His Domineering Lover
Chapter 312

Tracey always felt that her luck was getting better after she returned from abroad. Everything was going smoothly. Carmen had been kicked out of the Xia family, and Eric agreed to give her the order she wanted.

She felt as happy as having a sweet dream till the off time. She still felt so unreal.

Seeing Tracey walking over in a trance, Adam rubbed her head. "Why are you looked muzzy?"

"Nothing, it's just I have been figured out that why Light & Shadow decided to give me this order. It's not good for them." Tracey was a little struggle as thought of this order.

"Aren't you used to be eager for it every day before? Now you won it, but you are in doubt." Adam said.

"Yes, I'm worried. I worked hard for what I own today over the years. However, getting this order is similar to money falling from sky. Don't you feel strange?" Tracey stared at Adam.

She even surprised by Adam's reaction to this matter. "He used to hate the men who had an intention on me, why was he so calm?" Tracey thought.

"It's not strange at all. There's always a way out. With me by your side, even if you're defeated, I'll be able to help you stage a comeback.

I don't care how strong Light & Shadow is in the United States, in my eyes, it's not strong enough. As long as you are happy, I'll believe that they are doing the right thing."

Adam said this in a casual way. It was not until a long time later that Tracey learned that Adam's power was more terrible than she imagined.

"You're right. I'm getting more and more dependent on you now. I always feel strongly safe to have you by my side. I don't know if it's good or bad." Tracey leaned into Adam's arms and said gently.

"Of course it's a good thing. I'm going to take care of you for the rest of my life. If you don't even believe me, who else can you trust?" Adam touched her head and said.

"Yes." Tracey leaned against his chest. Even if she lost the whole world, as long as Adam accompanied her, it would be good.

The next day, perhaps because Tracey will be going to discuss the contract, she woke up early before the alarm clocked rang. She tried several suits in front of the mirror. "Brother Adam, do you think I'd better wear more elegant or more capable today?" Adam leaned against his arm on the bed, looking at Tracey lazily. "This one." He pointed to the suit of pants.

If Tracey met him, he would like Tracey to wear a skirt. If Tracey met other men, he would naturally like Tracey to wear the pants.

"Okay, that's it." Tracey quickly changed into a shirt and a pair of ninth pants. She was born to be a model, being suitable for any simple- designed outwear. "You looked so happy."

"If Eric didn't lie to me, of course I would be happy. Being a vice president will make my time more flexible, I also have to take care of my own company. There should have been a recruitment meeting a long time ago. But I was too busy. After the contract is signed, I will start big recruitment." Seeing Tracey's smiling face, Adam also felt warm in his heart. As long as she was happy, he would like to do anything for her.

"You don't need to worry about the firefighting formalities, I have settled them with the fire department and you can operate business directly." "Brother Adam, you are always so considerate and always settle my things properly ahead of me." She had no way to not love this man.

"You have stayed in America for long and maybe you are not used to the rules to handle things domestically. Anyway, when you need to deal with chores, just let me know, I can take care of them and you won' be so tired."

"Thanks." Tracey was in a good mood. She had appointed with Eric at 9:00 a.m., it was still early and Tracey decided to go to Xia's Group first.

Suddenly she felt a throbbing pain in her lower abdomen. "I'm on period?"

Her period was always irregular. She quickly went to the bathroom to check. When she took off her pants, sure enough, the period was coming.

Tracey felt disappointed when seeing the blood as she thought she was already pregnant. "Fine, I'm not pregnant this month, maybe I will be pregnant next month." She thought.

Fortunately, she prepared sanitary pad in her bag. When she was dealing with the period, she heard some noise.

It was the voice of a group of women. "Miss Renee, you are so sweet, you treated us the seafood of The Pearl Chef, as well as going to karaoke, this morning you treated us the expensive breakfast again. Oh, thank you so much..."

"It's not a big deal. We're colleagues. I'm happy that you're having a good time." Renee said hypocritically.

"Since you are so generous, Miss Renee, we must help you drive Tracey away. With you as the director, we can have good days."

"Yes, drive her away. I inquired one of my friends, she said that she had seen Carl and the president of Light & Shadow came to and leave the company together for many times.

She said both of them are studying in the United States, and they attended the same university. I bet Tracey won't get this order. Then we can use her failure to require her to step down from the director position."

"When she leaves, isn't this director yours, Miss Renee?"

Those women were chatting happily, and Renee was happy too. "If I become the director, I will surely treat you guys a feast!"

After a while, they left the restroom. Then Tracey came out from the stall.

"How dare Renee to plan on me and even force me to step down!" Tracey thought angrily.

Although Renee's dream was beautiful, but it was too beautiful that Tracey couldn't wait to wake them up.

Tracey didn't go back to her office but called Stella.

"Director, what can I do for you?"

"Spread the news, saying that Carl got the order of Light & Shadow, and I was defeated and didn't come to work due to being depressed." Tracey came up with a wicked idea.

"Okay, Director." Even though curious, Stella didn't ask for reasons, she believed that Tracey must have her own plan.

The news soon spread throughout the office. Renee couldn't be happier as she didn't see Tracey, who was always punctual, came to work.

She soon winked at the other employee, and the department charger walked to Stella with a stack of files in his hand. "Stella, this is the quarterly performance information of the whole company, make it to report by tomorrow, president will use it at tomorrow's meeting."

"By tomorrow? Shouldn't I start to do the report one week in advance?" Stella was surprised.

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