Hate You (Rebel Ink Book 1)
Hate You: Chapter 17

I stare into his darkened eyes, trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Glancing behind him, I find he’s alone.

“Zach?” My voice is no more than a breathy whisper and I wish it were stronger. “Wha—what are you doing here? Is everything okay?”

My heart races as I stare at him, desperately trying to figure this out.

“That all depends.”

My brows draw together. “On what?”

“On what you do next.”

I gasp as he slams his hand down on the front door, forcing it so wide that it crashes back against the wall. I wince at the noise this late, but I’m soon distracted when he steps up to me. His body heat hits my front, and every muscle in my body aches for me to reach out for him, to touch him and take what I’ve been desperate for.

I open my mouth to respond, to try to get the answers I crave, but he uses that as his opportunity. His hand glides across my jaw line and his fingers thread into my hair as his lips crash down on mine. He doesn’t wait to find out if I’m going to respond, he just takes charge. His tongue delves into my mouth, searching out mine as our bodies press together.

It takes me a second to register what’s happening, but the moment I do, I join in. My tongue duels with his as our teeth clash and low moans of desire escape from both of us.

He walks us into the flat and I just about register the sound of the door closing behind us before I’m spun and pushed up against it.

“Fuck, this dress,” he mutters, pulling back from me and running his eyes down the length of my body. “Been dying to get you out of it all night.”

His words confuse me, but I don’t have time to focus on them because his lips find mine once again and the only thing I can think about is him. He consumes every part of my body with his kiss alone. It’s a heady feeling and one I could become very used to very easily. It’s a terrifying thought.

His hands run down my sides, his thumbs teasing the underside of my breasts which are desperate for more attention before he skims them over my waist and to my exposed thighs. In one quick move, he has me off the floor and my legs wrapped around his waist. His hard length presses against my core and a throaty groan of approval rumbles up my throat.

“Can’t. Get. E-fucking-nough. Of. You.” His admission has desire pooling in my lower stomach and lava filling my veins. My heart hammers so hard against my chest as I fight to drag in the air I need with his lips still connected to mine. “All I can think about,” he says, peppering kisses along my jaw until he finds the sensitive spot under my ear that makes me shudder with need, “is you.”

“Oh god, Zach.” My chest heaves, my nipples press painfully against the confines of my dress, and my knickers are soaked with my need for him to touch me. To feel his skin against mine.

My fingers have a mind of their own as I reach out to release the fabric of his black t-shirt. I pull it up from his waist, desperate to see more of him at last. I drag it up his torso, revealing his sculpted abs and a deep V that makes my mouth water.

“Off,” I demand. He lifts his arms up for me and together we somehow manage to free him from the fabric and it falls to the floor somewhere around us.

“Fuuuuck.” The word is quiet and drawn out as I stare at his inked body. It only fuels the fire that’s out of control within me. The chain hanging around his neck intrigues me, but I’m not able to focus on it.

“Your turn.” He finds the little button that’s holding my dress together at the base of my neck and has it open in record time. He peels the lace from my shoulders until he reveals my bare breasts beneath.

“Fuck, Pussy Cat. These are fucking perfect.” He doesn’t allow me to remove my arms, so they stay pinned at my sides by the fabric as he lifts me a little higher and begins feasting on my nipples.

I cry out in pleasure as he bites down on one, sending a bolt of lust straight to my core.

“More, Zach. More, please,” I beg.

Suddenly we’re moving.

“Tell me which room is yours, unless you want me to fuck you on the sofa.” His words are like gasoline on my raging desire.

“Sec-second on the left,” I stutter, struggling to form words.

Using my back, he pushes the door open before kicking it shut. The slam hits my ears and allows a little reality to slip back in.

Fuck. His sister is passed out in my guest room.

Panic hits me, the butterflies in my stomach suddenly reacting to more than just my desire. But it only lasts a few minutes because Zach allows my body to slide down his until my feet hit the floor. His hands cup my face and he brings his lips to mine.

His tongue gently sweeps past my lips. It’s much softer than it was out in the hallway, and I fear he’s lost interest. But after a few seconds he seems to come back to himself. His hands sweep down over my shoulders before he finds my breasts once again. He pinches both my nipples and I gasp, pulling back from his kiss in surprise. My arms are still trapped at my sides. I’m desperate to touch him, to feel his muscles bunch and the softness of his skin when we connect.

Our eyes lock. His blue ones are dark, giving away the fire that’s burning within, his lips are swollen from my kiss and parted slightly as he tries to catch his breath. Knowing that I was the one to put that look on his face makes my chest swell with pride.

“I can’t get enough of you,” he repeats before making quick work of removing my dress from my hips and freeing my hands. I lift my arms immediately and reach out for him, only for his fingers to encircle my wrists and stop any chance of it happening.

He presses me against the wall. The coldness bites into the skin of my back and makes me shiver, but with his eyes on my almost naked body, I’m anything but cold.

He lifts my arms above my head and holds both wrists with one hand. His free hand lands gently on my cheek, and as his eyes stare deep into mine, I’m rendered motionless as something intense washes through me.

