His Domineering Lover
Chapter 369

"The bracelet?" When Old Mrs. Sheng heard the bracelet, her stiff eyes looking at Tracey's wrist.

Sure enough, she saw the bracelet, which she had desired for days and nights since she had married into the Sheng family, she knew that it was the family heirloom. It's been so many years, she still not getting it. When she saw it appeared on Tracey's hand, she was gone mad.

"You gave her this bracelet. It's mine!" Old Mrs. Sheng grabbed Tracey's hand. Nobody paid attention to this old lady before. Everyone was focused on Rachel.

Tracey was stunned when being grabbed, and she was also strange that how could this old woman move so fast.

"Take it off. It's mine." The old lady had great strength, but this jade bracelet was as if born a part of Tracey's body, and it couldn't be taken off even if the old woman used big strength.

She was so anxious that she pinched Tracey's wrist to red. "You! Let go of her!" Adam was also anxious and shouted.

The wound on Tracey's hand had not yet fully healed. She just removed the bandage, but the wound was still fragile to bear any strength.

The old lady obviously cared about only the bracelet. At this moment, all she wanted to do was to detach her baby object from the young lady she disliked.

Tracey was in great pain. In the panic, her wound opened up. Old Master Sheng angrily grabbed Old Mrs. Sheng and stopped her from going crazy. "What's your problem? This is my bracelet!" Adam saw Tracey's hand was bleeding. It took him a long time to take care of her wound, but it was now torn apart. She injured again, which was must be more painful than she injured for the first time. "Tracey! are you okay?" Tracey's wrist was turned red due to being grabbed, and her palm was bleeding. Her look distressed Adam's heart.

She couldn't help moaning when feeling the pain. It was a big wound and it was torn apart by strength, of course, Tracey bore big pain.

But she pretended to be calm when looking into Adam's eyes that were with anxiety. "Brother Adam, I'm okay, I'm not hurt."

"Liar, how can it not hurt? Butler, bring me the medicine kit." "Yes, young master." The butler ran to get the kit.

"Old man, I have been your wife for so long. I am the daughter-in-law of the Sheng family. I should own that bracelet." The old woman was quite unwilling.

In her mind, It was oaky that the old master Sheng kept that bracelet secretly all the time, but she could not accept that why he would give it to a stranger rather than giving it to her.

"You shall not get this bracelet, never. Take her back." The old master snorted and ordered the servants. He was annoyed every time when seeing this old woman's face.

"Mom, you'd better go upstairs first." Mr. Sheng wanted to fight for shares for Rachel, with the old woman's presence, things would only go worse.

"I'm not going up! Give me the bracelet!"

Not until several people worked together was the old woman moved up. Adam comforted Tracey while dealing with her wounds.

The old man looked at Tracey apologetically.

"Girl, I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Tracey understood the old woman's sorrow. The marriage for the older generation was usually arranged, and they didn't have the freedom to choose their partner. Old Master Sheng went together with this woman not for love, naturally, it was unfair and sad for Old Mrs. Sheng.

"Don't say that, look at the bleeding!" Adam complained and applied medicine to her wound.

"Hiss..." Tracey couldn't help snorting.

"Does it hurt? I'll be gentle." Adam's face was full of distress, and he slowed down his movement much more.

Looking at the wound in Tracey's palm, Sean also felt distressed. He had noticed Tracey's bandaged hand before, but he didn't expect the wound was so deep.

"Okay, the share transfer is settled." The old master came back to the topic.

"Grandpa, what do I mean to you? I've just married into your family, but I received such unfair treatment." Rachel couldn't stand any longer, and she quickly spat out all her grievance.

"Unfair treatment? Hah..." The old master suddenly turned around and took some magazines over from the side.

"How dare you to be so thick-skinned? Now the whole world knows Rachel Nan, who was my granddaughter-in-law was that kind of person!" The old master excitedly repeated Rachel's dark history reported in the magazine.

"Grandpa, they are fake reports. I haven't done those things at all. The writers wrote the story like that was only for catching your eyes!"

"I don't care if it is fake or not. Anyway, people outside believed you have done these things. Even the grocery sellers are gossiping your scandal.

I don't mind your past, now you have married into my family, those people will gossip the Sheng family too. Do you think you are still qualified for the shares?" The old master asked Rachel coldly.

Rachel was speechless. It was Adam who arranged the whole thing behind, but she was pushed to the front to take the old master's blame.

"Grandpa, If I am not qualified, why Tracey is qualified? At least I am already your granddaughter-in-law, but Tracey still not married yet."

"Marriage is just a formality, and I believe they won't go apart. I will say it one more time, share transfer is settled." A trace of tiredness flashed across the old master's face.

People were looking at each other in silence, they knew that they shall not say one more word to avoid displeasing the old master.

"Dad, Tracey is just an outsider from us. It's not appropriate for you to do this." Sean's mother insisted.

"Mom, don't say that!" Sean quickly stopped his mother.

"Why do you stop me? I didn't say anything wrong. Even if your grandpa wants to give Tracey the shares, he had to wait at least until Tracey marries into the Sheng family."

"If you think I'm too partial, give Rachel the shares you owned. I'm tired." As speaking, the old master turned around and left, not wanting to speak more with them.

The butler helped the old master to go upstairs, people were all returning to their rooms. Mrs. Sheng sighed with reluctance, after all, she couldn't challenge the old master, who had the greatest power over this family.

"Forget it. It's getting late. Let's go to sleep." Mrs. Sheng said.

"Let's go." Rachel also reluctantly pulled Sean to leave. Sean knew that Tracey would stay here tonight, and he didn't want to leave the Sheng residence.

"I haven't lived here for a long time. Let's stay here tonight. Anyway, it's so late." Sean said.

Rachel glanced at Tracey and pointed at her face. "Do you really want to stay here or because of her?"

"Stop your bullshit. The Sheng residence is my home. Is it strange for me to stay here? If you want to leave, you can go home alone. No one will keep you. I'll go to sleep." Sean rolled his eyes at Rachel, seemed not wanting to speak one more word to her.

"Sean!" Rachel stomped her foot in anger when she saw Sean's back as he left.

Different from Sean's coldness, Adam was still carefully treating Tracey's wound. He looked as if he was cleaning a precious piece of China, which he took as his baby and scared to fall it off.

"I'll blow your wound, it can ease the pain." Adam learned it from her mother. She used to ease Adam's pain after he fell in this way.

When Tracey saw his childish side, she immediately laughed. "Adam, you don't have to be so careful. I'm not hurt, really."

The harmonious picture of them was like a sharp thorn, which stabbed Rachel hard and made her bleeding all over her body. She couldn't figure out once again that why Tracey was always so lucky?!

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