His Domineering Lover
Chapter 370

After the people returned rooms, Adam also finished dealing with Tracey's wound. "It's getting late, I'll take you to the room." "Okay." Tracey nodded.

Because of not marrying yet, they were arranged to sleep in separate rooms. "We stay here only one night, let's leave tomorrow morning." Tracey's room was next to Adam's. Although living separately, Adam wanted to be intimated with Tracey so much as they hadn't been this for long. But Tracey's period was not over, and Adam might lose control to sleep with her. So, he decided to sleep in another room.

"Adam, you don't have any questions about share transfer for me?" Tracey thought he would ask something, but he didn't, let alone making a judge. "He must have told you a lot before I come. Anyway, he had given it to you, you'd better keep it." Adam said calmly.

"Okay, well, I'll go to sleep." Tracey stretched herself. This was the first time for her to stay in the Sheng residence, which brought her great freshness.

Her room was a cleaned-up guest room. The housekeeper also sent over some toiletries and a set of pajamas.

"I'm right next door. Call me if you need anything." Adam said. Although this was his territory, he was still worried. After all, people in this house all had different minds.

"It's fine, I just sleep here. I'll go to take a shower."

"Remember, keep your hand from the water." Adam reminded.

"Okay, good night, Adam." Tracey tiptoed and kissed Adam on the lips.

For her, it was just a good night's kiss. For Adam, it was a spark to light his fire.

He pressed her against the wall and deepened his kiss. Every inch of his body was shouting his desire out loud.

"Adam... don't..." Subconsciously, Tracey became shy. After all, this was not her home, and there were a lot of people living in this big villa.

Standing at the end of the corridor, Sean looked at the two kissed each other fiercely. Tracey gently pressed her hand against Adam's chest, as if she wanted to push him away. However, this strength was equally the flirting.

Her slender body was embedded in Adam's arms, and their lips and teeth were tangled. Even if standing far away, Sean could feel the heat.

He wished so much, that the person who hugged Tracey at this moment was himself. Tracey pushed Adam, who was getting hotter away. "Adam, enough, don't be naughty."

After she said that, she glanced at Sean. "Did he witness the whole process?" Tracey thought.

Tracey had let go of the hatred for Sean, naturally, she didn't want to stimulate him with such a kind of picture. She was a little embarrassed.

Adam also found Sean. He didn't care about his presence but give another small kiss on Tracey's lips. "It's chill at night, I'm not sleeping with you, you shall cover yourself well."

"I know, mother." Tracey closed the door in shyness, she felt herself an independent woman before, but after being spoiled by Adam, she became a little relying on this man and even wanted him to cover her with the quilt.

Adam went to his room without saying anything and shut the door close hard. Sean was still standing at the end of the corridor, letting his shadow strengthened by the lights.

He clenched his fists and kept lingering in the picture that Tracey and Adam kissed each other. "They are so sweet, but I... I am so lonely." Sean thought.

"Why are you standing here? I've been waiting for you in the room for a while." Rachel found Sean standing there still quietly, looking like a statue.

Then he was stiffly pulled back to the room by Rachel. She hugged him tightly from behind. "Sean, I don't mind what happened to us before, and I know you still love Tracey. But you should know that she had fallen in love with another man."

Things had become like this. We were married, and I am your wife. She would have her own life too.

You can see how well Adam has treated her, and they won't be apart. We should live our lives and stay away from their affection, okay?

I specially asked for leave and dismissed all activities. Let's go abroad for honeymoon vacation, and let's enjoy ourselves, okay?"

Rachel began to please Sean, hoping that he could switch his love to her. Now she had almost lost her career, she couldn't bear losing Sean.

"Especially asked for leave?" Sean scoffed and removed Rachel's fingers from his body one by one. "The whole country had known your scandal and disgusted you, you don't even dare to appear in the public. let alone traveling. Rachel, don't dream. I can't love you."

"Why? Tracey won't come back. Why can't you love me?"

"Have you forgotten our deal?" Sean asked.

Rachel bit her lips and thought of the scene at that year. That night, she set up Tracey and Sean and gave Sean a special drug, which made him lost consciousness and had sex with her.

Until the next day that Sean began to regain sanity. "Did you set me up?" His cold eyes swept over Rachel's body, and she was scared.

"Sean, I'm sorry. It's all because I love you too much. I don't want to do this, but I can't control myself."

"Do you know that what you will only make me hate you more!"

"Even if you don't want to accept it, things had happened. Sean, you are the first man I had."

"So what? The only girl I like is Tracey..." As he spoke, he was dressing and about to leave.

However, Rachel took out a camera. 'Tm afraid it's late. I've made a video about us last night. You had no chance to reconcile with Tracey." "Heartless you!"

"I'm sorry, I just love you too much. I know what you want. With my help, you can get it.

Tracey had no position in her family, and she won't bring you any benefits. I am the only daughter in the Nan family.

Being with me is the best choice for you. Everything that belongs to my family will be yours in the future, and I can help you get the inheritance of your family business.

Tracey can't do this at all. She will only be your burden. Sean, I love you, I really love you." Rachel said.

Rachel knew Sean's mind clearly, so she was confident to implement her plan. This proposal sounded perfect, and Sean could barely resist.

Unless Tracey was of greater importance to him, no man would be willing to give up such an attractive deal. Sean looked gentle and decent outside, in fact, he had an ambitious heart.

As expected, after Rachel made this request, Sean hesitated. After a moment of silence, he asked, "What's your condition?"

Rachel was delighted. "What I want is very simple. I want to be Mrs. Sheng."

"Okay, it's just a deal of us. I'll make you Mrs. Sheng, and you'll help me get the Inheritance right of Sheng's Group."


Back then, Rachel was thinking that Sean would fall in love with her someday. But what Sean thought was that he would abandon Rachel right after he inherited the company.

They had different desires and plans. However, as time passed, they found that things didn't fully go as their wish.

After three years of getting along, Rachel was still not loved by Sean. On the other side, Sean hoped that Tracey was still waiting for him. After he got the inheritance, he could reconcile with Tracey happily. Unfortunately, none of the two succeeded.

Sean got rid of Rachel's embrace. "Rachel, you and me, from the beginning to the end, were just a deal. You owned the title of Mrs. Sheng, and I got the inheritance. From now on, don't dream of getting anything else from me."

"Yes, you have got the inheritance. But I, all I wanted is just you!!"

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