Chapter 19 

Jeffrey pursed his l*ps and said nothing. He walked slowly to the stage in the center of the bar, where Claire saw him. exchange a few words with the young man, who gave up his seat and handed his guitar to Jeffrey. 

Glancing at Claire, Jeffrey’s eyes narrowed, his l*ps slightly parted. Then, he began to sing, his low, husky voice matching the original style of the song, and the music was soothing to the cars. It had been a long time since Claire last heard such a pure 

and clear voice. 

Later, I finally learned how to love, but unfortunately, you had long disappeared.” 

“Later, I finally realized in tears, that some people, once missed, are gone forever. 

“Will you remember me with a smile or in silence?” 

The lyrics hit Claire hard, and she couldn’t help but bury her face in her hands, sobbing, 

“Why do you have to come back to me, Jeffrey?‘ she asked silently. I have learned to let go. Why do you have to come back and disrupt my life? 

Jeffrey looked at Claire off–stage, his expression gradually softening. He would never hurt this girl again. He was determined to take good care of her and give her all the love he could offer 

After finishing the song, he returned to Claire’s side. Claire composed herself and applauded Jeffrey’s performance, praising his beautiful singing. 

Jeffrey gazed steadily at Claire and said with difficulty, “Claire, I disappeared suddenly because I was ill, very seriously ill. It was so severe that I couldn’t speak or hear anything and I could only lie in bed. Whether you believe it or not, that’s my entire explanation. 

“But why didn’t you tell me?” Claire sighed. Even if he was sick, would she give up on their love just because of some difficulties? Was she not worth believing in? 

But Jeffrey gave up on her. 

“I didn’t want to hold you back. A person like that doesn’t deserve you. You deserve someone better. I didn’t want to burden you,” Jeffrey explained incoherently, looking earnestly at Claire 

Claire found his words amusing. “So you just left without a word? Did you ever think about what I was supposed to do after you left?” 

“I know you’ve been through a lot, but you won’t have to anymore. I’ll always be by your side from now on. Jeffrey said, reaching out to pat Claire’s head out of habit. However, she instinctively shied away from his closeness. 

Her smile was polite yet distant, and Jeffrey suddenly felt that he had lost her forever. 

“It’s okay. Jeffrey comforted himself in his heart. I still have a chance, right? After all, Claire is right here with me. She won’t run away with someone else. 

Jeffrey pursed his l*ps, a serious look on his face. “Claire, would you let me take care of you?” he asked, going down on one knee and opening a ring box in front of her, but there was no ring inside.. 

Claire understood why he was doing this. He was waiting for her to hand him the engagement ring he gave her in the past so he could put it on her finger again. 

Claire sat there in a daze. After waiting some time for a response that never came, Jeffrey asked again, “Claire, will you?” 

Her l*ps curled slightly, and Claire took out another box from her bag, took out the ring inside, and decisively stuffed it into Jeffrey’s hand. 

“Sorry, Jeffrey. I can’t, Claire said, Jeffrey’s face was full of sorrow, and he asked for the reason. After a long time, Claire 

gently said, “Jeffrey, I’m married” 

Jeffrey became flustered. “No… It’s not possible… How could you… This isn’t happening… This isn’t happening.” 

Claire looked at Jeffrey seriously as she enunciated each word. “I got married. I can show you my marriage license if you don’t believe me. Because I knew I couldn’t wait for you, so I stopped waiting. I hope you will be happy in the future, and let’s not contact each other again.” Claire smiled, placed some money on the table, and walked out with her bag. She was afraid she would change her mind if she stayed for a second longer. 

Jeffrey stood still, stunned. Something sparkled in his eyes, and in the next second, it fell to the ground. 

He watched Claire leave as if she was the only light in his small world, but it suddenly disappeared. He fell into endless darkness, unable to escape. 

Claire walked to the corridor at the entrance, leaned against the wall, and sighed in relief. But she couldn’t help but cover – her mouth and cry. No one else, except herself, knew how much courage it took for her to say those words just now. 

A layer of shadow appeared in front of her, and the cold and clear fragrance of the man came. 

It was Gavin 

He looked down at Claire without saying a word, his eyes cold and distant, like those of a savior. 

Claire said. “Gavin, I feel so sad right now. She paused and said, “Gavin, do you think I deserve this?” 

The next second, she was forcefully pulled into Gavin’s arms, her face buried in his chest, and she couldn’t help but cry out loud. 

“Gavin, he said he didn’t want to hold me back. I was the one who had been holding him back all along. He was so nice to me. So nice to me…. Boohoo… 

Claire felt increasingly sad, trying hard to hold back her tears, but it was futile. The sadness was too overwhelming for her to hide. 

“That’s okay. In the future, you can hold me back. I’m not afraid of being held back, Gavin said, rubbing Claire’s slightly chilly hair, a faint smile playing on his l*ps. 

“So, what exactly happened? Tell me. Gavin released Claire, staring into her eyes, searching for answers. 

Claire replied in an evasive tone. “It’s nothing.” 

“Who is he?” Gavin hoped Claire would voluntarily open up about her past, but she didn’t. He knew everything about her, and the only wish he had for her was for her to open her heart to him and trust him a little more. Just a bit more. 

“What are you talking about?” She tried hard to conceal her feelings, her expression somewhat unnatural. 

Gavin smiled, his gaze indifferent. “What do you think I’m talking about?” His tone was distant, one that Claire had never heard before. Then, Gavin took Claire home, but he didn’t come back in the following days. 

Claire couldn’t help but overthink. 

“Gavin, are you coming home today?” Claire asked cautiously. 

Standing by the window, the man held a cigarette, took a puff, and amidst the swirling smoke, Claire heard him heaved a sigh

“No, I’m not,” he replied. 

Tmade dinner. Why don’t you come back?” Claire had been busy cooking all afternoon, planning to apologize to Gavin. However, she couldn’t help but express her complaints and grievances. 

Gavin chuckled. “I’m a little busy.” 

Rocky lounged on the sofa in Gavin’s office and rolled his eyes, looking like a grumpy old man. 

Rocky thought to himself, Gavin is such a stubborn man. If he wants to see Claire, he should go back and see her. Getting upset here is meaningless. Alas, love makes people lose their common sense. 

Claire replied in an unwilling tone of voice, “Fine, go to bed early then.” 

“Okay,” Gavin agreed and hung up the phone. 

“This is ridiculous, man. If you’re angry, tell her. You know she’s not the brightest girl,” Rocky, experienced in matters of romantic relationships, remarked. 

“If you don’t want me to kill you, shut up.” Gavin shot back with a glare, causing Rocky to fall silent quickly. 

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