His Domineering Lover
Chapter 398

Stella seemed to be back to brightness after winning the interview. Since she was dismissed by Xia's Group, she felt that she was extremely unlucky. How unfair the world was?! How those idle workers drove a dedicated staff out of the company so easily?

Until this moment did Stella get her lost happiness back. Maybe swallowing the sorrow was destined for trading for the joy today.

She left with a bright smile and accidentally bumped into David. "I'm sorry." She quickly apologized.

"Never mind." David saw the smiling face of her, thinking she must have won the offer. "Hope I could be the same lucky." He prayed.

Every interviewee was the same surprised as soon as they saw the interviewer. David was calmer since he had already known Tracey's real identity.

It was the first time for him to meet Tracey on such an occasion. They used to be the deskmate, now Tracey was not only the first miss of the Xia family but also the interviewer. Correct, life was forever the most dramatic script. David began to introduce himself.

Tracey always knew that David was excellent. As a straight-A student, he was good at more than just memorizing the book.

When he was in college, he was favored by the professor and had completed several big projects with them. Right now, David was like the dancer performing in the middle of the stage.

He was so eloquent and confident, dealing with each question that Tracey threw at him. Even without this interview invitation, he should never be worried about the job issue.

Long ago, a professor had recommended David to one of his friends. While being invited by Tracey, David changed his mind.

He had already fallen in love with her silently. Even knowing that there was a man in much stronger brightness was Tracey' s match, David couldn't help approaching her closer. Even just a little closer. That was the only reason why he came here.

"Congratulations, you are hired. We'll send you the offer letter later." Tracey said.

"Thank you." David smiled shyly and left.

"He's also an acquaintance of yours?" Isla asked as she noticed that Tracey became arbitrary again. This was not the agreed procedure.

According to the procedure, interviewers should assess their performance before announcing the recruitment result. However, Tracey directly told them of the hiring decision. "Hmm, don't worry. There's absolutely no problem. You don't trust me?" Tracey raised her eyebrows.

"Not exactly. I just feel that you've changed." Isla said.

"Be specific?"

"Well, you are still looking good, but I think you are more like a human now. You didn't give me this kind of feeling before."

"More like a human? Am I used to be a ghost in your heart?" Tracey pretended to be angry.

"Of course not. You used to be immersed in the blow that you had, and there was only hatred in your eyes.

It was as if you were alive just for revenge. Even though you were alive, I felt that you were like the walking dead.

But since Steve came back to the States from A City last time, he told me to not worry about you. I didn't get him until now.

I see there was no hatred in your eyes anymore, and your body is emitting gentleness that you never owned. You have become a normal person."

Isla knew Tracey well. So, she pointed out Tracey's changes.

Tracey smiled and combed her hair, saying modestly, "It's not the case. I..."

"Look, you won't smile like this in the past. No wonder why Steve voluntarily quit the war that fighting for you. You did change a lot.

Now I can see the side of a lovely woman of you, I'm sure it was Adam who made you like this.

He was capable to change you from an avenger to a normal woman, I'm not surprised by Steve's surrender.

"Really? Are you serious?" Tracey was a little confused as she never sensed her own dramatic change.

"I am. You didn't just change a little but like changing to another person. I know that Adam should treat you carefully so that made you into a tender woman." Although Isla never had a boyfriend, she had seen many girls or women in love. She was sensitive to the difference between the women in love or not.

As they were going to speak more, the door was opened again. They had to stop chatting.

When Rylan came in and saw Tracey, he was stunned. In front of her, there was a card, and "Master Interviewer" was written on it.

He immediately recalled their dialogue just now. He asked Tracey if she was here to attend the interview, Tracey said, "kind of."

She did come here for the interview, but she was coming to interview others! What a huge difference!

It turned out it was Tracey who owned his company! Rylan suddenly was embarrassed as he had implied Tracey to put in a good word for him to Adam. Unexpectedly, Tracey was the master interviewer!

Seeing Rylan looked from stunned to embarrassed, Tracey soon understood his mind and didn't reveal anything.

"Don't be nervous. Tell me about yourself." Tracey softened her tone. Sitting beside Tracey, Isla was quite comfortable to see the woman who used to be like a hedgehog had disappeared. With so many thorns on the back, Tracey would hurt anyone without caring if the person was the enemy of her or not.

As she changed, she would never point her thorns to others but treat them with softness and generosity.

Removing indifference and embracing more love. This was what Tracey should be. The old Tracey was just a walking storage of hatred.

After taking a deep breath, Rylan started his speech.

David had done a great job to select many excellent students for Tracey within a short time. If not for this efficiency, David would not be valued so much by the professor.

They were all brilliant and had displayed potential. Although in lack of experience, as long as being cultivated, they would be outstanding in the workplace someday.

Compared to those so-called industry talents, Tracey tended to lead the newbies.

On the one hand, they had just finished the school days and usually embraced curiosity and passion toward society. On the second hand, they were from the same university, as alumni, Tracey recognized thei academic background and character.

The interview was in process, and almost every interviewee was the same surprised as Rylan when they saw Tracey's title.

"David, I must complain, if you had known that Tracey was the interviewer, why you didn't tell us!" Rylan directly punched David when he went out of the interview room.

"I don't know that she was the interviewer. I only know that she's the president of this company." David said.

"What?! She is the president! I thought she was just the senior executive or the like, but I didn't expect that she was the president! Oh my god, was she the Tracey we knew?" Rylan and others were confused. As spoke, all of them raised their heads to see this building. "Tracey was so rich. Unbelievable, she was such a hidden dragon."

"Actually, you don't know many things that happen in this world. Let's go back, and wait for the offer." David said. Finally, his biggest worry had been killed.

Lucy was among the rest of the candidates, seeing these boys leaving with smiles. They all had succeeded, but she got the backmost number to have the interview.

"David must have begged for chances for them. He knew the president." Lucy thought.

She was angry and she couldn't accept David's attitude toward her.

"Isla, it's getting late. You interview the rest of the people. I'll go up and have a rest." Tracey glanced at the time and said to Isla. There were only less than ten candidates.

Isla was understanding that Tracey was worried to keep Adam alone at her office for too long. Tracey was never the woman who cared about the work only, now she had someone in her heart. "Okay, leave it to me." Isla said.

Soon after Tracey left, it was Lucy's turn.

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