His Domineering Lover
Chapter 286

Adam made the bathtub ready for bathing. Tracey sat in the warm water and groaned comfortably, "It's so warm."

"You just got over a cold yesterday, and you fell into the sea today, what if you get sick again?"

"Adam, don't worry. I'm in good health. I am not so weak." Every time Tracey said that she was in good health, Adam felt sad inexplicably.

This silly girl still had no idea what was wrong with her womb. Thinking of this, Adam softened his tone and said, "You can bath longer, I'll cook some ginger soup for you later."

"Don't, Adam, just ask Jane to cook it." Tracey didn't forget the brown sugar ginger soup that Adam made for her last time.

Thinking of his dark past, Adam's face suddenly blushed, "Okay, I'll let Jane cook it."

"Adam, can you leave first? You look at me like this, you made me feel like a kindergarten child." Tracey talked to Adam who was squatting beside the bathtub.

Tracey thought he was too cautious. She was already at home, would there be anything horrible happen to her again? "Is he worrying that I am disappearing from the bathtub?" Tracey thought. "I am guarding you." Because Adam had a shadow. Every time when he was not by Tracey's side, she would be in danger. Now he had to protect Tracey all the time.

"Okay, if you want." Tracey didn't stop Adam more. After bathing for a while, she was ready to come out.

Adam wrapped her in a big bath towel and carried her to the bed.

Tracey smiled and said, "Adam, I think you're a lot like a person."

"Hmm?" Adam was wiping the water for her. When hearing this, he raised his head.

"Like my mother. When I was a child, she also helped me with bathing, wiped the water off my hair and dressed me." Tracey smiled slightly. The more she looked at Adam, the more she felt so. "Naughty girl, I'm doing this for your good, how dare you comment I'm like your mother." Adam said and knocked her head, and of course, he didn't knock it hard, it was just a slight knock. Tracey put her arms around his neck and rubbed her head in his arms. "Adam, I know that you are the kindest to me. You are so patient, I believe you will be the same patient to our babies." Tracey mentioned the baby again and Adam's face changed. He responded casually, "Yes...Well, put on the clothes and I'll go cook ginger soup for you."

After Adam left, Tracey murmured as she put on her clothes, "Why he was so weird? Especially when I'm mentioning the baby?"

Adam didn't have heart to tell Tracey the truth about her health condition. Every time when seeing Tracey's expectation to have a baby, his heart ached. "Sir, how is Miss?" Jane held the spatula, asking Adam with a worried face.

"She's okay, just feel a little cold. Tell me how to cook ginger soup. Drinking some ginger soup is good for keeping warm." Adam quickly eased his look and said. "Great, it's rare for a man to be so thoughtful for his girlfriend. When Miss Xia was hurt badly by that jerk man Sean, I thought there was no good men in this world.

It seems that everything is happened fatefully. If miss Xia hadn't been apart from that jerk, how could she meet you?"

Jane was murmuring while taking the ginger out. She taught Adam how to cut it and how much it should be added to the soup.

"By the way, if miss Xia drink ginger soup, how about giving up drinking Chinese medicine today?" Jane suggested. She knew that neither ginger soup nor Chinese medicine was tasty.

"No, she must drink both! And she had to drink the medicine every day. You can make the medicine in advance and put it in her thermos cup. When she goes to work tomorrow, she can take it to the company." "Yes, sir. But I think miss Xia looked healthy. Why she has to drink the Chinese medicine?" Jane was confused.

"Some health problems are invisible. In short, it's good for her. Dumplings for the dinner?" Adam didn'

t want to continue on this topic, so he quickly brought it up.

"Yes, miss used to like dumplings when she was in the Xia family. Fresh meat filling with leek, and mushroom filling with chicken meat are miss's favorite." "I am looking forward to it." Then Adam went back to room with the ginger soup. Tracey had already dressed well.

Except for ginger soup, there was also Chinese medicine. "Come, drink the ginger soup first, and then drink the medicine."

Tracey's face wrinkled every time before drinking medicine. Adam had to persuade her patiently and Tracey was finally cooperative.

She slept very early this night. Maybe because she was too tired, she fell asleep as soon as she was laying on the bed. Adam did not disturb her at all.

Seeing her sleeping, Adam's eyes were full of tenderness. He turned off the lights and walked out quietly.

He walked to the study and dialed a number. "President, it's so late, what can I do for you?" The voice of Assistant Jiang was a little sleepy.

"I want Rachel Nan to get out of the entertainment circle." Adam said it word by word.

Assistant Jiang was confused to hear Adam mentioning Rachel so suddenly. "President, what happened?"

"Don't ask too much about it. In short, I want to ruin her repute and make her not being accepted by the entertainment circle, and I want to show the whole world her true face!" "Yes, president." Even though Assistant Jiang could not see Adam's face at this time, he could feel Adam was gnashing his teeth hard and the strong hatred of this man.

Without much thinking, Assistant Jiang figured out that what angered Adam like this must be related to Tracey, because Adam never cared about other women.

Rachel had maintained her public image as a goddess these years and she enjoyed being fascinated by homebodies and the nick name of the angel in mortal given by teenagers. However, the seemingly pure woman wanted to push Tracey into the sea and kill her. Adam didn't want to make a scene in front of onlookers.

But it was impossible for him to let go of her. Nobody could hurt Tracey a little bit. Since Rachel had already done it, she must use her career to pay.

"May I know your plan, president?" Since Tracey was involved, Assistant Jiang should be specific of the extent that he could do.

"Expose her sin three years ago. A mistress will certainly be despised. Once the pure image is contaminated, I'd like to see how she can wash it?"

Adam said coldly. Rachel cared about her career, when her disguise was removed and she aroused public critique and resistance, it would be the right time to kick her out of the entertainment circle. "Okay, I'll go and prepare for it."

"Great." Adam hung up the phone. He sat on the balcony, lit a cigarette, and spit out a smoke ring. Until then the depression in his heart disappeared a little.

"Adam." Tracey's voice came from behind. She was wearing a white nightdress, walking toward Adam barefooted.

She rubbed her eyes, obviously, she was not fully waking. Somehow, she came out to look for Adam instead of sleeping.

Adam put out the cigarette and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Sleep with me." Tracey tugged at the corner of his clothes and said.

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