Chapter 18 

Watching Gavin as he left, Claire felt a sense of guilt creeping in. She shouldn’t have done this. She shouldn’t have wasted her emotions on another man. She shouldn’t have wasted the emotions that should have been directed toward her husband. 

Pouring herself a glass of water in the kitchen, Claire took a sip and a strange feeling washed over her. She sighed and reached for the cigarette lying on the table. Moonlight spilled over her hair, and the dim yellow glow of the cigarette end stood out in the night. She had just finished smoking when a hand reached out and fed her a citrus–flavored candy. 

The candy was slightly sour and had only a tinge of sweetness Claire frowned and spat it into the trash can. She then forced a smile, unaware of how awkward and ugly it looked. 

Gavin expressionlessly took the cigarette box and stuffed it into his pocket, his gaze cold and clear as he said, “Confiscated 

He had wanted to appear indifferent, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t help but come back to check on Claire. 

Anxious, Claire darted around as she tried to snatch the cigarette box back, shouting. Tm addicted to this! I’m going to feel terrible if you take it away! Give it back to me!” 

Gavin coldly replied. “I don’t want you to be addicted to anything 

“I already am.” Claire said, lowering her eyes and stopping her movements. Then, Claire heard the most moving words she had ever heard in her life

She heard Gavin say. I only want you to be addicted to me, Nothing else.” 

He forcibly lifted Claire and threw her onto the large bed in the bedroom. Yes, he lifted her so easily as if carrying a little puppy. Then, Gavin lay down beside Claire and, without a word, pulled her into his embrace. 

“Goodnight.” Gavin k*ssed Claire’s hair and closed his eyes. 

Claire didn’t refuse Gavin’s embrace. She bid him goodnight and snuggled into his arms, falling asleep. 

The next day, Gavin left early. It was only then that Claire remembered she had to go to work. She turned on her phone to check if there were any tasks for the day. 

[Can we meet?) Jeffrey sent a voice message. He seemed to have been through a lot, his voice mixed with weariness. 

Without hesitation, Claire rejected him. Jeffrey seemed to be waiting for her response and pleaded, [Claire, please, don’t be like this. Meet me, please. Let me see you, okay?] 

With a bitter smile on her l*ps, Claire sat stiffly on the bed for a long time, deciding to use the excuse of having to go to work to reject Jeffrey. 

Claire quickly freshened up. She planned to stake out at the Tranquil Gardens to catch a glimpse of popular young celebrities. She lurked in the bushes like a thief, clutching her SLR camera tightly. She had planned to stay there the whole day, but to her surprise, she was spotted by a security guard just as the scorching midday sun passed overhead. 

The guard asked her to leave in a very “polite” manner, and she dashed through the neighborhood with her SLR camera, feeling frustrated at how unfriendly all the security guards were. 

Claire shot a disdainful look at the security guard from a distance as she muttered silently, Just wait. I’ll be the first to complain about you when 1 buy a house here! Hmph! 

Well, something like buying a house here could only exist in her imagination. The houses at Tranquil Gardens were exorbitantly priced, and she gritted her teeth, feeling unsure why she had agreed to meet Jeffrey on impulse. 

She had arranged to meet Jeffrey at a bar. It wasn’t evening yet, and the bar was quiet, with only a few people present. There was no deafening music, only a young man in a white shirt holding a guitar, singing a folk song 

Undeniably, Jeffrey’s presence had a profound impact on Claire, though she tried to conceal it. Even she could feel the deep 

sadness emanating from the depths of her heart. 

She found an empty seat, ordered whiskey, and sipped it slowly. She was close to the young man on stage. Listening to his somewhat youthful voice made her heart stir

She heard that folk songs had a calming effect on the soul, and she thought that was true. The tumult Jeffrey had stirred within her seemed to calm inexplicably. 

She didn’t plan on getting drunk, nor did she want to. She didn’t want to cry now, She just wanted to numb her nerves with alcohol. 

They could have remained unrelated, but why did he have to come to her and stir things up? She fell deeply in love with. him, unable to extricate herself from him. And then, Jeffrey left without a care, leaving her alone. 

She had let go of the past and intended to start a new life, yet he returned to her again. What was he trying to do? 

To fall in love with someone seemed very easy. However, it was something extremely complicated. 

“Why this place!” Jeffrey’s voice suddenly sounded in Claire’s ears. This was their first meeting after three years apart, and Claire didn’t look at Jeffrey’s face. She was afraid that one glance would make it even harder for her to forget him. 

Claire had expected to burst into tears when they met, but there was merely a slight sense of surprise before she calmed down. She smiled faintly and said, ‘Isn’t it a nice place here? There’s folk music to listen to.” 

She looked up, her gaze inadvertently sweeping over Jeffrey, 

Jeffrey had grown taller and appeared much more mature, with the marks of time evident on his face, yet he remained charming. 

This was the time when Claire garnered the most attention in the bar, 

Jeffrey was somewhat surprised to see Claire. She had changed a lot and it was as if she had suddenly grown up. 

Jeffrey thought that Claire wouldn’t agree to meet him. He had made plans to go out for dinner with some long–lost friends of his, but as soon as he saw the location Claire had mentioned for their meeting, he hurriedly rushed over without a second thought 

As soon as he entered, he saw Claire’s figure, which looked small and fragile. This scene evoked a sense of loneliness and desolation, causing his heart to ache. His steps seemed to have a mind of their own, and before he knew it, he was standing behind Claire. 

very softly to 

At that moment, Claire was slightly tipsy, and her face scooted very close to Jeffrey’s face as she was speaking very him. The scent of alcohol wafted onto Jeffrey’s face. It was not unpleasant but rather sweet–smelling 

Jeffrey.” Claire smiled bitterly. “You are a jerk.” 

Jeffrey’s Adam’s apple bobbed as if he wanted to say something in response, but he felt powerless and feeble. 

“You don’t need to say anything. Everything you’ve done has already made it very clear to me. No matter how much you say, I won’t believe it. So, save your breath,Claire said, smiling. 

Jeffrey fell silent, paused, and then slowly began. “Claire, I will explain everything to you. Will you listen to me seriously?” 

“No need for that,” Claire’s heartache became even clearer, and the atmosphere grew eerily quiet. “I don’t want to listen 


“Can you give me a chance?” Jeffrey’s eyes reflected Claire’s appearance, and Claire saw a tear in the corner of her eye. 

Feeling ashamed, she quickly wiped the tear away with her fingertip, the hot tear scalding her cheek. 

“Jeffrey, could you sing a song for me again?” Claire’s mind conjured up the image of Jeffrey singing with his back turned to her in the private room, which was so beautiful and pure. 

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