His Domineering Lover
Chapter 291

The security quickly took away things like the massage chair and humidifier brought by Renee. The office was so quiet that even a needle falling to the ground could be heard. "Take care of your own business." Tracey said to those who were caring about gossip.

"Yes, director." Just now, everyone saw Stella and Tracey slapped Renee's face, which was undoubtedly very exciting.

Renee scolded them dogs. This ignorant girl should be taught. Through this matter, everyone admired Tracey much more.

If she hadn't been here today, no one else would have been able to deal with unruly and capricious Renee.

Tracey lifted Stella's chin. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Director. I'll change the report soon." After this incident, Stella became more determined.

She could not be weak any longer. If she didn't be tough, she would only be trampled underfoot by others.

"Okay, give it to me when you are done." Tracey turned around quickly. Others may feel she was too heartless. Stella had just been humiliated and beaten, but she was not given time to rest and recover.

Stella understood Tracey's kindness. Life was tough, being a woman, should be particularly stronger instead of crying when facing difficulties.

"Me myself is the only way out. Only by trying hard to stand taller like Tracey, I can protect my self-esteem and won't be bullied." Stella thought.

After this turmoil, the office quickly returned busy. Everyone seemed to have forgotten the mess just now and focused on improving their reports which were often failed by Tracey.

Renee cried and left. On the way, she met Leo, who was assigned to another department. "What's wrong with you? Who bullied you?"

"It's none of your business!" Renee shook off his hand and ran to Ben's office. Ben was a little surprised to see Renee came back in such a short while as she had left not long ago. He couldn't figure out what kind of grievance that his princess had suffered, only seeing her pouring tears messed the cosmetic and stained her face.

What Renee cared about the most was her image. Now she didn't care about it at all but kept crying. She must be heartbroken.

"What's wrong?" Ben hurriedly put down the pen.

"Dad, you must help me, otherwise, I will jump down from here." Renee pretended to threaten.

Ben's face was full of confusion. "My girl, what's wrong with you? Before helping you, I need to know what happen to you."

"Dad, Tracey hit me and instigated a small staff to hit me. Take a look, my face is red." Her cheeks was applied blusher, now they indeed looked redder after being slapped.

"Tracey didn't beat people casually. You should tell me what happened first." Ben had changed from being weaken minded, he refused to believe Renee's complaint because in his eyes, daughter Tracey was perfect.

"You are right, dad, she won't beat people casually. Since she came back, you have always been partial to her. But let me tell you, Tracey is no longer what she used to be." Renee could not forget she was harmed by Tracey many times.

She deemed Tracye a well-disguised evil woman who could even fool their dad. This was angered Renee the most.

"What are you talking about? Renee, the more you complain, the more confused I am." Absolutely, Ben was the only one who was outside everything, he had no idea what happened to all of them, either Carmen's plot or Tracey's revenge.

"Dad, Tracey has changed. Now she is playing tricks and pretending to be good in front of you and Grandpa. In fact, she has tried her best to frame all of us!" Renee said.

"Renee, you can't accuse your sister like this without evidence. I can see it, you have always been challenged her since she came back.

I knew that she had changed. She had become more beautiful and capable. I was worried that she would not be competent for being a director before.

Now she had changed my mind. This girl was far more powerful than I thought. She grew her power in the U.S. these years.

But look at you and Leo, why you two didn't change at all but still be so willful? You should learn from Tracey. Now that you have entered the company, you are not allowed to make trouble again.

I know that you may be jealous of Tracey's competence, I can understand. This is humanity.

I hope you can regard the jealousy as a drive, study hard, and become as excellent as Tracey in the future." Every time Ben talked about Tracey, he would unconsciously smile.

He felt from the bottom of his heart that Tracey was outstanding. He was even a little proud that Tracey was his daughter.

Renee felt quite interesting since she came here for complaining, however, Ben praised Tracey first. "Dad, what am I to you?" Renee asked in her heart.

At least she was also his daughter. Why is he so partial? The more Renee thought about it, the more she felt wronged, and the more tears she shed.

"Dad, I am your daughter too. Why don't you believe what I said? Jealousy?! It's so funny, why should I be jealous of her?" Renee wiped her tears and shouted.

Of course, she had forgotten a similar scene. Many years ago, when she and Leo framed Tracey, Tracey was the same wronged.

Tracey was hurt by the compasses and tears welled up in her eyes, but she was accused of hurting Leo with them and Ben believed Leo's words.

He ordered angrily to Tracey, "Apologies to your brother. How can you do that?"

Tracey's tears fell down. "Dad, I didn't do it. I didn't use the compasses to stab him. I am also your kid. Why don't you trust me?"

Carmen stood aside, trying to stir up trouble, "How could she be so vicious at such a young age? I'm really worried about her future. Honey, don't spoil her, she needs a lesson."

At that time, Renee tittered happily. Today, it was her turn to feel what Tracey felt that year.

"I think you are just looking for trouble. Today is your first day of the internship. Don't forget the old master's requirement. Don't show off your identity. Go back to work." Ben began to drive Renee out.

"Dad, how are you so affirmative that Tracey is outstanding? Do you remember the last time Leo made a gambling loan of usury, it was her scheme! She wanted to ruin us so we lost the trust of you and grandpa, and then we will lose the qualification to enter Xia's Group.

Dad, she is very vicious. She always puts us in trouble. Now she is allaying with others, using her power to make me difficult in the company!"

Renee had no choice but revealed the truth. She felt that if things went on like this, she would gradually become a passive role in the Xia family. Ben slammed the table and said, "Are you enough?!"

"Dad, how can you not believe my words? I'm telling the truth!"

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