His Domineering Lover
Chapter 399

Lucy didn't see Tracey left, and Isla didn't know the grudge between them either.

Lucy's interview went smoothly, as expected after she took a long time to prepare. After all, she had gone through several failures before.

Knowing that Lucy was from A University, Isla directly gave her a pass as Tracey did to her acquaintance previously.

"We'll send you the offer letter soon." After a whole day's interview, Isla was exhausted.

"Okay, thank you for the interview." Lucy ran out happily. Finally, she got a dream offer too. In Lucy's eyes, this company must be promising and would take off soon. When Tracey returned to her office, she was still unknown about Lucy's admission.

Adam must be still in the office and he was kept here for a whole afternoon. For a businessman like him, "Time Is Money" was not a joke.

Staying here for so long rather than dealing with business, how much would he lose? Tracey was guilty of it, so she left the interview early.

With the elevator opening, Tracey soon saw the glass corridor again. She took a deep breath, looking straight forward to avoid seeing the height below.

"I have to overcome it, and I can do it fast." Tracey thought. She pushed the door open, finding Adam was asleep there leaning against his hand, which still holding the phone.

Tracey walked over and tried to take the phone down, but Adam was in light sleep and he was immediately awakened.

"Is the interview over?" Adam asked with drowsy eyes.

"Well, almost. Sorry to keep you waiting." Tracey buried herself in Adam's body.

"I have booked a restaurant for you to treat your friend tonight." Adam stood up and stretched.

Tracey hugged him from behind, feeling grateful for this man's generosity to not haggle over Isla's hostility.

People are waiting in line to treat Adam's meal, but he could be so generous to proactively serve a person with hostility toward him. It was not because he was too innocent but because he loved Tracey too much.

So that he could be the same considerable to Tracey's friend. It was not easy for everybody to do so.

"Adam, thank you." Tracey said and buried her head on Adam's shoulder.

Both of them stood by the huge French windows, the woman was hugging her man. The sun was setting in the distance, dying everything in warm orange.

"Don't leave me if you cherish my kindness. You are the only one I have." Adam said, and gently held Tracey's hand.

"You are too good to make me unable to escape. I won't leave you." Tracey swore.

At this time, Isla opened the door and came in, she got touched by the scene in her eyes.

It was like an exquisite and romantic painting, which absorbed full of the viewer's attention. Non wonder why Tracey would choose Adam but not Steve.

Isla still remembered how shocked she was when knowing Tracey's choice. She couldn't figure out the reason as she deemed no other men in this world would treat Tracey better than Steve.

Now she figured it out. Tracey was always a tough woman in front of Steve, but when she was with Adam, she was the little woman hugging from behind.

Like the vines wrapping around a big tree. She never had to act tough, she could be soft like this.

Maybe Steve could never ever turn Tracey to this. Not only did Isla deliberately cough gently, Adam and Tracey separated.

"Isla, is the interview over?"

"Of course. I'm going to die of exhaustion if the interview goes on. Come on, let's eat out." Isla waited at the door.


Tracey left with them. When they arrived at the door, Adam picked her up again.

"Adam, don't do that. I'm not afraid now." Tracey felt embarrassed when Isla was aside.

"It doesn't matter. You can just display affection as much as you want," Isla said while shrugging her shoulder.

They were dining in a seafood restaurant. When they chatted in laughter, Tracey got a phone call suddenly.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Tracey put down the chopsticks.

"Tracey, come back, please. I'm going crazy." Ben's voice was full of helplessness.

"What happened?" Adam was picking up soup for Tracey, finding she was in a terrible look. Something urgent should be happening. "Adam, Isla, my father wants me to come. I have to go home now. Sorry for my absence!" As said, Tracey stood up hurriedly.

'TH drive you home." Adam was also ready to get up.

"No, Adam, please stay here and take care of Isla on my behalf. I can call a taxi. Isla, sorry this time, I'll eat with you another day." Tracey said and patted Isla's shoulder. "No problem! Go ahead."

Tracey left. Ben's voice sounded not too anxious, and it turned out that he didn't need Tracey's posthaste, but she was just capable of solving the problem better. After Tracey's leaving, the atmosphere on the table became awkward. Isla poured Adam a glass of wine, and she said, "Mr. Xiao, how do you love Tracey?" "Very much." Adam almost blurt out.

"So, what aspect of her attracts you the most? The youth, the beauty, or the competence of her?"

"Don't you think that she is overall adorable?" Adam didn't specify his answer but used some perfunctory words because he found that Isla was a little strange.

In her eyes, there were obvious hates, however, she was unconsciously approaching Adam and had already toast herself several cups of wine.

"Miss, I think you should be full. That's all for this meal." Adam called the waiter to check.

Isla had been asking dumb questions. Adam could be patient with a limited of them. If she kept asking without a pause, Adam would be angry because not every woman was worth treating the same considerate like doing to T racey.

"Alright." A deep look flashed across Isla's eyes.

After they went out of the restaurant, Adam asked, "Miss, where are you staying? I'll call a car and send you back."

"As a gentleman, shouldn't you accompany me home? Tracey told you to take good care of me before leaving." Isla said.

Adam took a deep look at her and pursed his lips. "Okay, I'll send you back. But please sit behind."

Generally, Adam would not agree to other women taking his car as if the aura emitted from them would contaminate the air inside.

"Alright," Isla obediently took the backseat.

The passenger seat was always and would only be belonging to Tracey. So, Isla should be thankful for the opportunity to board. If not for being Tracey's friend, she would have no chance of getting in Adam's


"The address?" Adam sounded obviously much colder than before.

"I haven't settled the permanent home yet, and I have lived in the office recently. You can drive me to the hotel nearby."

Adam's eyes darkened. "If my memory is correct, Mark is your brother. You can go to his house for a stay."

"He has a girlfriend. I don't want to bother him." The reason sounded quite convinced.

Adam had no choice but to send her to a hotel nearby and asked for a room for her. Still, Isla wasn't driving Adam to leave at all. "President Xiao, I'm not familiar with this hotel. Please take me to my room."

Now Adam had clearly got this woman's intention, and he was greatly stimulated curiosity to know about her detailed plan.

He knew that he should be with caution. To know Isla's plan was to better cope with her evil mind.


They took the elevator together and Adam accompanied Isla to her room.

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