beginning to get drunk.

“Want me to get you another drink?” He asked with a crooked smile.

I glanced over at Becca who dancing with a group of people and was already drunk. I glanced at Rachel who was with Ryan, but she looked at me and wiggled her brows when she saw I was sitting with Brody.

I might as well have a little more fun while I'm here, so I accepted his offer to get me another drink. By the time he returned with another beer, I had already finished the one I was working on and I was incredibly tipsy.

Once I started drinking the new can, I was borderline drunk.

“Let's dance,” Brody laughed when he saw how drunk I was getting.

I accepted his hand and the two of us began to dance like nobody was watching. A couple of times I nearly fell, but thankfully Brody was there to catch me.

I lost track of time during our dances and drinking, and it felt like the room was spinning. But I started to smell something incredibly odd

It smelled like burning.

Brody smelled it too because he was frowning and looking around the room curiously.

Then, I heard screaming, and I was shoved into Brody's arms when people began to run and scream. “The house is on fire!!!”

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