His Domineering Lover
Chapter 290

"Bang!" Everyone in the office heard the loud slap. Those who were seriously working all raising their heads up and looked over.

Renee stood proudly in front of Stella. Stella covered her face with her hand. Although she was from a humble background, she had never been slapped by anyone in her life.

"Who do you think you are? How dare you challenge me? Do you know what place is here? This is the Xia family's company.

And I am the daughter of the Xia family. Every floor tile under your feet belongs to my family! Get out, this is my seat."

Renee was like a proud peacock to show off her feather. She could not wait to tell the whole world that she was Miss Xia right after she entered Xia's Group.

Stella covered her face with one hand and clenched her fist with the other. Although she wanted to hold back her tears, she still couldn't bear the pain in her heart and the tears were rolling down.

"Why are you still standing there? Why are you so thick-skinned? I asked you to get out of here. Do you hear me?" Renee said and stretched out her finger to poke Stella's head.

Tears blurred Stella's vision and they dropped heavily on the reports on the desk. She slowly got up and was about to pack up things to leave, but someone stopped her.

"Who said you can go?" Tracey's cold voice sounded.

Stella raised her head and looked into Tracey's eyes. For a moment, the grievance exploded in her heart.

Tracey was planning to suppress Renee's arrogance for letting her know her identity in the company.

Stella was Tracey's love employee. Although she did not have too much experience, she was preferred by Tracey because of her diligent and studious character.

She was previously sitting in the corner seat. Seeing the window seat was available but not occupied yet, Tracey asked Stella to use it. However, her kindness brought Stella some trouble.

She didn't expect Renee to be so bold and not restrained herself at all to behave so incredibly to an employee.

The spirit of normal people and that of a lunatic was not connected. Tracey had no way to understand Renee's madness. If not for taking a glance at the outside before, she had no idea that Renee had already been lost in her unscrupulousness.

"Director." Stella looked at Tracey with grievance, but Tracey's eyes were not becoming warm.

"Have you forgotten what I said ?" Tracey asked in a cold voice. Stella sniffled, thinking of the same situation when she was bullied by Ruth.

She wiped away her tears. "I can't cry." Tears were the symbol of the weak, and they didn't work to solve any problem.

"Why are you still here? I told you to go. Hurry up and get out." Renee's noisy voice sounded.

Stella looked at Renee with a brave and cold gaze. 'T m ok to move, but I need Director Xia's permission."

"You dam* girl, how stubborn." Renee raised her hand and wanted to slapped Stella again. But This time, Tracey caught her hand in time.

"Tracey, what are you doing? I'm just teaching a bad girl. Why do you even intervene in this kind of thing?"

"First, you should call me director like everyone else in the company. Second, your seat is over there. Third, apologize to Stella, immediately." Tracey said word by word.

"She is just a dog raised by us! I am the owner. I can slap her if I want. Why should I apologize? It's impossible." Renee snorted coldly.

Tracey had always thought that Renee was at most somewhat unruly and willful, but today she knew that Renee was far more than this, she was totally emotionless!

She cursed Stella a dog, which raised by the Xia family and she was the owner. According to Renee's words, every employee of Xia's Group was the dog of the Xia family.

"Was she ever thinking? Or she was just thinking by her ass?" Tracey was confused and still could not believe that she really heard Renee's nonsense, which offended everyone in the office. Tracey was supposed to teach Renee rules, now it seemed unnecessary. Because all of the people here were the workplace old hand.

On the surface, they could flatter to Renee. On the back, however, they may not be as kind as they appeared.

"It's okay if you don't apologize. Stella, slap her back." Tracey said coldly.

Nobody believed they heard Tracey request Stella to give Renee a slap, including Stella herself.

"Slap me? Come on, who do you think she is? If she dares to touch me, I'll let her go immediately." Renee crossed her arms proudly in front of her chest. "Everyone in this world has self-esteem regardless of their classes. If you hurt someone and don't want to apologize, you should be punished the same way.

Stella, I've given you a chance. Do you want your self-esteem or not?" Tracey's gaze was fixed on Stella.

Stella looked at her hand and hesitated. Renee was even more presumptuous. "Tracey, do you know? Self-esteem is classified. How can a despicable person like her deserve self-esteem? They... ah!" Before she could finish her words, Stella slapped her in the face. The slap seemed to fall on everyone's face and made all people stunned.

"Did she really hit Renee?" They couldn't believe it. God knew that this young lady of the Xia family was known for being barbaric and willful. Before Stella slapped, Renee had already regarded her as an enemy, now Stella really hit Renee's face, can she still be alive?

Stella unclenched her fists and said, "Miss Xia, I have self-esteem. No matter how superior you are, you should respect people. Didn't your mother ever teach you this?"

"How dare you hit me? How dare you teach me? Security! Come and beat her to death!" Renee shouted to the security men who had not left yet.

People were all in a panic. This matter became a big deal. Stella would be harmed by Tracey's order.

What was Renee's background? No matter how annoying she was, it was better not to make a contradiction with her. Even if it was necessary to teach her a lesson, it should be done privately rather than in front of everybody.

"Stella was stupid. How could she be so obedient to Tracey and really hit Renee? How she could be so blind to Renee's identity?"

Everyone's mind was filled with the same idea. They felt that Stella was in danger, and they watched the security approached step by step.

"Who dares to move?" Tracey said. Her freezing eyes made the security feeling cold.

"Kill that b*tch! Now!" Renee stamped her feet and said furiously.

"Bang" Another slap came, but this one was from Tracey. "B*tch, b*tch, you are really rude and vulgar. If Carmen didn't teach you how to show respect, I will do it today. If you want to stay here, go back and work. If you refuse, get out right away."

"Tracey, you will regret for what you do!" Renee was still fearful to have conflict with Tracey, and the picture of being taught by Tracey last time was still vivid in her mind.

She covered her face and ran out crying. Tracey swept her eyes over the security men. "Dump the garbage Renee brought." She ordered.

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