His Domineering Lover
Chapter 592

Tracey was sitting in Caesar's car. She wanted to say something, but his expressionless face shut her up.

Now that Adam was on his way back, she had better wait until she saw him to explain everything.

Caesar sat in the car like an ice sculpture. From beginning to end, he didn't say a word.

Tracey closed her eyes to rest, because she was very unwell. Caesar was thinking about Bradley, who seemed a little off.

Bradley had never been so gentle with a woman. But from Tracey's reaction, he did nothing to her.

Then why did he provoke Adam on purpose? Confused, Caesar didn't send Tracey to her home, but took her to Rose's place.

When he got off the car, he found that Tracey had passed out again. He touched her forehead and found it hot.

She was still having a fever. "Go to the hospital." Only then did he remember what Bradley had said about her condition.

He didn't notice she wasn't feeling well because she wasn't his woman. If she were Rose, he would have known she was having a fever in the first place.

He and Adam were the same. They were only gentle with the women they loved.

Tracey was sent to the hospital. Although it was just a low fever, she was in a coma.

For the first time in Caesar's life, he took care of a woman other than Rose. He sat on the sofa for a whole night, thinking about his Rose. He wondered if she had woken up.

The next morning, Tracey's fever finally broke, but she still didn't wake up. The first thing Adam did when he got off the plane was to call Caesar. This was probably the worst flight he'd ever been on. All he did was worry about Tracey.

The moment he landed, he turned on his phone. "How's it going?"

"She's fine. Don't worry, I'll wait for you at the hospital." Caesar knew how anxious Adam was, so he just told him to come to the hospital.

Adam rushed to the hospital in a hurry. When he saw the woman on the hospital bed, he rushed to her like a wolf.

"Don't worry, Bradley did nothing to her. She had a fever, so Bradley brought her to his villa to treat her. I've already checked. No wounds, no signs of rape."

Caesar was afraid that Bradley was lying. What if he was crazy enough to rape Tracey while she was unconscious?

Therefore, Caesar asked a doctor to check Tracey. After making sure she was unharmed, he was relieved. If she'd been raped, Adam'd definitely go mad.

"Why was she with Bradley?"

"I don't know. Before I saw her, she had been in a coma. I suggest you talk to her when she wakes up.

"I'm a little tired, so I'll leave it to you. Bye." Caesar picked up his coat and was about to leave.

"Caesar, thank you." Adam was really grateful for Caesar's help. If it weren't for him, Bradley probably wouldn't have let Tracey go so easily.

"That's what I should do. Take good care of her." Then Caesar left.

The sleeping woman in the bed seemed to be awakened by Adam's arrival.

She opened her eyes slowly and saw Adam. His hair was messy, and he looked completely exhausted. "Adam, is this you? Am I dreaming?" She asked in a cracked voice. "It's me. I'm sorry, Tracey. I didn't take good care of you." Adam held her in his arms and buried his face in her neck.

She was hurt by his stubble. She couldn't believe how messed up he'd become for her.

"Adam, it's my fault. I didn't tell you where I went. I'm sorry to make you worry." She hugged him back.

"How did you get involved with Bradley? You even got into his car. Don't you know he is a pervert?" He tightly held her in his arms, for fear that she would disappear again. "Adam, I want to work with him to develop the European market.

"He didn't do anything to me. We've reached a preliminary agreement. But I passed out when he was taking me home."

"I don't care. You are never to see him again. I don't want to experience this again." Adam's words were full of distress.

"I'm sorry, Adam. It won't happen again." She just didn't expect that her illness would be so serious.

"Don't say sorry to me. You should blame me for not staying by your side. I'm not going anywhere again, Tracey. I'll just be there for you." Adam beat himself up over this. Seeing this, Tracey immediately changed the subject. "Adam, I'm so thirsty. Please get me some water." Her throat felt dry and constricted.

"Okay." He hurried to get her a cup of water. Looking at his back, she felt warmed.

Caesar drove to Rose's villa and brought her favorite porridge. Although this woman was always two-faced, he knew that her taste hadn't changed at all. Surprisingly, she was still sound asleep. Maybe it was because she drank too much last night and she was used to sleeping in.

Putting the porridge aside, he took off his coat. He was really tired after staying up all night.

He knew Rose didn't like him sleeping in her bed without a bath, so he went to the bathroom first.

Rose was woken up by the sound of water. The moment she woke up, she saw the strong man with a bath towel on the waist.

There were drops of water on his muscular chest. This man was as hot as the best male model.

The wheat-colored skin, the pectorals, the abs... Every part of him was tempting her! She even wondered if she was dreaming.

"Good morning, Rose." He walked up to her and gave her a kiss. Maybe it was the hangover, maybe he was too hot, she forgot to push him away.

It was supposed to be a gentle, quick kiss, but her lack of refusal allowed him to turn it into a French kiss.

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