Hate You (Rebel Ink Book 1)
Hate You: Chapter 16

“You planned Summer’s hen do at a strip club? Do you even know her?” I ask Danni in utter disbelief when the limo that picked us all up earlier pulls up out the front of a club.

I look over to the bride to be who’s animatedly chatting with some friends and Danni’s Mum while sipping on her second glass of champagne. She’s yet to notice we’ve stopped, but I can only imagine that she’s going to be horrified. This sort of thing isn’t really her scene. In the whole time I’ve known her, I think she’s been in a club about three times, and those were only because it was others’ birthday’s, including mine, and she felt like she had to be there. She’s much more suited to a day of pampering and afternoon tea than this.

“What? It’s ladies’ night, she’s going to love it.” My brows rise at her enthusiasm and positivity. “We’re here,” she calls, halting all other conversations that are happening around us.

A few of the ladies scream in delight when they see our secret location. Summer and Diane both look out of the window at the same time, and I watch as the colour drains from their faces.

“Danni, are you sure—” Diane starts but is soon interrupted.

“Oh come on. It’s Summer’s last night as a single woman, kind of. We need to send her off in style. Now pull up those granny pants and lets go.” Diane looks about ready to pop a vein as her daughter’s words settle into her.

Everyone else seems excited, so reluctantly they both follow along when we start climbing out and entering the club.

The place is already heaving, the music almost unbearably loud, but it’s not until we walk into the main room that almost all our mouths drop. There are half naked men everywhere and women staring at them, eyes practically popping out of their heads like they’re cartoon characters.

“I think this was a mistake,” I mumble. I know Danni won’t hear, but I feel better for saying it.

It turns out that Danni has booked us a section right in front of one of the smaller stages. I can only hope that will make it easier for Summer and Diane.

A female member of staff, dressed in only a tiny pair of hot pants and a barely there tank, comes over and talks to Danni as if they’re long lost friends. She lifts the hot pink rope for us to enter the sectioned off space and gestures for a waiter to bring over two trays of shots. Hopefully they’ll help wipe the shock off Summer’s face and get her into the spirit of things. I think it’s too late for Diane. She just looks terrified by the whole experience.

Everyone takes a shot when they’re offered around. I keep my eyes on Summer and don’t miss the tremble of her hand as she lifts it to her mouth.

Everyone starts to take a seat to watch the guy who’s just walked out from backstage, but Summer doesn’t move.

“Well, this wasn’t what I was expecting,” she shouts at me when I get close to her.

“Me either. But it should be fun. It’ll be good to let your hair down.”

“They’d better not try to get me up on that stage, I can’t think of anything worse.” A shudder runs through me at the thought. I’m all for being here, watching the show and enjoying everything these guys have to offer, but I’m fully with Summer. I don’t want them wiggling their junk in my face.

My traitorous mind chooses that moment to conjure up an image of a guy I wouldn’t mind getting up close and personal to. A guy who I’ve still not seen since our little rendezvous in his studio last weekend, or spoken to since our very awkward conversation on the phone the other night. I also still have no idea why he left so suddenly. All the unknowns are driving me slightly crazy, but I tell myself that it’s just Zach. It’s what he does. It’s the reason why none of his family knows what he does.

“It’ll be fine. Danni knows you better than that,” I say, hoping like hell I’m right.

Summer laughs, but it’s nervous at best. I glance down at her cute floral dress that screams afternoon tea and wonder what she’s really thinking right now. The second Danni sent me a photo of her dress for tonight, I knew it wasn’t going to be a quiet one. I never would have put money on male strippers though. After rummaging through my wardrobe to find something to wear, I eventually decided on another shopping trip for something that better fit my new look. I found a little black dress in Selfridge’s that I just fell in love with. It’s short, very short, and covered in heavy lace. The long arms make me feel a little less exposed, seeing as the back is totally open. It’s perfect to show off the new artwork that curls around my side. Seeing as I had some time this morning, I’d booked myself a hair appointment to get the pink done properly and to have it put up for tonight. The pink is much more vibrant and looks incredible with the up-do my stylist spent hours creating.

I feel like a million dollars. It’s just a shame I can’t get him out of my head because a night of meaningless, hot and sweaty sex does sound appealing right about now.

Thankfully, as the evening progresses Summer has a few more drinks and she really starts to get into the swing of it, and much to my surprise Diane does too as she starts pointing out things that guys are doing up on stage.

“Well, I’ve got to admit that maybe this wasn’t a horrendous idea. She looks like she’s enjoying it,” I say to Danni when she comes over with a fresh drink for me.

“There’s something to be said for living outside your comfort zone every now and then.” I agree, but when my mind sends me back to Zach’s tattoo chair, I start to wonder if there’s actually a lot to be said for living in your comfort zone, safely and without any risks.

