His Domineering Lover
Chapter 271

Through the screen, there was a pair of intertwined figures, lingering endlessly, shedding great happiness.

After sex, Tracey lay her heads in Adam's arms weakly.

Adam was different. He was in spirits as if he had just woke up from a good sleep.

Men are finally not the same as women. Tracey let him deal with her body quietly, and let him dry her hair up.

The familiar feeling came back, which made her feel at ease.

In the past, when she separated from Sean, she felt that she could still live a good life alone. "If I have no man in this life, so what?"

Now she was not confident to think so. She was used to Adam's kindness, as if she had been poisoned by this man.

Two days leaving of Adam almost killed Tracey, she could not easily bear the days without him again.

She leaned her head on his chest and said, "Adam, I found something in the past two days."

"What is it?" Adam looked at her dotingly, and the sweetness of the two was about to fill up the whole room.

"I can't live without you. When I was betrayed by Sean, I went to the United States alone. At that time, I didn't feel this." Tracey said honestly.

"How can I bear living without you? Little bunny, my heart had pumped for you for so many years. Without you, I will be dead!"

Tracey used to disgusted those love words in series, but now it came out of this man's mouth, she felt happy.

Like what she did when she was little, she reached out her pinky, "Then, let's make a swear. No one is allowed to leave each other for the rest of our lives."

Adam scratched her nose. Tracey looked more and more like when she was little. This was a good thing.

No matter how strong she was outside, in front of Adam, she didn't need to pretend. She could remove all her disguise and just be his little bunny.

He stretched out his finger and hooked it with Tracey's pinky. "Keep, keep a promise, let's keep it for one hundred years. Little bunny, I will dote you forever, until you can't bear leaving me." "Every moment when you were gone, I feel as if my breathing became labored. I thought you were angry with me." Tracey buried her head in his arms, hearing his strong heartbeat. For many nights, she had listened to Adam's heartbeat to fall asleep. Now he had come back and she was finally relieved.

"Actually, I didn't leave you at all in these two days. When you sent me messages that night, I stood outside the window and looked at you. I saw you huddled up in the quilt out of fear." Tracey had no idea how many things of Adam would surprise her. She looked up at him and said, "I didn't see your car that day, I thought you went to your other houses."

"With you here, how can I be willing to leave? After I made that decision, I drove the car to the garage, for not arousing your suspicion."

"You are so cruel to me. I thought you were angry and ignored me.

I remember I slept in your arms that night, I thought it was a dream."

"I didn't come in until you fell asleep. How could I let you worry and be scared alone?

Anyway, I have to sleep with you in my arms. I know that your habit and left before you woke up," Adam explained.

"What about yesterday?"

"Yesterday, I followed you all the time. This plan is so risky, I was worried that you would be in danger.

So, I dare not let my guard down. I followed you personally. Maybe you can see me as soon as you turn back."

Knowing that Adam was following all the time but she had no idea, Tracey blushed immediately.

"...Well, did you see me entering into the sex store, too?"

"Of course, I know where you passed, what you ate, and which stores you went to, otherwise, how could I protect you?" Adam said.

Tracey hurriedly explained, "The sex store...well, I went there with Ruth. She needed to buy sexy underwear to seduce someone. I, I..."

Hearing her hesitating explanation, Adam looked down at her and said, "I know, but why are you so eager to explain? Are you trying to cover up something? Is there any secret in that store?"

"No, I just wanted to have a look, I didn't buy anything." Tracey lied, but she bought was because of Ruth's instigation.

If Adam knew it, he must laugh at her crazily. Since she and Adam had reconciled, the sexy dresses were not helpful anymore.

"Didn't buy anything? Then I will accompany you to buy it some other day. At the time I was seeing you go in that store, I was thinking that if my little bunny wore that kind of clothes, I would die of happiness." Adam did not lie.

He had been having sex with Tracey many times, but after each sex, Adam would keep missing it. He didn't know if there was any poison on Tracey to make him so obsessed.

When Adam saw Tracey entering that kind of store, he was excited, let alone seeing Tracey put on those clothes. His blood must go boiling.

"Do you want to see it?" Tracey looked at Adam and asked.

"Of course. You have such a good figure, don't waste it. But you can only dress for me." Adam chuckled.

"Humph, I won't wear it even if you want to see. You should get some punishment for hiding the truth and ignoring me!" Tracey snorted coldly. Now she had calm down, she would definitely ask Adam to make up for her.

"Good girl, I won't truly ignore you for my whole life." He touched her head and said.

Tracey felt much better after finishing a cold war with Adam. She stretched herself and yawned. She had not slept last night at all. She was so sleepy.

Adam saw her sleepy and asked considerately, "Do you want to go home to sleep or sleep here?"

"Let's go home." Tracey didn't want to stay here. After all, this place left her bad memories.

"Okay, let's go home." Adam put on clothes for her, and Tracey was in his arms, unwilling to get up.

She had gotten used to Adam's kindness and now she didn't want to leave at all. Adam carried her and said, "Your Highness, let's go home."

"Let's go home. With you, the house was called home." Tracey happily leaned against him.

"You can sleep. We'll be home when you are awake."

Adam left with Tracey. As soon as they were going out, they met Bella and Eric, who was beaming with satisfaction.

When the two people found it was Adam but not Carl, they were in huge surprise.

"Why are you here? Where's Boss?" Bella blurted out.

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