At home, while Sam went into the bathroom to change he removed his shirt and was about to take his pants off when she returned wearing a sexy black nightgown. He couldn’t help but stare, his mouth watered as his eyes travelled down her body and back up again. “Hot damn,” he said, his heart racing.

“You like?” she asked, turning around so that he could get a good look.

“Oh yeah, I like it.” His eyes went to her breasts, the smooth roundness of them had his manhood hard. He wanted to put his hands on them, wanted to taste them as he sucked on them. “Come here,” he said, motioning with his finger.

She walked slowly like a cat getting ready to pounce on its prey. Standing before him she placed her hands on his chest, running them down over his muscles. That warm feeling flooded her body, trickling down to her core which was tingling and throbbing. Just touching him had her burning with desire. Letting her hands move down lower she placed her lips on his broad and muscular chest, she ran her tongue over his nipple. Her hands started undoing his pants, pushing them down past his hips. Grabbing ahold of him she moved her hand up and down his erection. She felt his hands caressing her shoulders as he slid the straps of her gown down over them. The feel of his heart beating rapidly and his moans excited her. It had her hot and wet. She let out a gasp when he grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled back, exposing her neck to him.

His mouth kissed her neck, moving up and down, stopping to suck every now and then, knowing he was probably leaving a mark. He kicked his pants away, his lips moved over her shoulder down to her breasts. Her moans of passion could be heard through their heavy breathing and pants. He stopped, looked up at her lips before his mouth came down hard on hers, his arms going around her waist he picked her up off her feet and carried her over to the bed. Lips locked he lowered her down, getting on top he ran his hand up her leg to inside her panties. He felt how warm and wet she was when he stroked her. He dragged his mouth from hers, leaving soft kisses down her chin to her neck. The pulse in her neck throbbed against his moist lips.

Taking his hand out of her panties he pulled the straps of her gown down, pushing the material further down to expose her breasts that were heaving he took one in his mouth. Sucking and nipping at them, he loved how she arched her back. “I love your breasts, they taste delicious,” he said through raspy pants. Moving down, his teeth grazing her skin as he moved lower, taking her gown with him. He shifted his position so that he could remove it all together along with the panties. Smiling he looked into her eyes when she opened them. Putting his hands on her knees he spread them wide and went down on her. His tongue dipped and swirled deep inside her, making her scream out as her body squirmed frantically.

Sam felt her body convulse, she tried to stop from coming but when he flicked his tongue in and out faster she lost control. Fingers tugging on the sheet beneath her she let out a scream when she had the best orgasm she’s ever had. “CJ, oh CJ,” she said as her body collapsed from total satisfaction. She wrapped her arms around his neck when he moved up and kissed her. The feel of his hard cock rubbing against her opening had her moaning, the flames of desire and lust once again took hold of her. “Make love to me CJ.”

He heard her asking him to make love to her and he was more than ready. Kissing her lips first he then got up and picking up his pants looked for one of his condoms. His hands frantically searched every pocket. Realizing he didn’t have any he cursed and threw his pants down.”

“What’s wrong?” Sam asked when she heard him swearing.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out went back over and sat on the edge of the bed. “We can’t do this, I haven’t got anything to put on. Oh, why am I so stupid? How could I forget?” He was in dire need of relief for himself.

She flopped down on her back, putting her hands on her head and sighed. Her body was on fire and she wanted him. Sitting up she ran her hand up his back. “I’ve been tested and I am clean. I know you, and I am sure you have always used a condom. Since I’m on the pill I see no reason why we can’t just go ahead.”

He turned to her, pushed her back down on the bed and jumped on top of her. “Are you sure about this?”

“Yes, I’m sure, besides, we did it before without a condom. Unless you don’t want to.”

“Don’t want to, are you mad?” he asked but didn’t give her a chance to answer. His mouth came down on hers and he kissed her, pinning her hands above her head. When she opened her legs for him he embedded himself inside her. His kiss deepened, his hips rotating as he moved inside her, filling her to the core. It felt different without a condom, better and he felt a pleasure that there were no words to describe it. Her hands moved up and down his back, as she hooked her legs around his waist.

Sam felt the velvety length of his shaft sliding into her, he moved so slow, taking his time which was driving her insane. “Faster CJ, go faster,” she cried out, begging him to take her hard and to stop teasing her. She let out a yelp when he moved his position, getting on his knees he moved her legs, putting them over his shoulders. She opened her eyes for a second to find he was watching her as he started thrusting faster, his hands clutching her hips. She closed her eyes and moaned when he withdrew, only the tip of him touched her swollen pussy which was slick with moisture and he plunged in again. The sound of their flesh slapping together filled the bedroom along with their heavy breathing and panting. She was on the edge of an orgasm when he slowed down, moving her legs down on the bed he started riding her hard. Their skin was damp with sweat, they rolled around on the bed like animals in heat, kissing, groping each other. She grabbed his hair when he kissed her neck and they both climaxed, she experienced more than one orgasm before he was done, satisfying himself as well.

Kissing her once more he rolled off and onto his side, he half moaned and half laughed as he pulled her into his arms. “Sweet Mother of God, that was out of this world.” He lifted her chin up so that he could look into her big, beautiful brown eyes. “That is so much better without a condom.”

“Oh yeah,” she purred, running her fingertips over his lips. “I love you so much CJ.”

“I love you too baby.” He hugged her tight against him, he was afraid that if he let go she would disappear. “Now that you are a free woman we should talk about our future.” As soon as he spoke those words he felt her body stiffening.

“CJ,” she said, running her hand over his chest. “Don’t say anything else right now. I know where this is going and it’s way too soon. We have to take things slow. I’m just not ready for anything more serious right now. Tell me you understand and that you’re not hurt.”

As much as he wanted to make her his wife he knew she was right, she needed time. So he decided to hold off on proposing for a few months. She still needed to learn to trust him fully and he would prove to her that he would never betray her. “I’m not hurt and I do understand. I love you and am willing to wait for as long as it takes.”

Resting her head on his chest she sighed. “Why couldn’t I have met you before Jonathan? I was beginning to think all men were like him until you came along.”

“We’re not all bad, though some would say I am.”

“They’re wrong, you’re one of the good guys. You just needed a good woman to set you straight, now you are perfect.”

“That’s all down to you, baby,” he said, kissing her forehead. It was true, she had changed him. Because of her, he wanted to be a better man, one who was worthy of her love.

“If that skank comes near you again I’ll rip out her hair and claw her eyes out,” Sam said just before she went to sleep, CJ’s laughter made her smile.

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