“Zach?” I question, needing him to do something and stop looking at me as if he’s seeing deeper than I want him to.

Shit, does he remember me? It’s not something I’ve worried about since our first meeting, because it was very obvious that he didn’t have a clue who I was.

Another thought hits me. “When did you see me in this dress?”

His eyes narrow as if he didn’t hear me, but after another second his lips part. “I was at Pulse tonight.” He steps forward, the length of his body pressing against mine, his arousal obvious against my stomach. Heat floods my core, knowing he’s as desperate for this as me right now.

“On ladies’ night? Something you need to tell me, boss?”

A small smirk twitches at the corner of his lips. “Not at all. I was there for the ladies.”

“Oh.” Something unpleasant twists my stomach.

“I’ve got a friend who works there, but I wasn’t expecting to find you looking like fucking sin.” My cheeks flush. “I watched you up on stage. I wanted to kill that motherfucker for getting so close to you.”

“Jealous?” I ask, curious as to how he’s going to play this.

“Like you wouldn’t fucking believe.”

“But I thought you wanted to ruin me?” I ask, using his own words against him.

“Oh, Tabby Cat. I’m going to do that and then some.”

One moment I’m pressed up against the wall and the next I’m bouncing on my bed as Zach sheds his trousers and boxer briefs. My eyes drop to his cock that’s hard and ready. My mouth waters as I wonder just how he’ll taste. Sadly, I don’t get a chance to find out because he reaches forward and drags my knickers down my legs. He tugs them over my shoes before throwing them over his shoulder.

“That’s better.” Before I have time to think, he’s pushing my thighs wide and his finger is running down my centre. “So fucking wet.”

“Zach,” I plead, my legs quivering with my need for more.

“Zach what? You’re going to need to be more specific, Kitten.”

“Your mouth. On me. Now.”

With his eyes holding mine, he lowers towards my throbbing clit. I look down my body as the heat of his breath hits me.

“Have you been thinking about this since the last time?” His eyebrow quirks, telling me that he knows exactly how good he is. His arrogance should be a turn off, but at this very moment, with his face between my legs, it’s anything but.

“Yes,” I breathe, lifting my hips from the bed, offering myself to him, desperate for his touch.

“Patience, Kitten,” he murmurs, his finger making contact once again and circling my entrance.

“Fuck, please, please.” My hands fist the sheets beneath me as I fight to stay in control.

“Fucking love it when you beg.”

“Why doesn’t that surprise meeee.” His tongue presses against my little nub and I snap. My hands release the sheets in favour of his hair so I can pull him closer. He chuckles against me, but it feels too fucking good to care. Pleasure ripples around my body as he licks, sucks and even bites down on my clit. Unintelligible words and pleas for more fall from my lips, but I don’t register them as Zach goes to town on my body. His hands reach up and palm my breasts before pinching my nipples and sending me careering towards a release so strong I already know it’s going to knock me for six.

Why does it have to be courtesy of a man I can’t stand?

His tongue lowers and spears inside me. My fingers grip onto his hair so hard I can only imagine it must seriously hurt, but I don’t give a shit, and nor does he because at no point does he let up.

“Oh god, Zach. Zach,” I cry as he builds me higher and higher.

One hand releases my breast and he slips two fingers deep inside me, finding my g-spot almost instantly as he puts pressure on my clit with his tongue.

“Come,” he rumbles against me, and the vibrations of his deep voice are the final straw. My body locks up tight before I crash over the edge. He continues licking and gently fucking me as my body convulses and twitches as I ride out the most intense pleasure I’ve ever experienced. It borders on being too much, too intense, but before it’s even subsided, I know that I want to experience it all over again.

I’m too focused on the aftershocks of my orgasm to notice that Zach pulls back. It’s not until the bed dips as he crawls onto it that I manage to drag my eyes open.

His hair flops over his forehead as he crawls over my body, the cool metal of his dog tag landing on the heated skin of my stomach and making me shudder. His eyes flick over my face, taking in the effects of my pleasure as my chest heaves for the air I so desperately need.

“Fuck, Tabby Cat. What are you doing to me?” His question confuses me, but I don’t get a chance to ask before his lips find mine and his tongue delves in. The taste of myself only makes me more desperate for him. I eagerly open up for him, my hands landing on his taught back. He settles between my legs, his cock teasing my entrance. I’m so fucking desperate to feel him pushing inside me that I lift up, trying to make it happen.

“Fuck,” he groans, almost as if he’s in pain.

My hands slide all the way down his back, his muscles bunching as I descend, until I find his arse. I squeeze, trying to pull him closer.

“And here I thought you were a good little posh girl,” he whispers in my ear, proving just how wrong he’s got me.

“Fuck me, Zach. I need you. Need you buried deep in—ahhhh.” He listens to my demand, finds my entrance and in one quick thrust he’s deep inside me. “Oh god, yes. Fuck.” He stills for a second to allow me to adjust. I’m surprised by his consideration but equally as grateful as it’s been quite a while since my body has experienced a real cock and not one made of plastic.

