His Domineering Lover
Chapter 591

The heavy snow showed no sign of stopping. In the tense atmosphere, people didn't even dare to breathe.

Bradley's women were afraid there was gonna be a shootout. They didn't want to die! They heard that gangsters were cruel. Would they torture them? While these women were having random thoughts, Renee came out with her sore legs.

She wondered if Caesar came here for that mysterious woman. She really wanted to know who she was.

Quitting the mob wasn't easy, and Bradley had spent a lot of time on this. Was he really gonna let his efforts be in vain just for a woman?

Renee desperately wanted to know who the woman was. When everyone was holding their breath, she heard a familiar voice.

"Stop." With that, a woman slowly came out of the room. When Renee saw her face, her eyes opened wide in shock.

Tracey?! D*mn it! It was Tracey!

Tracey seemed to be very weak. Her throat was dry from the fever and the lack of water. She was wiped out, her mind was in a whirl.

It took all her strength to walk down the stairs, so she walked slowly. Looking at her tired and haggard face, Caesar thought that Bradley had hurt her.

"What happened?" He tried to approach Tracey, but Bradley stepped forward and stood in front of him.

"Go back and have some rest. It's freezing cold." Bradley's voice was full of concern, so were his eyes.

His women had never seen him so concerned about anyone. Some of them had already recognized Tracey, and some of them were still whispering about who Tracey was. "Thank you, Mr. Gill." Tracey remembered that she fell asleep in his car on the way home.

It should be his villa. But why was Caesar here? She didn't know what had happened between them.

"What? You thank him? Tracey, if I'd known you were here of your own free will, I wouldn't save you."

Caesar didn't know what Tracey had gone through. He was a bit mad at her because he thought she cheated on Adam with Bradley.

"You came here to save me? Why?" Tracey was confused.

"Adam can't reach you, and he's going crazy. He's still in Europe, so he asked me to get you out of here."

"I brought all these people here to save you, but it seems like you don't need it at all!" Caesar was extremely angry.

Tracey was not the woman he loved, so he didn't care if she was a two-timer. He turned around angrily and was about to leave. He wondered if Rose was still drunk.

"Mr. Peterson, you..." Tracey thought Caesar might have misunderstood her, so she tried to catch up with him and explain.

But the snow was so slippery that she fell down the steps. It happened so fast that even Bradley failed to give her a hand.

Tracey rolled down the cold steps at Caesar's feet. "Mr. Peterson, it's not what you think." She thought it was her showing up at Bradley's villa in the middle of the night that gave Caesar the wrong idea.

In fact, Caesar thought she was weak because she had slept with Bradley. Shen even thanked him after being sexually abused.

It was really a disgrace to Adam! While Adam was frantic in Europe, she was under another man!

"Caesar, you misunderstood her." Bradley said. He rushed to Tracey and helped her up.

Bradley knew what Caesar was thinking. "I was taking her home from work, but she passed out in my car and had a fever."

"I brought her back to my villa for treatment. She had been in a coma until just now." Bradley could have destroyed Tracey's relationship with Adam by not explaining.

But the moment she fell down, he changed his mind. He didn't want to hurt her.

In order not to see her sadness, he told Caesar the whole story. Only then did Caesar turn back to look at Tracey.

She did look like a patient. He didn't know how to apologize, so he urged, "Come with me, or Adam's gonna lose his mind."

"Adam must have called me when I was unconscious. D*mn it, I didn't expect the cold to be so serious."

Tracey's face was full of regret. She could even imagine how anxious Adam was.

Seeing this, Caesar finally believed that she was innocent. "He should be on a plane right now. Let's go.

Tracey didn't expect that Adam would come back in advance for her. It was all her fault! She should have gone to the hospital. "Okay." She decided to leave with Caesar.

Bradley didn't stop her, because he didn't have a right to do so. "Brandon, go get Miss Xia's stuff."

"Yes, Sir." Brandon hurriedly went upstairs to get Tracey's coat and purse. Bradley took the overcoat and put it on her. "The doctor said your constitution was different from that of ordinary people. She did a lot to get your fever down.

"If you catch a cold again, be sure to see a doctor in time. You'd have been in danger if you passed out anywhere else." The way he reminded Tracey so seriously shocked his women. So, this cruel man actually had such a soft side? No, they must be hallucinating.

"Thank you, Mr. Gill. Bye." Tracey politely said goodbye. She didn't know what Bradley had done for her at all.

Bradley watched her get in Caesar's car. Even when the car was out of his sight, he was still looking in the direction she was going.

"Sir, let's get inside. It's cold." Seeing Bradley's expression, Brandon felt a little sorry for him.

Mr. Gill finally had a crush on someone, but that woman seemed to be unavailable.

What a doomed love!

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