“Just tell me you haven’t done anything crazy like book her a lap dance.”

Danni winks and I groan. “In for a penny in for a pound, Biff.”

“She’s going to fucking hate you.”

“It’s a risk I’m willing to take. She’s about to become family, so it’s not like she can avoid me.”

Shaking my head at my best friend, I glance up as the lighting changes around us. Spotlights shine brightly on the stage and everyone around me stops and looks.

A new guy steps up. He’s vaguely familiar for some reason, but I can’t pinpoint from where. When I take in the inches upon inches of ink that covers the skin already on show, I wonder if he’s a client at the studio.

He dances around for a bit, building some excitement before he comes to a stop at the edge of the stage by where we’re congregating.

I look at Danni who’s wearing a shit-eating grin, and then to Summer who looks like she could puke at any moment.

“Right, where’s my lucky lady?”

He looks around, but seeing as Summer’s wearing a veil and bride to be sash it’s not exactly hard to find her in our crowd.

My heart races and my skin starts to prickle. I’m not even the one he’s looking for and I’m panicking.

My eyes are locked on Summer as realisation as to what’s about to happen settles into her. She shakes her head, her eyes going impossibly wide as she starts to back away.

“Come on, Sum. Say goodbye to single life in style,” Danni encourages, alongside some of her more adventurous friends.

“No, no way am I getting up on this stage.”

I’ve got no fucking clue what comes over me, but my need to get this guy and Danni off her case has me stepping forward. “I’ll do it on her behalf.”

“No, no you don’t—” Summer tries to argue, but I see the relief that fills her eyes.

“This is Summer’s night,” Danni argues.

“She’s terrified, Dan, and she quite obviously doesn’t want to do it.”

Danni looks between the two of us and huffs. “Whatever.” She waves me off and disappears in search of another drink. I’m surprised. I thought she might willingly put herself up on stage in Summer’s—or my—place but she just leaves us to it.

“Right, who’s it going to be then, ladies?”

Dragging in a huge breath that I hope might bring some confidence with it, I raise my hand to the guy and allow him to pull me up on stage. When I look at Summer, she mouths a thanks to me. She damn well owes me one for this. The rest of the ladies in our group cheer as I’m guided to a seat in the middle of the stage.

The guy—who is even more familiar now he’s close up—puts his hand on the back of the chair over my shoulders and grinds himself into me.

“At least look like you’re enjoying it, sweetheart. What’s your name?”

“B-Biff,” I stutter, not really wanting to have a full on conversation with this guy moments before he gets naked.

“Biff? I knew I recognised you.”

I tilt my head to the side as I focus on him trying to rack my brain for where I’ve met him before when it hits me. He’s the barman I almost went back for.


“The one and only. Now, are you ready for the best night of your life?” He winks before standing back and turning so I’ve no choice but to stare at his arse as he bends over in front of me.

I might have been interested in him when he was the hot, tattooed barman but now… not so much.

He tugs at his trousers and they leave his body in one fell swoop, enticing a cheer from the exuberant crowd below that vanished to nothing the second he pulled me onto this stage. The only things I can see are him and the blinding lights. There could be a million people or absolutely no one in front of me. Sadly the noise they all make tells me that this mortifying moment of mine is being witnessed by hundreds of other women, most of which are probably dying to be sitting where I am right now.

My eyes drop from Christian’s thong-clad arse and down his inked legs. I notice the clear wrap on the back of his calf and wonder how recently he had that done. I picture him at work sitting on one of the chairs with the gun pressed to his leg.

Thoughts of Zach don’t exactly make this experience any more comfortable. Just thinking about how capable his hands are, both for creating everlasting artwork and with how he teased my body into a frenzy, has my temperature rising. I tell myself it’s the spotlights.

I wonder if he can dance like that? I’m sure I’d be much more interested if it were him about to expose himself. I’m desperate to discover what he’s hiding, seeing as he’s taken his fill of most of my naked body.

I’m totally lost in my musings when Christian comes back to me. “That’s better. You look a little more into it now.” I refrain from telling him that it’s thoughts of my boss that has this current look on my face and allow him to continue with his routine, following his lead when he wants me to run my hands down his back. Danni was right, in for a penny…

By the time I’m hopping down off the stage, sweat clings to my body and I’m desperate for a drink. Thankfully someone thrusts one into my hand after demanding to know exactly how that was.

Mortifying. Embarrassing. Long.

Christian is still up on stage driving the crowd wild, but I keep my back turned, needing to forget everything about what just happened. Before he let me down he asked if I wanted to have a drink with him after his set. He’s probably never received such a quick refusal in his life. Even his offer of a more private show didn’t spark any excitement inside me.