“Jesus, Kitten. So fucking tight.” He drops his head into the crook of my neck, his lips kissing the sensitive skin as he starts to move. I meet him thrust for thrust, but it’s not long before we both need more.

He sits up, revealing his incredibly sculpted chest and abs covered in ink that I’m desperate to know the story behind. I reach out to his dog tag, but he sees where I’m heading and instead pulls it over his head and reaches over to drop it to my bedside table.

“Now, where were we?”

Taking both of my hands in his, he lifts them above my head as his hips pick up speed.

Sweat clings to my skin as he moves above me, hitting an incredibly deep place inside me with every thrust.

With both of my hands in one of his, he drops his free hand and slips it between the sheets and my arse, managing to change the angle of my hips. My back arches as the pleasure takes over and he catches one of my nipples in his mouth.

Our bodies move together, my hands raking up and down his back in an attempt to get more of what I need to push me to the edge once again. One orgasm from him wasn’t enough, and I’m pretty sure two won’t be either.

Fuck, I’m becoming addicted to this arrogant motherfucker.

“Look at me, Kitten.”

I drag my eyes open and find him staring down at me, his eyes almost black, his jaw tense and the muscles in his neck and across his shoulders straining. He’s never looked so fucking hot.

“Now, come for me. Let me feel you coming around my cock.”

He lifts me a little higher, causing him to rub against my clit as well as stroking me on the inside, and I detonate like a fucking rocket.

“Jesus, Kitten, fuck,” Zach grunts as I clamp down on him, riding out my pleasure. It’s only seconds later that I feel his cock twitch deep inside me before his face pulls tight as he releases everything he has. It’s in that moment that something happens in my chest. It tightens almost painfully, and I know that I’m not going to be able to walk away from this easily and that it’s going to hurt like fuck when he turns his back on me now he’s got what he wanted.

His weight falls on top of me, pressing me into my memory foam mattress, and I love the feeling of his body on mine, knowing that I caused his current sated state.

A bang from the room next to mine has his head lifting.

“What was that?”

My heart pounds as I think about the woman sleeping just the other side of the wall. I really shouldn’t be doing this with her so close. Both of them will hate me when they find out I’ve been lying to them.

“Oh… uh… it’s just my friend. She got drunk off her arse and passed out the second she hit the bed.”

“As long as she doesn’t interrupt, I don’t give a fuck.” Something tells me that statement wouldn’t be true if he knew who my friend was, but when he starts kissing down my neck and across my collarbone I forget all about it.

“What are you doing?” I ask, embarrassment immediately hitting my cheeks at my stupid question.

He pauses right above my breast. My nipples beg for attention, and I have to fight to stop myself lifting them towards his face.

Amusement fills his eyes as they hold mine. “Ruining you.”

My lips form an O but no words come out. I kinda thought we were done, but I’m delighted that it seems we’ve only just started.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“It’s nothing. I just thought—”

“I’d got what I came for?”

I nod, feeling vulnerable for allowing him to know my thoughts.

“Well, I hope you’re not tired, Tabby Cat, because I’ve only just started.”

A small shriek rips from my lips as he flips me over, his palm landing on the fullness of my arse, shocking the hell out of me. I’ve never been spanked before, but I think I like it. Heat floods my core as realisation hits that we’re not done.

“Tabitha?” he asks, his voice sounding serious all of a sudden. I look over my shoulder to find him sitting across the back of my legs. He looks fucking incredible with his hair all mussed up, his swollen lips and his cock standing proud once again. My mouth waters. He really is a piece of art.


“Are you on birth control?”

I tense as I realise that he just took me bare and I didn’t even blink. Shit. But that’s what this arsehole does to me—he steals all my senses and totally consumes my entire body.

“I-I’m on the pill.”

“Good. I’m clean. I’ve never…” He trails off, averting his eyes. I’m desperate to reach out to pull his eyes back to me so I can read his thoughts.

“Never what?” I ask innocently.

“I’ve never gone bare before.” He looks back to me, and I understand why he turned his head. He feels it too. This connection. This pull between us that neither of us can deny. “I’ve never forgotten before. Fuck, Kitten.” He drops his gaze and shakes his head as if he can’t believe it. “I’m meant to be ruining you, not the other way around.”

My breath catches at his honesty. “Zach,” I breathe, but he makes it clear we’re done talking about this when his palm collides with my arse once again.

“Fucking love this arse. Now get on your hands and knees.”

I scramble to do as I’m told and in seconds he’s filling me. I didn’t think it would be possible, but this position means he gets even deeper.

He ploughs into me with such force, the bed bangs against the wall and my body’s forced up the mattress even with his hands gripping my hips almost painfully tight.

When we’re both on the brink of release, he pulls me up so my back is against his chest. One of his hands drops and his fingers begin to strum my clit while the other lifts and wraps around my throat.

“Mine,” he grates in my ear as his cock swells inside me and I crash into oblivion, quickly followed by him.

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