His Domineering Lover
Chapter 270

Tracey was stunned. She seemed to be not mistaken between Carl and Adam.

"It was you last night?" Tracey asked in a daze.

Seeing Tracey's funny look, Adam chuckled, it was his first time to see such an image of Tracey, particularly the way she held the big vase.

She smiled evilly and waved to her. "Come here."

Tracey walked toward him steadily. Adam took the vase away from her hand and rubbed her head with his wet hand.

"What's wrong? You looked disappointed." Knowing what Tracey was thinking, he teased her on purpose.

"Adam, it's you." Tracey's heart finally relaxed. She hugged Adam tightly.

Adam knew the reason why Tracey looked fierce was because she thought of him as Carl last night. He said, "Great, little bunny, you have conscience."

Tracey was scared out of her wits. "Adam, if I was rapped and became dirty, will you dislike me?" Tracey did not dare to imagine what she worried about happening.

Three years ago, she was not rapped by the black men because she was sober and had the strength to escape. But last night, she was drugged. At this time, she had no way to resist.

Adam hugged her and kissed her hair. "Little bunny, unless you are willing, if you are forced, I will only feel sorry and blame myself for not protecting you."

The biggest reason why Adam could be so assured this time was that he had prepared well, and he was confident to protect Tracey against any danger. Hearing his words, Tracey smiled. As soon as thinking of last night, she felt very wronged.

"It's all your fault. Why did you go to America without telling me? You were always manly, why you became so fragile after hearing my angry words?"

Do you know how much I miss you? Do you know how much I am worried about you? You are a big b*stard!" Tracey thought, if she lived without Adam, she would be no different from the walking dead. Holding her waving fists, Adam put them on his cheeks and said, "Silly girl, it's my fault. It's my fault, but I've never been angry with you."

Tracey blinked her big eyes. "Since you are not angry with me, why did you go to America silently?"

"If I hadn't left you, Carl, the fox, wouldn't have exposed himself." Adam told her the whole story.

Tracey's eyes widened. "Do you, do you know that he is going to plot me?"

"You little bunny, sometimes I think you are smart, but you are still wet behind ears.

Believe it or not, when I saw Carl for the first time, I felt that he looked at you differently. It was said that a woman's sixth sense was strong. In fact, men's was the same.

I warned you to stay away from that man. Later, he showed more and more kindness to you and put your guard down.

But you always regarded him as your cousin, you never linked him to any romantic relationship. He just took advantage of your mentality to plot against you."

Tracey was shocked. "So, you disappeared on purpose?"

"I know I should have explained to you. But I sent someone to investigate Carl, the result hasn't come out yet then.

Even if I thought he was abnormal, that was just my own feeling.

I can't take it as evidence to convince you. If I did, maybe you will only find me a narrow-minded gossipy man.

I didn't talk back when you blamed me selfish, I was figuring out how to let you know his true color.

That's why I set up this scheme. I am sorry that I didn't tell you in advance.

But If I told you in advance, it may affect the whole show.

Carl was very cunning. If he always in disguise, you would never see his true face. Little bunny, don't blame me for being cruel.

I did all this for letting you understand that some people are not what they looked like." Adam told her word by word.

Hearing this, Tracey was silent. She had forgotten all the advice he had given her and felt that he was too possessive.

Thinking of Adam's hesitant look that night, Tracey was blaming herself a lot! How could she scold Adam selfish for a b*stard with evil intention?

"I'm sorry, Adam. I was wrong. I took him as my cousin. How could there be a man covet his sister?"

"Stupid bunny, if they can be told that they are bad, why there are so many people still be cheated? I am still investigating him. You know that you should listen to me, right?" Adam patted Tracey's back gently as if he was comforting his child. Tracey also nodded obediently in his arms.

"I know. You are the one who treats me the best in the world. I will listen to you in the future, anything you say."

Perhaps because of Tracey's guilt for misunderstanding Adam before, she became extremely obediently to him now.

"You're so obedient. Give me a kiss." Adam raised his eyebrows and pointed to his cheek.

Tracey didn't wear high heels, so she was much shorter than Adam. She wrapped her arms around his neck, tiptoed, and kissed him seriously on the cheek.

Probably, except for Adam, there would be no one else treated Tracey so well in this world.

Adam held Tracey's waist tighter. They were holding each other naked, and the crazy image of Tracey asking for sex last night was still lingering in Adam's mind. "Little bunny, I want it again." He lowered his head and kissed her lips.

Right at the moment when Tracey being touched, Adam requested so, she soon withdrew her tears back.

"Rogue." She complaint in a low voice, but her body did not resist. Since he wanted it, give him.

Fortunately, Tracey was not rapped by the real rogue Carl. Making love was supposed to be done between lovers.

Only doing it with lover, was the body be filled. Not only body, but a broken heart.

"Be gentle." She did not refuse for the first time. She said gently, "Last night, you almost tore me up."

Adam's body felt even stronger when he heard Tracey's words. For no reason, his self- control, which he had always been proud of, did not work when Tracey was here.

"Then tell me, are you comfortable?" Adam tried to warm the atmosphere up with some flirting words.

Tracey nodded, but she was too shy to say it out.

"Say it." Adam insisted.

Tracey had no choice but to said, "I'm comfortable."

"I'll make you more comfortable in a while." He held Tracey's cheek and kissed her affectionately. Hot water fell, drenching both of these two people while they were clinging each other hard.

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