I felt like I’d shut down on that stage. Nothing he did aroused me in anyway, I was too desperate to hide back into the crowd, or even better, under my duvet.

Thankfully, the rest of the evening passes with little drama. Summer, Diane and I stay as far away from the stage as possible and Danni forgets her mission of embarrassing the hell out of the bride to be and settles for getting her nice and drunk instead, which Summer complies with. Danni matches her drink for drink, and by the time we’re getting ready to leave she can barely stand up.

With my arm wrapped around her waist for support, we follow the other ladies out to the limo when we all decide it’s time to call it a night. The drinks I’ve had buzz through my system making the room spin a little, but I’m nowhere near as drunk as some of the others and I’m pretty confident I’ll still remember every mortifying detail about tonight when I wake up in the morning.

We’re almost at the exit when my name is called.

Looking over my shoulder, I find Christian, thankfully now fully dressed in a white t-shirt and a pair of slim fit jeans. He looks good with his hair still wet from a shower and the muscles we all got an eyeful of earlier straining the fabric covering him.

“Oh hey,” I don’t mean for my voice to sound flat, but really, I just want to go home now. My feet are aching and I really could just do with a couple of painkillers and a pint of water in the hope of keeping tomorrow morning’s hangover at bay.

“I was wondering if you’d like to go and get a drink sometime.” He lifts his arm, his hand rubbing at the back of his neck. It’s weird to see him a little unsure of himself after he was flashing his naked body for anyone who cared to look only moments ago.

Danni seems to perk up all of a sudden and pinches my side when I don’t say anything.

“I… um…”

“She’d love to,” Danni slurs.

I turn my death stare on her, but she doesn’t even bat an eyelid. “Danni,” I seethe through gritted teeth.

“What? He’s hot. You’ve already seen the goods, so why not?” Her voice is nowhere near as quiet as it should be, and when I glance over at Christian he’s got an amused smirk on his lips.

“She’s got a point,” he says. “Can I get your number?” He holds his phone out for me, and not wanting to be rude, I take it from his hands and tap it in. For a brief moment I almost consider giving him a fake one, but the nice, honest girl inside me doesn’t allow it. Christian seems like a good enough guy. I should probably at least give him a chance, even if everyone standing behind me has already seen his cock.

“I’ll call you.” His smile is wide as he takes his phone back, ensuring our fingers touch in the process. I instantly notice the absence of any tingles, like the ones I get the second another inked-up guy touches me.

Chastising myself for thinking of him once again. I smile at Christian. “I’m sorry, but I really need to get this one home.”

“No worries. It’s been a long night. I’ll talk to you tomorrow?”

“Sure.” My stomach twists, but it’s not with excitement as Danni and I turn back the way we were going and leave Christian behind.

The journey back in the limo is very different to the one here. Everyone is looking a little worse for wear, and some are actually asleep as the huge vehicle makes its way through London.

Thankfully, seeing as Danni was the one who booked it, it stops at my flat first. Danni hauls her giant bag from the floor that she left in here earlier and clambers out after me once she’s said her goodbyes to everyone. It’s tradition that she stays here after a night out. If we’re still awake, we often watch reruns of Friends or Sex and the City with junk food to soak up any remaining alcohol before crashing and ordering the most unhealthy breakfast we can come up with the next morning, so I wasn’t surprised when I found her overnight bag in the limo when they picked me up earlier.

“I need sleep,” she complains when I force her to walk up the stairs. “What’s wrong with the lift?”

“You know I hate using it.”

“Yeah, but…” she whines like a petulant little child.

“Suck it up, sweetheart. We’re nearly there.”

“Ugh.” She stops halfway up, plonks her arse down on the steps and pulls her shoes off.

Taking her bag off her in the hope it’ll speed her up, I continue the climb.

The second we’re in my flat, she immediately heads for my guest room, also known as her room, and begins stripping out of her dress.

Dropping her bag on the kitchen counter, I get us both a glass of water and take everything through to her. By the time I get there, she’s already in bed.

“You should at least take your make-up off. You know what they say about sleeping in it.”

“I don’t care.” She pulls the duvet up around her neck and snuggles down.

“Drink this. I don’t want to deal with you puking all morning.”

There’s no response other than her breathing getting heavier.

Leaving her to it, I take my own glass of water and shut her door behind me.

I’m just at my bedroom when I swear I hear a knock on my front door. Stopping for a second, I wait to see if I’m going crazy. I’m just about to move, putting it down to the alcohol when it happens again. If someone wanted me, they’d use the buzzer. Unless it’s a neighbour.

My curiosity getting the better of me, I head back to the door and pull it open. The person I find standing on the other side takes my breath away.

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