Chapter 463 

Cornelia noticed that Hannah was feeling down, Hannah, if you’ve got something bothering you, spill it. Don’t carry the load all by yourself 

Hannah muttered. It’s not a big deal, really It’s just sometimes I think being pretty isn’t all it’s cracked up to be Sometimes life can be such a drag 

She paused, then added You know, Cornelia I’ve been thinking lately. If Ashley wasn’t such a knockout, if she was just an average Jane Would she have been spared from the town’s bad boys? If she hadn’t been bullied, then she wouldn’t be branded as unchaste Her mom wouldn’t have offed herself over it, and she wouldn’t have been kicked out of her hometown like some kind of pariah” 

Hannah chuckled, If none of that had happened, her life wouldn’t have been such a hard slog after her sweet sixteen. Not only being torn from the arms of her lover, but also having a few close shaves with death” 

After patiently listening to Hannah, Cornelia gently responded, You’re spot on If none of this happened, Ashley wouldn’t have been banished. Her mom wouldn’t commit suicide, and she wouldn’t be separated from her lover. But you’ve gotta get it, the ones who caused all this were the bad guys. Not Ashley’s looks Blaming the victim is just 

not cool 

Whether it was the old days or the now open and advanced society, the expectations on women were always too harsh. Men’s screwups always ended up being pinned on 


There was a news story recently about a young girl who got assaulted. The cops arrested the perp, but some still defended him. Those sickening voices claimed she was asking for it 

They slandered the victim for dressing provocatively, wearing heavy makeup, and being no good. Otherwise why would the perp pick on her and not others 

Some even suggested she was selling herself, and the only reason she called the cops was because they couldn’t agree on a price. In short, they put the blame on the victim

Hannah said, I know it’s not right to blame the victim. I’m just venting, really Cornelia, chatting with you has lifted my spirits. I’ve got a scene to shoot, let’s catch up later Byer 

Hannah ended the call abruptly, leaving Cornelia no time to say goodbye. She logged back into Facebook, with a ton of messages from Hannah waiting for her 

[Hey, can we talk about Ashley’s character?

[Ashley is such a brave heart. In that era, being falsely accused and losing her reputation, she managed not to give a damn about the odd looks. She pulled herself together, and became a courageous and clever woman. She didn’t lose sight of her dreams and helped many girls like her.

[I’ve been wondering, who saved who? Did the guy save Ashley, or was it the other way around?

[Lately, life seems unbearable, as if there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. If Ashley could be brave in such a predicament, why can’t I?

After reading those messages, Cornelia could kind of get what Hannah was going through. She pondered for a moment and decided to reply to Hannah as the original 

author of the comic 

[Hannah Ashley, being able to gather her courage again after major setbacks in that era, climbed to heights women had never reached before through her own efforts. She’s indeed a brave and resilient girl. And aren’t you too?

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