Chapter 462 

This was reality, the harsh reality Zack didn’t want to accept it, but he couldn’t change it nor protect Cornelia from getting hurt

That was the real shit he cared about 

Cornelia got it. Zack, I’m a grown woman I can look after myself. You don’t owe me anything, no need to beat yourself up.” 

Zack said. I know you’re tough as nails, but that doesn’t mean we don’t need each other.” 

Cornelia chuckled, We’ve got our place together, you think we can just split up that easy?” 

Abigail was stuffing Zack’s plate with food. You’re always so thoughtful.” 

They all laughed and finished up dinner. After dinner, Cornelia spent some time drawing comics

When she was about to hit the sack, she got a text from Hannah [Cornelia, are you asleep?

Comelia replied [Nah, still up

As soon as she sent the text, Hannah called her

Cornelia picked up the phone and heard Hannah asking Cornelia, is it a good time to talk

Cornelia said, “Sure, what’s up?” 

Hannah said, Nothing important, just feel like yapping.” 

Cornelia said, Cool, I’m all ears” 

Hannah said, I’m almost done filming my new series. I don’t know why, but I’ve been feeling a bit emply lately” 

Cornelia said, Maybe you’re too invested in this character. You’re a seasoned actress, you need to learn how to shake it off and snap out of character” 

Hannah said, And that comic artist. After reaching out once, she just disappeared. I’ve sent her tons of messages, but she never responds. I don’t know if I pissed her off or something” 

Cornelia said, You’re such a sweetheart, who would hate you? Maybe she doesn’t even log into Facebook, she might not even know you messaged her I’m pretty sure she’d reply if she knew.” 

Cornelia had created a Facebook account for Hannah since she hardly used social media. After following Hannah and sending her some encouraging messages, she uninstalled Facebook. Thus she had no idea Hannah had sent her tons of messages 

Hannah said. You really think so?” 

Cornelia said, I think it’s pretty likely” 

Hannah said, Cornelia, I overheard Steven and Zavier talking last night. They were saying something about President Hartley hiding Skyler, is that true?” 

Cornelia said, It’s not that President Hartley hid Skyler. He helped her escape from Zavier’s control, there’s a significant difference” 

Hannah said, Cornelia, do you know where Skyter is now

Cornelia shook her head, I don’t dare to ask. I’m afraid I might lead them to her 

Hannah said, I hope Skyler can live the life she wants.” 

Cornelia said. She will, and so will we.” 

Hannah forced a smile. “Really?” 

Steven always wore a smile and was polite to everyone. Yet, it was these seemingly nice but cunning men who were the most frightening, even more so than Zavier

Skyler had the guts to leave Zavier, but she didn’t even have the courage to leave Steven

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