Chapter 538 

Zack asked with confusion, Just a casual chat?” 

Comelia replied, What the heck are you two doing? It’s like a freaking interrogation. Do I have to show you my text messages to make you believe me?” 

It was not that Zack and Abigail didn’t want to believe Cornelia, but it seemed that her emotions seemed to fluctuate greatly based on the content of the message. They were worried that Jeremy was giving her a hard time

Look, we’re not doubting you. We’re just worried about you,Zack said, patting her shoulder. Cornelia, remember, if Jeremy dares to mess with you, you’ve got to tell us. You can’t suffer in silence.” 

At the mention of Jeremy, Cornelia’s eyes lit up. Jeremy would never mess with me 

Seeing Comelia’s sweet smile, Zack and Abigail felt relieved and went back to tidying up their books

Abigail, being naturally inclined towards gossip, couldn’t resist. Cornelia, I’m dying to know, what have you and Jeremy been chatting about?” 

Cornelia replied, He said he’s back in Riverton.” 

On hearing this, Abigail jumped up excitedly. Did he ask you cut tonight? You can’t agree to meet him at night. If he’s asking you to meet him at night, he’s obviously trying to get in your pants. Even if you two are married, you can’t agree that easily.” 

Abigail, known for her audacity in speaking her mind, made Cornelia blush with embarrassment. It’s not like that… 

But Abigail didn’t give Cornelia a chance to speak. Text him right now and tell him you can only meet him tomorrow. I’ll give you a makeover and buy you a sexy outfit. Not that you’re not pretty without it, but I’ll make you irresistible. I promise he won’t take his eyes off you once you two meet.” 

Once Abigail finished, Cornelia finally had a chance to speak. We’re meeting on May 8th.” 

Hearing this, Abigail looked disappointed. He’s back in Riverton but he’s not seeing you until May 8th? Doesn’t he want to sleep with you at all? Or has he already found another woman?” 

Cornelia replied, Jeremy is not that kind of person 

Abigail said, Then there’s only one possibility, he’s not into women.” 

Cornelia whacked Abigail on the head with a book. What the hell is going on in your head? There’s more to a relationship between a man and a woman than just 


Abigail replied, You’re right, there’s also pure friendship like ours with Zack. But you and Jeremy are married, aren’t you supposed to satisfy each other’s physical needs? You two can legally have each other yet he’s not rushing. It’s kind of suspicious

Abigail’s words were so straightforward that Cornelia blushed and couldn’t find the words to argue

Zack added fuel to the fire from the sideline. Abigail’s analysis isn’t entirely baselessi 

Cornelia said, If you two keep blabbering, I’ll stop cleaning and you can do it yourselves.” 

Alright, I’ll shut up.Abigail picked up a book, dusted off the cover, and shook it lightly. Suddenly, a bank card slid out from the pages. Why is there a bank card in here? Who left a bank card in a book?” 

Zack said, I only have a savings card and a credit card, and I carry them with me at all times. There’s no way I left a card in a book.” 

Abigail picked up the card and saw that in addition to the usual information, there was a name on it Jeremy

She tried to pronounce it. “Cornelia, this card has your boyfriend’s name on it. How come his card is at our place?” 

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