His Domineering Lover
Chapter 311

After having lunch, Tracey and Stella returned to the office early. A while later, Renee came back in chirping.

Everyone laughed happily, and they were just like on an outing. Especially the moment that Renee came in the door, she was escorted in the middle like a star.

Tracey just glanced at them and didn't say anything. Her phone rang. Seeing it was from Eric, she soon ended the calling.

Eric called again. Tracey was a little curious that what he was going to say, at the fifth time that he called, the phone was connected.

"Mr. Luo, your trick has been revealed. What else do you want to play?" Tracey was furious when she thought of falling into the trap last time.

She had never been so blind in life for just an order.

"Director Xia, I called you because I decided to cooperate with you after careful consideration." Eric's serious tone surprised Tracey.

However, she quickly reacted. "Even if you want to cooperate, you shall not call me, you should call Carl."

"Director Xia, I know very well what I am doing. I didn't make the wrong call. I was moved by your sincerity and decided to sign a contract with you." Eric said in an official tone and he didn't mention the bad thing they did at all.

Tracey knew how eager she used to be for this order, but when it finally came, she got confused.

Not like others who didn't know the truth, Tracey was clear that the controller hid behind was Carl. Now Eric said he wanted to sign the contract, did it mean that Carl withdrew from the competition? "What tricks are you playing?" Tracey asked suspiciously.

"We are touched by your sincerity, and your Blue Mountain coffee is really authentic." He said as if something had never ever happened.

"Eric, I'm telling you, don't try to fool me. Are you planning to trick me out and drug me again? Never, if you do it again, I'll call the police." Tracey snorted coldly.

"Director Xia, I'm serious about this matter. If you're worried, we don't need to meet up, just let Mr. president sign on the contract directly." Eric's tone sounded serious.

Although Tracey was still alerting, she was somewhat beckoning. "Are you serious?" Generally speaking, the small contracts needed to be approved by both parties, they would draft the contract and send to each other for reviewing. Signing would only happen after both parties had reached agreement on every details.

Not to mention the contract worth more than a hundred million yuan. It couldn't be signed so simply but had to go through very complicated processes.

Before today, Eric had been tantalizing Tracey all the time, he didn't refuse nor agree to give this order to her, it was the first time that Eric agreed to cooperate firmly.

Tracey bet Eric did not dare to play tricks on such a serious matter. Tracey said in a relaxed tone, "Then I'll meet with your people first. Let's reach an agreement on the details, then talk about the contract later."

"Certainly. This is a big contract and we are surely more cautious. Xia's Group is a long-standing company, I hope we can cooperate happily."

"I have a requirement. I want to discuss the details at your company, not at the cafe." Tracey was smarter and avoided private places this time.

"Sure. See you at tomorrow 9:00 a.m., you can just come to our company." Eric's frank speaking way made Tracey felt a bit strange. "Okay, wish us a happy cooperation." Tracey hung up the phone and felt a little worried. Isn't the money falling from the sky?

But Carl had no reason to do this. Why would he give the vice president position that he could easily get to Tracey for free?

Did he make up for the matter that happened last time? But Tracey didn't think Carl was a good person. Anyway, she would know what was inside when she went there tomorrow.

Tracey's phone rang. It was Adam. "Little bunny, have you drunk the medicine?" It turned out that Adam's calling was for supervision.

Hearing Adam's voice, Tracey felt better. "I've drunk it a long time ago. Brother Adam, you are more timely than my alarm clock."

"That's because I'm worried about you. I'll pick you up after work."

"Okay. By the way, brother Adam, Eric had just called me, and he said he would give me the order. Is he crazy?" Tracey was still confused.

"Sounds good, isn't it? Don't you want to be the vice president?" Unexpectedly, Adam didn't react surprised.

"No, brother Adam, why don't you suspect that he has other intentions? Why are you so calm?" Tracey asked.

Adam continued to answer, "He's not so stupid. If he wanted to trick you, unless he bore to be caught once again. Maybe he is making up for you. Anyway, you should talk about it with them."

"You' re right. But I won't be cheated anymore. I required to discuss the contract at their company. There shouldn't be any problems this time, right?"

"If you worry, I can go with you." Adam was very considerate.

"Brother Adam, there's no need. I can handle it. If I rely on you to do everything, I'll be a jerk. Well, I have some reports to deal with, I gotta go." Tracey felt much eased.

"Okay." Adam hung up the phone.

Besides Adam, Assistant Jiang was in doubt. "President, you are helping Miss Xia, why don't you let her know?" "You don't understand." "I don't. Wouldn't it equal to let Carl take advantage of you? On the one hand, you helped him correct his wretched image in Miss Xia's heart. On the other hand, you sacrificed two pieces of land with great potential. What are you doing this for?"

Assistant Jiang had been working for Adam for so many years, but it was his first time to see Adam doing business at a loss.

Adam sighed, "Tracey is a strong woman. She doesn't easily accept other's help because she didn't want to feel useless.

I helped her for making her happy, not for any rewarding. As long as I could make her happy, I don' t care if I caused loss or not. I want to protect her self-esteem." "President, does her self-esteem matter?"

"Not just her self-esteem, everything of her matters. She went through too many difficulties and I don't want her to suffer a little from now on." Adam said calmly.

"President, I don't really understand your way to deal with this matter. I'm just worried that Carl will take this opportunity, easing his image to Miss Xia first then doing something evil later."

"No, he won't. My punishment had scared him already. Besides, Tracey would never have a good feeling for him." Adam said and smiled.

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