My Professor Is My Alpha Mate
#Chapter 58 – Sneaking out.

Lila's POV

I woke up feeling an overwhelming sense of comfort and warmth.

I had never felt this relaxed before and it took me a minute to figure out why. As I opened my eyes, I wiggled against something, and his arms tightened around my body as his face nuzzled in my hair. I froze completely when I realized that it was a man.

“Not just a man...” Val breathed lovingly. “Our mate.”


I nearly gasped when I realized she was right. Enzo was lying in bed beside me with his arms tightly around me and he was snuggling against me. Or rather, I was snuggling against him.

I turned my body to face him and saw that he was still asleep.

He looked so peaceful that it put my entire heart at ease knowing that he was right beside me.

But my question was, "Why?"

“Because he could feel our pain,” Val explained. “He wanted to provide us with comfort.”

My heart felt like a bolder had been lifted off it.

Could that be true? Could he feel our pain and want to make it better?

I didn't understand why though.

Why did he care if I was hurting or not?

He had Bethany now.

He stirred in his sleep and murmured something that I couldn't understand. I couldn't help but gaze at his sleeping face. Even when he was fast asleep, he was handsome.

The sun was beaming through the closed window shades which meant it was late morning. It was Sunday and I had to get back to campus later this evening.

I managed to wiggle out from under his arms and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. “Everybody who is anybody is going to be there,” Rachel said with a broad smile. “Brody will be there too.”

She looked at me and winked when she said that last part.

“Brody?” Becca asked in wonder, looking at me. “The baseball team pitcher?”

“That's the one,” Rachel said, nudging me. “Come on, Lila. You must go. It's going to be so fun, and we get the entire house to ourselves. There's going to be alcohol...”

“I don't drink,” I said, shaking my head.

“I could use a party after the week I had,” Becca shrugged.

“Then, come to the party!” Rachel told her excitedly. “It's going to be so fun!”

"Okay, I'll be there. What time does it start?”

“8 pm,” she answered. “We are going to sneak out at 7:30 pm though to give us enough time. You can come to our dorm around then and we can go together.”

"Okay," she said, standing to her feet. “I'll get ready. That's only in a couple of hours.”

She left without another word.

“It's a bad idea, Rachel,” I said to her, shaking my head. “I can't go along with something like this.” "When are you going to live a little?” Rachel asked, eyeing me carefully with a small frown on her face. “It's going to be the party of a lifetime. You don’t want to miss out on that.”

I didn't care if I missed out on that, but I also knew that Rachel was going to get herself into trouble if there wasn’t some kind of guidance there. I could only imagine what she would get Becca into.

I didn't even want to think about it.

“Tomorrow is going to be such a long day. I can't be hungover for it,” I told her.

“You start your new job tomorrow and the student committee meetings are officially beginning. You aren't going to have time for any fun, ever. Let this be your last night of real fun,” Rachel pleaded. “Please... I don't want to go without you!”

I sighed; I knew that if I didn't go, things could get really bad and really quickly.

"Okay..." I finally said after a long pause. “I'll go.”

She screamed with excitement as she wrapped me in a tight hug.

“But I'm only going to keep you out of trouble,” I told her.

"Of course,” she laughed.

Enzo's POV

It was late when I returned to campus. I had a headache from all the shit I dealt with at the packhouse containing Bethany.

Speaking to her father was like speaking to a wall.

“She can't return here just yet! I still haven't found the killer! Shes unsafe here! Please Alpha Enzo. Alpha to Alpha, you must know how desperate I am for your help.”

I decided to stop the argument and just continue to board Bethany.

Lila's scent was still on my skin, and it gave me a strange sense of warmth and delight.

I locked my car and made my way across campus and to the faculty housing. I paused when I saw a couple of shadows emerging from the dorms.

I narrowed my eyes at the figures; there was a curfew, which was at 7 pm on school nights. Nobody should be leaving their dorms at this hour.

Then I saw her...

It was Lila.

A long with her roommate Rachel and her former combat partner Becca.

They were sneaking out.

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