Chapter 74 Teaching Her A Lesson

police station.


When Gary and Heather got into the car, the latter was very worried about her son.

"Honey, didn't Harry invite Mr. Joe to dinner? Why did the police let us go to the police station for him?"

"I don't know. Let's go to have a look. Harry has always been prudent, so it may not be a bad thing."

"Yes! Maybe he helped others, so the police want to praise him in front of us."

They were both quite optimistic. But after arriving at the police. station, they found Harry had been arrested because he had smashed a restaurant after getting drunk.

After knowing the reason, both Gary and Heather were angry.

"How could he do such a thing?"

Gary felt displeased.

Heather could only make excuses for her son, saying, "Honey, we can't blame Harry for this. Maybe he reached an agreement with the Joe Group. After signing the contract, he was so happy that he got drunk and made such trouble."

After they compensated the restaurant with the police's mediation and sincerely apologized, the matter was solved. Then, they brought Harry back home and cooked hangover soup for him. After having it, he slowly sobered up.

Seeing him opening his eyes in a daze, Heather asked, "Harry, how is business negotiation today? Have you signed the contract with Mr. Joe?"

Harry wiped his face and indignantly said, “No! The LC Group sn atched the order!"

"What? Did you fail to sign the contract? They decided to cooperate with the LC Group?"

Hearing this, Gary got furious and said, "That is to say, you got drunk and smashed the restaurant because you failed in the negotiation, right?"

Harry was so frightened that he completely sobered up. Seeing Gary's angry face, he quickly knelt and explained, "I'm sorry, it's my fault. I will work harder in the future. Please don't be angry!"

Heather defended her son, saying, "How can you blame Harry? It's the LC Group's fault! They refused to cooperate with us and even competed with us for the project! What's the matter with them? Why do they always go against us?

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Chapter 74 Teaching Her A Lesson

Gary frowned deeply and remained silent.

Suddenly, Heather received a call from her daughter, so she asked, "Ophelia, what's up?"

After Ophelia told her about Sean's accident, she replied in shock, "What? How did this happen? Okay! Wait for me. I'll be there soon!"

After she hung up the phone, Gary asked, "What happened to Ophelia?"

"It's Sean instead of Ophelia. He got injured at Grande Club and has been hospitalized. Let's hurry over to have a look!"

"Who hurt him?"

Gary couldn't believe anyone dared to hit Sean! After all, he had high status.

Without knowing the specific situation, Heather and Gary rushed to the hospital after asking Harry to rest. When they arrived, they bumped into Sean's parents and sister. So, they went to the emergency room together.

Seeing Ophelia, they asked why Sean had been beaten.

Ophelia seized the opportunity to complain, "Cecelia did it! She hurt Sean! When we were having fun at Grande Club tonight, she..." After she related what had happened with exaggeration, everyone was furious.

Mrs. Gusto angrily shouted, "Cecelia has gone too far! How can she be so vicious? She wants to kill my son! Gary, why don't you discipline her?"

Gary also flew into a rage and said, "I want to discipline her! But she does not listen to me!"

Heather explained, "Mrs. Gusto, we can do nothing about her. She has stirred up a lot of trouble in the Linsey family. We have a headache now!"

Mrs. Gusto shouted, "I can teach her a lesson! Hurry up and call the police! Let them arrest her! I will send her to jail!"

"Don't call the police! It's useless! Mrs. Gusto, Cecelia has the Jackbone family as her backer. They have bribed the police, so it's useless for us to call the police." "She is outrageous!"

Hearing this, everyone got angrier, unwilling to let Cecelia get away

with it.

Chapter 74 Teaching Her A Lesson

After a while, the doctor came out of the emergency room. Mr. and Mrs. Gusto stepped forward and asked, "Doctor, how is my son? Where is his injury? Is it serious?"


"The injury is in the anus! I've never met such a case before although I've worked here for many years. The whole bottle was stuffed inside, so it took a lot of time to get the tiny pieces of glass out. The operation has been completed. And the patient's life is not in danger. But he cannot use his anus for the time being! Pay attention to cleanliness to prevent infection!"

The doctor left after finishing speaking. The three members of the Gusto family were shocked as if being struck by lightning, and they could not recover after a long time. They knew Cecelia was vicious, but they had never expected she had hurt Sean's anus.

Both Gary and Heather felt embarrassed after hearing the doctor's words, so they kept silent.

When Mrs. Gusto returned to her senses, she cursed, "D*mned her! What a monster did Leila give birth to! How can she be so ruthless?"

Everyone sighed, thinking Cecelia was too courageous. If they did. not teach her a lesson, she would become lawless!

In Aroma Villa.

When Cecelia came downstairs after taking a shower, she found Remington was still awake. So, she asked, "Why are you still awake?" "I haven't had dinner yet," he depressingly replied.

He had been following her all night, so he had not had time to eat. But she had happily had a nice dinner with other men, not caring about him at all.

"No way! It's so late! Why haven't you eaten? Wait a moment."

Cecelia felt helpless. He was not young but still very childish. Although she had taken a shower, she still cooked for him and helped him have the meal and brush his teeth before going to bed. After closing her eyes, she could not fall asleep. Gabriella was in the hospital, so she wondered whether Max was sleeping alone. She felt. a little worried and wanted to check on him, so she sat up and got out of bed. Hearing her walking out, Remington asked, "Cecelia, where are you going?"

"I'm going out for a walk. Have a good sleep!"

When Cecelia quietly walked toward Gabriella's residence she


Chapter 74 Teaching Her A Lesson

suddenly saw thick smoke and fire coming out of the house. It was on fire!

Her heart skipped a beat because Maximus might still be inside.



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