His Domineering Lover
Chapter 287

The obedient and lovely look of Tracey reminded Adam of the night on the ship 15 years ago.

She was just a little girl then. One day at midnight, Tracey came to Adam's room barefooted with a big teddy bear in her arms.

"What's wrong, little bunny?" Every time Adam saw this lovely girl, he would subconsciously soften his tone.

As if he was afraid that his voice would disturb her. She was rubbing her sleepy eyes, saying, "Adam, I had a dream and there was a monster was going to eat me. I am frightened, I am wondering if I can..." The little girl said while looking at her foot, feeling a little embarrassed to continue her words.

Young Adam squatted down and gently asked, "What can I do?"

'Tm scared, can I sleep with you?" The little girl grabbed his clothes and looked at him sleepily with her big eyes.

How could there be anyone to refuse such a lovely little girl? She seemed to come from the fairy tale world.

Innocent, lively, and kindhearted, as clean as a piece of white paper. She was different from teenage Adam, who had already been put in the darkness.

All of this girl was what Adam had yearned for. He gently rubbed little Tracey's messy hair and said, "Of course." "You're so kind, Adam." The little girl stretched out her hands and Adam carried her back to the room. She directly wrapped her hand around his neck.

"Can you tell me why you didn't go to your parents when you are scared?" Adam asked. After all, they had only known each other for a few days.

Generally, when a little girl had nightmares, she would go find her parents if she was afraid. However, Tracey asked companion from a stranger.

"Because I found mom and dad were not pleasant, only after boarding the ship, my mom smiled to me a little bit more. So, I don't want to disturb them when they sleep.

You're big hero. Even monsters are afraid of you, so I want to sleep with you!" Tracey's child voice was soft and cute and Adam liked it very much.

He put her into his quilt and said, "Well, in the future, you won't have to be scared of the monster, I'm here guarding you."

"Thank you, Adam. Good night." Tracey kissed him on the forehead.

It was supposed to be a normal goodnight kiss, however, young Adam's heart was inexplicably messed up.

"Have a good sleep." He covered her with the quilt and put her beloved bear beside her.

Tracey did not close her eyes, still looking at him. He was puzzled, "What's wrong?"

"Adam, where is my goodnight kiss?" She looked at him, pure eyes were shining. "Mom and dad would

kiss me every night before I sleep.1'

Adam's heart pumped again. "She was just a kid!" He tried to suppress his selfish thoughts, slowly bent down and was about to kiss the little girl's pink cheeks.

But she suddenly moved and scratched her face on the teddy bear to ease itch, Adam accidently kissed her lips.

His heart was in a complete mess.

He left in a panic, but Tracey smiled, "Adam, good night, sleep here."

"Okay." Adam turned off the light and lay down beside Tracey with a restless heart.

Tracey should have already forgotten the good night kiss of that year, but that kiss was indeed Adam's first kiss. It was given to a little girl.

Recalling that night, Adam saw Tracey in front of him. "Unexpectedly, this girl hadn't changed after so many years." Adam thought.

"Okay, I'll sleep with you." Adam picked her up as he did on that night. Tracey also habitually put her hands around his neck.

She fell asleep quickly in his arms. Where there was Adam, there was safety.

Within a short distance from the balcony to the room, Tracey had fallen asleep. Adam put her back to the bed.

The only difference from that night was Tracey had grown up. Adam kissed her on the face and said, "Good night."

She should be growing up with this habit. Adam thought and turned the light off, laying on the bed, and hugged his little woman to sleep.

"As long as you are with me, time would fly, and the night would never be long."

Dark night had passed, a new day was coming. Tracey's alarm clock rang. She had forgotten what she did last night. She got up quickly, brushed her teeth, and washed her face. Just like before, she stood in front of the wardrobe and took out a few clothes. "Adam, what should I wear today?"

"My little bunny looks good in all kinds of clothes. It's a lovely day today. Wear this dress." Adam was not tired of Tracey's any questions and he chose a dress for her with a smile. Tracey soon packed up and went to work with Adam after breakfast.

"Sir, this is the medicine for miss." Jane handed over Chinese medicine she had cooked.

Tracey's face became as bitter as the medicine when she heard Jane's words. "Adam, why do I still have to drink it? I've been drinking it for a whole day, I am feeling so good and I don't think I need it anymore."

"Tracey, be good, this medicine is good for your health. It won't be wrong to follow the doctor's instructions. Besides, Jane cooked it all night. Do you have the heart to dump it?" "Alright." Tracey had to compromise.

Jane was stunned by their conversation. She could

not believe that Tracey could be obedient so easily to Adam as she had long been stubborn.

It was great though. Jane liked to see they were harmonious and happy like this forever.

"Miss Xia and Mr. Xiao, goodbye and come back early." Jane said with a smile.


Then they left. The car took Tracey to her company first. Adam handed over the medicine and said, "Remember to drink it at noon. It's necessary."

"Got it." Tracey took over the cup. "Do you have anything else to tell me?"

"And... Call me at any time you want." Adam took her body and kissed her heavily. He didn't let go of her until she was out of breath.

"I will." Tracey got off the car with a red face. They often kissed but she still felt a little embarrassed.

She carried the thermos cup and walked into the company. She suddenly thought of something-she had to meet Carl.

Just thinking about it, Carl arrived. Carl was still as refined and elegant as before.

But Tracey would never believe him anymore. When seeing Tracey, Carl walked toward her with steady steps.

"Tracey, I'm sorry for that day. I didn't mean to offend you..."

"Director Xia, please call me in the title. Besides, I don't think we are so good that I want to hear your explanation. I am very busy. Excuse me." Tracey

said and left with a cold face.

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