Chapter 73 Jealousy

Soon, the ambulance personnel carried a man out. And the man was naked with a wine bottle in his ass, looking bloody.


When the reporters frantically took pictures, the onlookers were also taking pictures with their mobile phones. After all, it was rare to see such a badly wounded man. If he had had hemorrhoids, they must have been removed by now.

The man lay prone on the stretcher and kept moaning in pain.

A reporter recognized Sean and exclaimed, "Mr. Gusto! He is Mr. Gusto of the Linsey Group!"

"Has someone stuck a bottle in Mr. Gusto's ass?"

"Oh my god! That woman is cruel!"

When the stretcher was carried past Ophelia, she also recognized Sean. Seeing him so miserable, she didn't know what to say and wanted to cry. "Sean! Sean!"

"Please stay out of the way!"

After the ambulance personnel carried the stretcher away, Ophelia stopped a waiter at Grande Club and asked, "What happened? Who did it to him?"

"I don't know. The matter is under investigation."

Seeing the waiter knew nothing, she wanted to negotiate with the reporters and asked them not to report this matter. But the reporters had no time to talk to her because they were in a hurry to go to the hospital for the followed-up news report.

Ophelia freaked out, not knowing what to do.

Soon, Cecelia and the other three finished singing and came out of the private room.

Ariella was about to fall asleep, so Shepard supported her. Cecelia asked him to take Ariella home because a car would come to pick her up.

After Shepard and Ariella left, Cecelia intended to go home. But, when she walked past the reception desk, she saw Ophelia talking on the phone. Seeing Cecelia, she stepped forward to block her way, saying, "Cecelia, stop!"

"What's the matter?"


Chapter 73 Jealousy

Ophelia glared at her and asked, "Don't you know what the matter is? Did you do it? You hurt Sean, right?"

Cecelia kept silent, so Ophelia took it as her acquiescence.


"I knew it! You are cruel! How could you hurt him like that? I will call the police! You will be prisoned!"

"Fine! Call the police!"

"Do you think I dare not to call? I will call them right now!" Ophelial said and raised her phone.

But before she could dial the number, several uniformed police officers arrived.

Seeing them, she put away her phone and rushed to them, saying, "Officers, you came just in time! I was about to call you just now!"

"We received a report. What happened?"

Ophelia told the police what she had seen, pointed at Cecelia, and said, "It's her! She hurt my boyfriend!"

When the police were about to record her statement. Mr. West ran over to explain, "Officers, it's a misunderstanding! This matter has nothing to do with this lady. We have witnesses. This way, please!" Seeing Mr. West bring the police inside, Ophelia flew into a rage. Was it because Cecelia had a good relationship with the Jackbone family that they wanted to give false testimony?

"Cecelia, how dare you!" Ophelia said angrily.

Cecelia sneered, "I advise you not to expose this matter! Otherwise, it will bring trouble to you!"

"Are you threatening me? Do you think I'm afraid of you? It is your that hurt Sean! How can you exonerate yourself?"

"I will tell the police it was self-defense. But Sean may end up with a crime of attempted rape and can never whitewash himself. What's more, I have evidence that can ruin his reputation!" "Really? What do you have?"

Ophelia didn't know if she was telling the truth, thinking maybe she was bluffing.

Seeing her not believe it, Cecelia played the recording on her phone.

Then, Ophelia heard the conversation between Sean and Cecelia. He had told Cecelia she had had plastic surgery and was eye candy


Chapter 73 Jealousy

Those words slapped her in the face!

After hearing them, Ophelia flew into a rage and shouted in anger, "The recording is fake! Sean must not have said such words! It's impossible!"

"It's up to you whether to believe it! Only you treat such a piece of rubbish as a treasure!"


After finishing speaking, Cecelia left Grande Club without hesitation.

Ophelia stood still, and anger put her nose out of joint.

If Sean were a piece of rubbish, what would she be? A rubbish bin?

Now, her mind was full of Sean's words just now.

What a jerk! She treated Sean so well, but he had begged Cecelia to get back together with him. He was disgusting!

But she could do nothing about it now. After all, it was her that had snatched him from Cecelia. And everyone knew they were going to get married soon. So, after such a thing had happened, she was furious. If it spread out, both Sean's and her reputations would be ruined.

D*mn it! She must figure out a way to get the evidence from Cecelia.

Remington had long returned to the Aroma Villa. He was in a bad mood and wanted to smash things. But after picking up one thing, he forced himself to put it back because he should not have gotten angry because of Cecelia or let her influence his mood.

At the thought of this, he called Fredric in.

"Mr. Nelson, what can I do for you?"

"Throw her bed out!"

Fredric observed his face, wondering if he was serious. Did he plan to kick Ms. Linsey out?

Fredric did not dare to disobey his order, so he immediately asked people to carry Cecelia's small bed downstairs and placed it outside. Aroma Villa.

"Mr. Nelson, the bed has been thrown out."

Before Fredric could say anything else, Remington said, "If she sees me throw her bed out, she will complain to my grandma! What if my

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Chapter 73 Jealousy


"You're right! If Madam Nelson gets angry, it might harm her health."

"Forget it! Move the bed in! Put it in my room!"

Remington changed his mind because he was a filial grandson. His grandma was still in the hospital and could not get too excited. For the sake of her health, he must continue to tolerate Cecelia.


Fredric felt a little bit helpless, thinking Mr. Nelson was keeping up appearances to cover up his predicament. He should have directly said he wanted to live in the same room with Ms. Linsey. Fredric soon asked people to carry the bed into Remington's room, set it in good place and helped Remington take a bath."

Since the accident in the bathroom, Remington had never asked Cecelia to help him bathe again.

When Cecelia came back, Fredric was waiting at the door. Seeing her, Fredric said, "Ms. Linsey, Mr. Nelson has taken a bath. And your bed has been moved downstairs."

"I see," Cecelia nodded.

When she walked into the room, Remington was resting on the bed.

She put down her bag and said, "Mr. Nelson, I'm back."

Remington couldn't think about what she had done because it would make him angry.

"What time is it now? There are so many attractive young guys outside, so why did you bother coming back?! Since you don't want to live in the Nelson family, why do you take care of me every day? I am partly paralyzed after all."

Hearing his resentful words, Cecelia was not annoyed but lightly asked with a smile, "What's wrong? Are you angry because 1 hung out with other men?"

Chapter 74 Teaching Her A Lesson

Chapter 74 Teaching Her A Lesson

Remington raised his voice, saying, "I am not angry!"

He was giving her such a long face but told her she was not angry. She had never seen such a proud man before.


"I told you I had something to do tonight. I went to the airport to pick up my good friend Ariella with Shepard. We had dinner and went to a club. I know it took a lot of time. But it is normal for me to hang out with my friends. I have long emphasized that my life will not change after we get married. It will be good if you can accept it. If not, I won't change," Cecelia explained.

Remington was too furious to speak. She had come to anger him instead of taking care of him! If things continued like this, he suspected he would die at the age of twenty-six!

When Cecelia moved closer to him, she smelled alcohol. So, she asked, "Have you drunk alcohol ?"

"Yes! Do you have any problem with it?"

He didn't tell her it was because she had made him in a bad mood that he had drunk alcohol.

"You must not drink! You haven't recovered yet! You should have avoided alcohol while taking medicine!"

Cecelia sternly warned, "No more drinking! You must not drink until you recover! Do you hear me?"

"Hmph, you are not my son's biological mother! You have no right to discipliné me!"

Remington snorted, thinking he had no reason to listen to her. He only wanted to listen to Lilian because she was his real wife!

Seeing him so stubborn, Cecelia said, "Fine! You can do whatever you want! I won't discipline you anymore, okay? I'm going to take a shower! You go to bed first!

Her clothes were upstairs, and she went upstairs to take a shower. Hearing her footsteps, Remington was fuming with anger, so he could not fall asleep at all!

He was so angry, but she had said only a few sentences to explain. And, she even had not mentioned she had met her old flame! It must be because she dared not tell him what they had done in the small private room!

The Linsey family had heard about Harry's matter before Sean's accident because the police called Gary and asked him to go to the


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